Usually it's a noun, but it can be used as an adjective.
Neighborly is a positive adjective. Neat is a positive adjective.
Adjective ,
No, it is not an adverb. Game can be a noun or adjective, and more rarely a verb. The adverb form of the adjective game (willing) is gamely.
Adding the suffix -ful to play creates the adjective playful. Example: That dog is very playful.
popular is an adjective that describes event and historical is the adjective that describes play
The - article first - adjective play - noun
The word playful is the adjective form for the verb to play; the word play is also a noun.The noun form for the adjective playful is playfulness.
Fair can be an adjective, adverb or a noun depending on how it is used.Examples:The children bought cotton candy from the country fair.(fair = noun)If you don't play fairly, other kids won't want to play with you. (fair = adverb0The referee determined that it was a fair play. (fair = adjective)
The sentence, 'The play was very funny.' contains no pronouns. The = definite article play = noun, subject of the sentence was = verb very = adjective funny = adjective used as a noun, object of the sentence
Yes; because it modifies, or describes, the noun "gun".
The word "playful" is an adjective. It is used to describe someone or something that is full of playfulness or inclined to play.
The - article first - adjective play - noun
toy And play