084399W2 and if you want dont cheat on diamond perl and platnim have slugma in party
Fast Egg Hatch 921ED410 00004281 121ED410 00004289 D2000000 00000000
exp share or action replay codes
Get the fast egg hatch for action replay
Use the action replay code fast egg hatch you can get it by searching on google or by going to super cheats.com the best cheat site ever this is verified by your local cheat genius
Fast Egg Hatch 921ED410 00004281 121ED410 00004289 D2000000 00000000
keep it in your party next to a slugma or a Pokemon with the same ability and ride you bike around as fast as you can this will halve the normal hatching time.hope i helped.=D
Manaphy is the only one that can breed without an action replay. BUT if you have an action replay, you can just enter the instant egg in daycare code, and the fast egg hatch code. Which lets ALL Pokemon breed. Hope it helped.
It depends on which pokemon. Now sometimes it is at least a day. If u have action replay there is a code for fast egg hatch.hope it helped....:)
Rare candies. Use the action replay code, but if u don't have AR, just train and train.
impossible unless you have an ACTION REPLAY
its not a code its a reaction that only happens if you talk to someone that's makes you go in a door. you have to answer very fast this watch yourself walk throught the wall
there is no fast way without the use of a action replay
exp share or action replay codes
Try Action Replay Code Fast Egg: 921ED410 00004281 121ED410 00004289 D2000000 00000000
Have someone else do it - JOKE If you have the action replay disc, (comes with it/ about the size of a gamecube disc), you can move the codes from a website to the Action Replay Manager- (the disc) and then if you have the usb cable (also comes with AR) you can download them to your AR. But typing them in isn't so bad I type almost all of mine in and my brothers plus I write them all down, even the super long ones...