Daily Jumble3/10/13
A virtuoso can give this kind of performance.
answer: ”NOTE”-ABLE (ditto, quake, branch, jiggle)
When fumes started drifting in from the nearby factory, the homeowner... answer: BLEW HIS STACK (baked, third, slowly, excuse)
Daily Jumble 10/16/15:Everyone loved Leonard Nimoy's role as a Vulcan and thought he was...Answer: "SPOCKTACULAR" (scarf, lucky, attain, policy)
Daily Jumble 10/4/16: The first baseball gloves were... Answer: HAND-CRAFTED Clue words: faint, truly, drench, dreamy
Daily Jumble 5/10/17:The new employee at the nuclear power plant was a...Answer: BUNDLE OF ENERGYclue words: newly, gruff, beyond, blazer
Daily Jumble 1/10/11 The Arctic explorer said his headgear was a… Answer: POLAR ICE CAP (cynic, limbo, teapot, pardon)
Daily Jumble 10/6/13:This is sure to give you the blues.answer: A PINK SLIP (foist, parka, dismal, picnic)
Daily Jumble 10/4/13: The man who wasn't as wealthy as he led people to believe was... answer: DISCREDITED (admit, chaos, rookie, rudder)
Daily Jumble 10/5/13: The pony with the negative attitude was... answer: A "NEIGH-SAYER" (royal, enact, change, script)
Daily Jumble 10/13/13:Where caviar can be found.answer: IN A ROE BOAT (quilt, vapor, bedbug, fallow)
When fumes started drifting in from the nearby factory, the homeowner... answer: BLEW HIS STACK (baked, third, slowly, excuse)
Daily Jumble 10/16/15:Everyone loved Leonard Nimoy's role as a Vulcan and thought he was...Answer: "SPOCKTACULAR" (scarf, lucky, attain, policy)
Daily Jumble 12/10/14:The carpenter was done with the new door. He exited after making a...Answer: GOOD ENTRANCE (gourd, after, ornery, bounce)
Daily Jumble 10/19/17:The twins got in trouble a lot. They were often...Answer: UP "TWO" NO GOODClue words: outdo, gumbo, pillow, dental
Daily Jumble 7/25/15:Clue: When it came to buying the right glue for their model airplane, his father was being a...Answer: STICKLER (epoxy, impel, turkey, abacus)
Daily Jumble 7/10/17:The owner of the failed laundromat was...Clue words: salad, twirl, polish, squareAnswer: WASHED UP
Daily Jumble 11/10/16:When it came to money, the successful shrimp company...Answer: MADE BOATLOADSClue words: waltz, arena, daybed, cosmos
Daily Jumble 10/4/16: The first baseball gloves were... Answer: HAND-CRAFTED Clue words: faint, truly, drench, dreamy