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Q: What is the best downloadable sonic game?
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How do you play Sonic 2 HD Alpha?

its a fan game so its a downloadable

Is Sonic dimensions real?

Yes and no. Sonic Dimensions is a downloadable Sonic fan game created by supersonic68. It features levels from previous Sonic games. But it is not an official Sega released game. I doubt that Sega actually will make a game with that title, but you never know.

How do you download sonic the fighters?

Sonic the fighters is not downloadable, most people say it's illegal, and for those of you saying that there is a sonic the fighters 2 and it's downloadable, then you are wrong. There is no sonic the fighters 2.

What is the best downloadable game?

MineCraft all the way!!

What is the best downloadable computer game?

Minecraft or terraria

What downloadable animal game is the best?

world of zoo

What is the best downloadable kids game?

That depends on the kid.

What is the sonic best new game?

sonic generations

What sonic game is best?

i will say sonic CD

Where can people read free non-downloadable Sonic the Hedgehog comics on the Internet?

I guess YouTube, but it's best if you buy them.

Who is the best Sonic character after Sonic?

The best game characters are Sonic, Shadow, and Silver the hedgehogs. They are very cute!

What is the best sonic video game for ds?

if you were to get one I would choose sonic rush