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Well every civilization in civalition IV has it's pro's and con's. Some people like to choose a civilization and stick to it while other's just go for the random icon (Most people in online have games set to random so I would advice playing this way). All in all, this is very debatable however personally I enjoy being Elizabeth or the Romans (I enjoy the philosphical and financial traits w/ Eliza and I love the Roman preatorians for an early rush).

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Q: What is the best civilization to be on CIV IV?
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In Civilization IV: America Arabia Aztec Chinese Egyptian English French German Greek Incan Indian (Asian) Japanese Malinese Mongolian Persian Roman Russian Spanish Civilization IV with Warlords expansion includes all civs from original Civ IV plus: Carthaginians Celts Koreans Ottomans Vikings Zulu Civilization IV with Beyond the Sword expansion includes all civs from the original AND Warlords expansion, plus: Babylonian Byzantine Dutch Ethiopian Holy Roman Khmer Mayan Native American Portugese Sumerian

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It started as a bronze age civilization around 3.000 BC (Cycladic civ).

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You can purchase Civilization IV from online stores like Steam, GOG, or directly from the publisher's website. Physical copies may also be found in some retail stores that sell video games.

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Which Civilization game is the best?

I would say Civilization IV is the best, although I have not played V yet, so I could be wrong.

How many syllables are in civilization?

There are five syllables. Civ-i-li-za-tion.

When did Civilization IV happen?

Civilization IV happened in 2005.

Are there any games like civilization revolution?

civilization is a good game. Civ City is too but it is based later back then

Where do you put stress mark on the word civilization?

The word civilization is stressed on the fourth syllable: civ il i za tion.