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you could just go to and go to pearl codes browse down until you find the catch any Pokemon code. then below it will tell the details. it works. i used it to get feraligatr, megniam and tysplosin.

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Q: What is the action replay in Pokemon pearl to have dialga and Palkia?
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How do you get Palkia in Pokemon diamond WITHOUT an action replay?

You cant but get Pokemon platinum you can get both dialga and palkia

How do you get Dialga Palkia arceus plate?

From a pokemon event Or Action replay.

Where to find Palkia in diamond?

The only way to get palkia in Pokemon Diamond is by action replay and if your also wondering how to get dialga in Pokemon Pearl the same wasy use action replay in Pokemon Platinum you can catch dialga and palkia and they are at an astounding level 70 so good luck hope this helped

Is there a way to catch Palkia in Pokemon diamond?

you can only get palkia on pearl! but by using an action replay code you can get palkia as well as dialga

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If you have a action replay, you can use it. Or if you have Pokemon pearl,you can find Palkia,if you have diamond find Dialga

Where do you find Dialga or palika in Pokemon dimand?

It depends if you have Pokemon diamond you find dialga at spear pillar to get palkia you need to trade or use action replay

What legendary Pokemon can you get on platinum without an action replay?

Giratina, Dialga, Palkia, Cresselia, Heatran, Azelf, Uxie and Mesprit.

Cheat codes to get Dialga Palkia and Darkrai on Pokemon platinum?

You get both dialga and palkia when you get their respective orbs which can be found in Mt.Coronet. However, you need to get a member card from a Nintendo event or action replay to get darkrai

Is there an action replay code for making Pokemon evolve in Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of darkness?

No. You must defeat Dialga and then defeat palkia and darkrai

How do you get every legend on Pokemon Diamond?

to get darkia get action replay same for the god and the little grass pokemon to get palkia (pearl) or dialga (diamond) it will be at the end of mt.cornet

Is there a Dialga doll action replay code for Pokemon diamond?

no it is not possible to have a dialga doll even if you have an action replay

Where is the top of mtcoronet in Pokemon Pearl?

On the top of Mt. Coronet,you will find Palkia(Diamond you will find Dialga),BUT,There is another legendary Pokemon if you use action replay,That Pokemon is ARCUES