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An Xbox 360 without a hard drive or any games costs about $200. An Xbox 360 kinect bundle costs around $300. Also some special limited edition Xbox consoles and consoles with more hard drive space cost around $300 with no games.

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Q: What is the average cost for an xbox 360 in America?
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How much does a average xbox 360 cost?

An Xbox 360 without a hard drive or any games costs about $200. An Xbox 360 kinect bundle costs around $300. Also some special limited edition Xbox consoles cost around $300 with no games.

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How does a Xbox 360 cost?

An Xbox 360 Costs at the moment $299.99 i believe they used too cost $100,000,000

What is the cost of xbox 360?

$200 for Xbox 360, $400 for Xbox 360 Elite

How much the xbox 360 cost in America in WalMart?

An Xbox 360 without a hard drive or any games costs about $200. An Xbox 360 kinect bundle costs around $300. Also some special limited edition Xbox consoles and consoles with more hard drive space cost around $300 with no games.

How much does the xbox 360 pro cost in America?

An Xbox 360 without a hard drive or any games costs about $200. An Xbox 360 kinect bundle costs around $300. Also some special limited edition Xbox consoles and consoles with more hard drive space cost around $300 with no games.

How much does the xbox 360 core cost in America?

An Xbox 360 without a hard drive or any games costs about $200. An Xbox 360 kinect bundle costs around $300. Also some special limited edition Xbox consoles and consoles with more hard drive space cost around $300 with no games.

How much does a XBox 360 Elite cost?
