Torchick in my opinion.level him up to cumbuskon . then level cobuskon to evolve him in to blaziken
you get either Pokemon sapphire or ruby and you link and restart the whole game on ruby or sapphire pick out a Pokemon and get to a Pokemon center and link to the other gba and trade for another Pokemon and repeat like twice
No, you can only pick one or the other. You can switch it, though.
swampert or blaziken are the best type to beat gyms or Pokemon league
Rainy places
Out of the starters i would pick torchic. Very good when it evolves to blaziken! The best Pokemon though is latios!
The best team you can possibly get in Pokemon Ruby would probably be:SwampertGroudonAggronFlygonGardevoirLinoon (For item pick up.)
The best starter Pokemon in Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire is Torchic. If you level it up well, it'll sail you through the first 3 gyms with ease.
Aggron and Rhydon are definitely the best Pokemon on Pokemon Ruby! Their big, strong and both are great and they're awesome!
You have to have a ds lite, if you do go down until you see migrate from ruby and then pick the six Pokemon you want.
its your starter. if u dont pick it, you cant get it
Groudon is the best Pokemon in the game that is cachable.
Depends on what Pokemon they are and what moves they have and depends on what your doing in the game like in ruby and sapphire if you enter the battle tower you can only enter 3 Pokemon choose 3 of your best Pokemon.
The best Pokemon in ruby to get without a cheat code is Rayquaza to findo out more about Pokemon go to my website called
there is no best base