The RuneScape monster TzTok-Jad's stats are: Combat Level: 702 Hitpoints: 250 Max Hit: 97
Level 27 minotaurs in stronghold, or level 28 hobgoblins.
Cooking is a minor skill which does not increase combat level; only Attack, Strength, Defence, Magic, and Range will increase your combat level. As a result of the Evolution of Combat update, Summoning, Prayer and Constitution no longer affect combat level.
skill levels of 70+ and a combat level of 90+
here's the best way to get a high level runescape acount. make an acount train all skills to 70 then train bandits till you have 99 in every combat skill. now you have a high level runescape acount :)
They are level 124.
Level 126 combat in free to play and level 138 combat for members.
88 and 93.
Depends on your combat level
I would have to say combat level 89 or 77
A bronze dragon's combat level is 124.
go to combat or levels menu
they are lvl 103
your combat can but the rest of your skills can't.
Combat level in general is not relevant; specifically, you need Defense level 60.