Daily Jumble 11/24/17:
The sea-based wind farm produced this type of energy.
Clue words: enact, virus, fellow, cavort
Appointment Book was the bonus puzzle answer for December 24, 2009.
How Funny was the Wheel of Fortune Bonus Puzzle for January 24 2013How FunnyHow Funny
Formal Gown
To level up, you should complete some of the puzzles at Puzzle Palace.
The Bonus round puzzle was repeated on Saturday January 15 2011 as an encore episode of the February 24 2010 program
YOUNG COUPLE was the answer to the November 24, 2009 final puzzle.
Power Source was the Wheel of Fortune bonus puzzle on November 24 2010.Power Source
The puzzle solution was Golf Hat.
The bonus puzzle solution was The Whole Ball of Wax.
Vast Majority was the Wheel of Fortune bonus puzzle for November 26 2011. It was an encore episode from February 24 2011
The Bonus Puzzle was Far Behind an encore program from September 28 2011
Exclusive Club was the Wheel of Fortune bonus puzzle for November 12 2011. It was an encore episode from January 17 2011
Hoyt Vandenberg was born on January 24, 1899, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
Doodle God is a puzzle game initially released on November 24 2010. It was created by Joseph Gross.
Favorite Mug was the Wheel of Fortune Bonus Puzzle for Saturday September 29 2012 and is an encore episode from Thursday November 24 2011
Flatbed Truck is the answer for the 9-24-2010 bonus puzzle.
Guardhouse was the Wheel of Fortune Bonus Puzzle for May 24 2013Guardhouse