When his twin brother started mimicking him, he was...
answer: BESIDE HIMSELF (blimp, shove, infuse, iodine)
Daily Jumble 3/24/18:Hula-Hoop sales were reported in...Answer: ROUND NUMBERSClue words: sunny, rumor, emblem, should
clue: With the weekend over, the Jumble creators started working on...Answer: "PUNDAY" MORNING (bunny, panda, dugout, admire)
Daily Jumble 8/1/14: With all the tax and surcharges, gasoline is... answer: "FEE-YOU-L" (adage, leave, fondue, syrupy)
Daily Jumble 8/31/13: When her priceless Ming vase crashed to the floor, she... answer: FELL TO PIECES (guilt, wheel, copper, frosty)
An important way to compensate our veterans is to… Answer: PAY RESPECT, spell, ratio, pounce, groovy
Daily Jumble 3/24/18:Hula-Hoop sales were reported in...Answer: ROUND NUMBERSClue words: sunny, rumor, emblem, should
When he installed his new kitchen he realized that is granite was this. Answer: COUNTERFEIT, upend, decay, rookie, fitted
When the owls made their plans, they were
Daily Jumble 3/1/18:The man who passed out when told he'd need bypass surgery was...Answer: FAINT OF HEARTClue words: token, facet, futile, harrass
Clue: Climbing the mountain was going fine until the weather...Answer: WENT DOWNHILL (whirl, dunce, longer, warmth)
Daily Jumble 12/28/12 A Jumble artist's cartoon is a… answer: LINE DRAWING (agile, union, rudder, waiver)
Daily Jumble 6/18/16: The Jumble authors' new apprentice was happy to be the... Answer: "PUNDERSTUDY" (rugby, douse, openly, defect)
Toronto auditions in 2012 will be held Satuday, May 19th to Sunday, May 20th. all official information will be released March 28th at nextstar.ytv.com
clue: With the weekend over, the Jumble creators started working on...Answer: "PUNDAY" MORNING (bunny, panda, dugout, admire)
The Jumble artist refused to draw the cartoon because he thought the wordplay was… answer: "PUN-GENT" (upper, trunk, annual, change)
Daily Jumble 8/7/17:When the owls made their plans, they were...Answer: IN CAHOOTSClue words: youth, tulip, choppy, strand
The beach cafe was famous for its... answer: SEA-SONING (seize, brand, coffee, fungus)