Daily Jumble 12/9/15: When the artist asked to make a stone likeness of her she said... Answer: "SCULPT-SURE" Clue words: cameo, strum, pulpit, squash
Daily Jumble 3/15/14: The documentary about the construction of the Eiffel Tower was... answer: RIVETING (giant, booth, viable, auburn)
Daily Jumble 6/3/15:The hospital's new surgery center was in...Answer: FULL OPERATION (piano, token, people, frugal)
Daily Jumble 6/7/15:Even though his character would be killed off quickly, the actor was...Answer: THRILLED TO DEATH (lavish, encore, dilute, lotion, bushel, toward)
Daily Jumble 5/22/15: After a competing lemonade seller moved in next to her, she was... Answer: STANDOFFISH (foamy, swish, fondue, divert)
Daily Jumble 12/9/15: When the artist asked to make a stone likeness of her she said... Answer: "SCULPT-SURE" Clue words: cameo, strum, pulpit, squash
The Islands of Zorraba - 2016 was released on: USA: 15 December 2016
December 15, 2016
Daily Jumble 3/15/14: The documentary about the construction of the Eiffel Tower was... answer: RIVETING (giant, booth, viable, auburn)
Daily Jumble 12/11/15: To teach subtraction, the teacher had a... Answer: "LESSEN" PLAN (spoil, slant, behave, lunacy)
Daily Jumble 6/12/15: The Jumble creators usually call it a day when they... Answer: "PUN" OUT OF STEAM (oomph, truth, misuse, finale)
Daily Jumble 8/19/16:The sponge came to life and could talk, too bad he was so...Answer: SELF-ABSORBEDClue words: bylaw, after, boldly, sesame.
Daily Jumble 12/23/15:Charging so many things on his credit card was...Answer: "DEBT-TRIMENTAL" (mercy, title, batter, unwind)
Daily Jumble 11/20/15:Chewie's biggest worry isn't stormtroopers or Sith lords, it's...Answer: HAIRBALLS (abate, slash, harder, drivel)
Daily Jumble 6/3/15:The hospital's new surgery center was in...Answer: FULL OPERATION (piano, token, people, frugal)
Daily Jumble 12/15/15:When the scarecrows had an outing, they had a...Answer: FIELD DAY (manly, swell, fatten, birdie)
Live by Night - 2015 was released on: USA: 25 December 2015 UK: 15 January 2016 Netherlands: 21 January 2016