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maybe the 3 legendary dogs i think but there is a chance to be pikachu if its in level 81

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Q: What is the best Pokemon in yellow?
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What is the best Pokemon that you can catch in Pokemon Yellow?


Is yellow the best in Pokemon?


What is the best Pokemon game in the world?

Yellow. Definitely Yellow. That's a hard question to answer but it is definitely out of Pokemon black and Pokemon white.

best pokemon game dont say yellow?

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Best Pokemon game for the GB?

pokkemon yellow

In Pokemon Yellow where is the best place to train Pokemon from level 70 to level 100?

At the Pokemon league.

What are the best six Pokemon to have in Pokemon Yellow?

Pikachu, Venasaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Butterfree, and one of your choosing.

Where is Pokemon stadium at Pokemon Yellow?

in Pokemon yellow there is no Pokemon stadium

Where can i find the best Pokemon ever in the red blue and yellow game?

There is no best Pokemon. All Pokemon have type advantages. My best advise is to get a flying Pokemon, an electric, a grass, water, fire, and a rock/ground Pokemon (Geodude is good)

Is Pokemon Yellow the best Pokemon game?

Yes sorry to say but can you give reasons also? (I asked this question)

Where is the best place to train a fire Pokemon in yellow version?

Seafoam Islands.