The goal of the game is to experience your life on a fast track, choosing whether you go to college or not, your first job, getting married, buying a house, etc...and essentially while doing this you will make money and result in having the most at the end of the game, thus winning.
to learn about the fact of life deal with it
the aim of the game is to score as many points as you cam
the aim of the game is to have fun and forget about your issues
The game of life was created in 1860. The checkered game of life is the original name of this game. This game was created by Milton Bradley in Springfield, Massachusetts.
to learn about the fact of life deal with it
the aim of the game is to score as many points as you cam
the aim of the game is to have fun and forget about your issues
The AIM of the game is to score more goals into your opponent's net resulting in a "win".
to win
to win
The aim for the online game Grandia that I would assume was for it to become a semi-popular game for and massive online basically like World Of Warcraft. Unfortunately the game didn't succeed. The game was ultimately shut down due to the lack of people playing the game.
"A game of checkers" is as close as I could come. a game o' checkers A game of checkers A game of checkers
The game of life was created in 1860. The checkered game of life is the original name of this game. This game was created by Milton Bradley in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Knots and crosses is a game which a player can be knots (o) or crosses (x). The aim of the game is to get 3 knots or crosses in a row.
The aim of the game for cluedo is to find out who murdered Mr Boddy, What room he was muredered in and with what weapon :]