my team was
shadow ball
shock wave
dragon claw
leaf blade
sunny day
hyper beam
focus punch
shadow ball
rock smash
In the Ilex Forest a dude teaches it to one of your Pokemon. I think ou can learn it only once
ou get that item in icefall cave its the item to the right of the big ice room.
In competitive Pokemon battling, Pokemon are separated into "Tiers" or ranks, depending on how powerful they are and their usage, The two main tiers are OU (Over Used) and UU (Under Used), when a Pokemon is not powerful enough to fit into the OU Tier, yet too powerful for the UU Tier it is placed into the BL (Border Line) Tier. For more reading on the subject of tiers I suggest visiting a Pokemon fansite with a competitive battling section.
Hi!Pokequartz001 at your service!You may remember me from other various questions.Today,im also answering the question"What does the pokeball sign on a wild Pokemon in diamond mean?"It means,you've already caught it.this means the same thing in all the other Pokemon games.P.S.:Im sorry i put the ou in the word you in my previous question.(I cant remember my previous question)
You go to Mt.Pyre and you go in.You see some stairs on your left,go up there.Go to the top and keep going until you see a couple.Talk to the lady and she gives ou the red orb and the blue orb.
My team isFeraligatrAmpharosCrobatMachampMamoswineDragoniteAnother good team isTyphlosionNoctowlAmpharosLanturnGyaradosSandslashLast good team possible isMeganiumGolemCrobatHeracrossRatticateLanturnhope ih elpe dy ou!
No, that honor would belong to UT (University of Tennessee)
Butterfree for sure. With it's ability "Compound Eyes" it will have the highest accuracy of any status Pokemon out there.
OU is the home team
It is a bunch of commonly used pokemon
you don't need leafeon if you have torterra...but that's a really good team.... _______________________________________ Are you serious??? the move ice shard can pwn of your Pokemon alone. Also, try avoiding torterra and leafeon due to the fact that they are grass types. Grass types suffere the most out of anything in the OU metagame. Also, earth quake, when coupled with sword dance, can REALLY drill holes into this team. Both ice shard and earth quakes are quite common in the OU tier, so this is not a good team out there. Also, i may change my oppinion once you give more specific information about your Pokemon's natures, EV spreads, and movesets. Anyways, my rating of 1-10 with 10 meaning the best..... a 3
the worst team ever!!! go Texas
Minum if ou are a boy and plusle if you are the girl these are the only two
In the Ilex Forest a dude teaches it to one of your Pokemon. I think ou can learn it only once
No. ~Fuji of Ohu. Supporting Ou's sodiers with heart and with pride :).
in the safari z ou will find old warrens teeth in that city find his house and he will give the hm to you