a1a122ef 67777775 88344444 4444444 d2000000 0000000 press L+r to activate not tested but my friend has and work but downer is you can only play for about 20 min. so once used save and delete..
no action replay code can make kyogre appear
there is'nt an action replay code
yes you can get shiny Pokemon with action replay
theres no action replay code for dilga in any Pokemon game
yes there is a code to action replay i don't know, though
what is the action replay code for darkai
ANSWER:Search online for an action replay code.
get the action replay code on code junkies.
There is no such thing as a Mewthree, so there isn't an action replay code for it.
code junkies invented action replay
Action Replay Max
Yes, there is, but you'd have to get the action replay and its code to activate it. I don't have the code yet, but I have two arceuses already.
No. There's no action replay code. But you could do it on a Pokesav.
No, there is no action replay code for that.
NO!!!! I have action replay myself and there is no code for all ribbons. You will have to get them ON YOUR OWN!!!
yeah, dre is an action replay code maker. ask the faqs about this