Choosing to take the shortcut through the poison ivy was…
answer: A RASH DECISION (stash, rodeo, indict, italic)
Daily Jumble 1/7/16:The cookies shaped like tennis rackets were a hit. Everyone really liked their...Answer: SWEET SPOTS (perch, await, studio, system)
clue: With the weekend over, the Jumble creators started working on...Answer: "PUNDAY" MORNING (bunny, panda, dugout, admire)
The way they put this puzzle together will cause some… Answer: DOUBLE TAKES, blank, ankle, dusted, oddest
An important way to compensate our veterans is to… Answer: PAY RESPECT, spell, ratio, pounce, groovy
Daily Jumble 8/1/14: With all the tax and surcharges, gasoline is... answer: "FEE-YOU-L" (adage, leave, fondue, syrupy)
The Jumble artist refused to draw the cartoon because he thought the wordplay was… answer: "PUN-GENT" (upper, trunk, annual, change)
When the owls made their plans, they were
Daily Jumble 1/21/16:His knowledge about the Scandinavian god of thunder made him an...Answer: A-THOR-ITY (utter, poise, safety, higher)
Daily Jumble 12/28/12 A Jumble artist's cartoon is a… answer: LINE DRAWING (agile, union, rudder, waiver)
Daily Jumble 1/7/16:The cookies shaped like tennis rackets were a hit. Everyone really liked their...Answer: SWEET SPOTS (perch, await, studio, system)
Daily Jumble 6/18/16: The Jumble authors' new apprentice was happy to be the... Answer: "PUNDERSTUDY" (rugby, douse, openly, defect)
clue: With the weekend over, the Jumble creators started working on...Answer: "PUNDAY" MORNING (bunny, panda, dugout, admire)
The way they put this puzzle together will cause some… Answer: DOUBLE TAKES, blank, ankle, dusted, oddest
Daily Jumble 8/7/17:When the owls made their plans, they were...Answer: IN CAHOOTSClue words: youth, tulip, choppy, strand
While the men were away, the women… Answer: MANNED THE FORT, track, morph, infuse, divine
The planes arrival time was this. Answer: UP IN THE AIR, panda, helix, turnip, beware
A lawyer can end up with…Answer: A COURT DATE, arbor, aorta, teacup, cudgel