Traingle is an anagram of the following words:
what is anagram for inch? what is anagram for keen? what is anagram for earth? what is anagram for fringe? what is anagram for satchmo? what is anagram for throne?
Bare is an anagram.
An anagram of 'baled' is blade.
'Panel' is an anagram for 'plane'.
An anagram for scramble is clambers.
In safety traingle what is the meaning of traingle? Why not it is square or any other shape ? Why traingle only?
Yes, but it would have to be a triangle, not traingle!
A traingle is a 3 sided figure that is somteimes always equal.
A triangle (not traingle) is a polygon. It can be a regular polygon but need not be.
Assuming that a traingle is meant to be a triangle, then the answer is none.
3... If its a traingle it has 3 angles where the sides meet.
Only when its an equilateral triangle then it is a regular polygon
None.A triangle (not traingle) has 3 vertices (not vetices).
Assuming that what you call a "traingle" is actually a triangle, the formula is that one of the vertices has a measure of 90 degrees.
Assuming you mean perimeter (not pirimeter) and triangle (traingle) you need to sum together the lengths of the three sides.
what is anagram for inch? what is anagram for keen? what is anagram for earth? what is anagram for fringe? what is anagram for satchmo? what is anagram for throne?