Sleep teams are rather tricky to make. I would recommend some pokemon that take advantage of the opponent's inability to move, like focus punch breloom. And some that can spam hypnosis or dream eater, like absorb bulb yanmega
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There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
my team
There is no absolute best team. If you have 6 Deoxyses on your team and the opponent has one Darkrai, your team will essentially be destroyed. It all depends on diversity and which types of Pokemon you prefer.
swampert or blaziken are the best type to beat gyms or Pokemon league
budew turtwig bidoof guxyhxx,klig vjign
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
The best Pokemon team in diamond is piplup, shinx, starly, machop, budew, and cranidos
my team
Well my team was Wigglytuff charizard
By Strategy, if you mean best team of Pokemon, i recommend a solid team with a Dark,Psychic,Dragon,Water,Fire, and a Fighting Pokemon.
My team name is simple "Team Pokemon" because I plan to recruit all the Pokemon I can.
As far as I know it's sleep powder.
There is no defined "best team" in any Pokemon team. What your idea of a best team, may be different than someone else's idea. Use the Pokemon you like, and train them to high levels. You can use any Pokemon you want, as long as you teach them the right moves, you can't lose.
if You get it to sleep with Sleep seed that helps!
In my opinion, there is not a "best team". Take your most powerful Pokemon of major types, and battle with those.
There is no absolute best team. If you have 6 Deoxyses on your team and the opponent has one Darkrai, your team will essentially be destroyed. It all depends on diversity and which types of Pokemon you prefer.