Daily Jumble 10/8/17:
When the elephant developed a skin problem, they brought in a...
Clue words: levity, siding, tomato, zipper, mayhem, scarce
What the beautician got from her customers.
Clue words: rural, peace, halved, sizzle
Daily Jumble 8/4/17:He lost after going "all in" and had to give his wife the...Clue words: swift, shift, advent, brazenAnswer: FIRST-HAND NEWS
Daily Jumble 3/20/18:The bird that accidentally flew inside the house...Answer: CAUSED A FLAPClue words: parka, fluke, scroll, update
Daily Jumble 6/7/15:Even though his character would be killed off quickly, the actor was...Answer: THRILLED TO DEATH (lavish, encore, dilute, lotion, bushel, toward)
An expensive gas guzzler quickly becomes this. answer: A CASH MACHINE (birch, skimp, haunch, cornea)
When he lost the balloon race, he became a… Answer: "SOAR" LOSER (abbot, joker, banter, tussle)
Daily Jumble 8/4/17:He lost after going "all in" and had to give his wife the...Clue words: swift, shift, advent, brazenAnswer: FIRST-HAND NEWS
Daily Jumble 4/7/14 The student forgot to go to school because he was... answer: ABSENT-MINDED (sniff, agent, divide, bottom)
Daily Jumble 3/20/18:The bird that accidentally flew inside the house...Answer: CAUSED A FLAPClue words: parka, fluke, scroll, update
Daily Jumble 12/30/16:The historic high-rise had a...Answer: STORIED PASTClue words: arose, stand, mystic, opaque
Daily Jumble 11/21/14 clue: They loved their adopted pet... answer: "FURREVER" (weave, upper, market, formal)
Daily Jumble 11/25/16:The railroad sold off their older surplus boxcars because they were...Clue words: scarf, unity, exotic, reviveAnswer: "EX-TRAIN-EOUS"
Daily Jumble 7/10/17:The owner of the failed laundromat was...Clue words: salad, twirl, polish, squareAnswer: WASHED UP
Daily Jumble 11/21/14 clue: They loved their adopted pet... answer: "FURREVER" (weave, upper, market, formal)
The conversation about current events while they fished resulted in… Answer: NEWS CASTS, sushi, began, swivel, indict
Clue: What mom did when her son cut his hand.Answer: WOUND THE WOUND (elude, wiped, uptown, outing)
Daily Jumble 6/7/15:Even though his character would be killed off quickly, the actor was...Answer: THRILLED TO DEATH (lavish, encore, dilute, lotion, bushel, toward)
To Noah Webster, creating a dictionary was… answer: MEANING-FULL (guilt, mercy, inhale, infant)