The answer to this question is a sunkren you find a sunkren by using the pokeradar
north of route 204 proberly about level 5-7
Gloom evolves into Bellossom Sunkern evolves into Sunflora
Sunkern evolves into Sunflora and Gloom evolves into Bellossum.
A Sun Stone evolves these Pokemon:Gloom into Bellossom;Sunkern into Sunflora;Cottonee into Whimsicott;Petilil into Lilligant;Helioptile into Heliolisk.
There are only 2 things a sunstone does. it evolves gloom to bellosom and sunkern to sunflora.
As far as I know, it only evolves two. These two Pokemon would be from Gloom to Bellossom and Sunkern to Sunflora.
Gloom evolves into Bellossom Sunkern evolves into Sunflora
Sunkern, the Seed Pokemon evolves into Sunflora, the Sun Pokemon. Both Pokemon are plant type pokemon.
Sunkun Issac Lim
Sunkern evolves into Sunflora with the use of a Sun Stone.
Sunkern evolves into Sunflora with sun stone. So you should seek for Sunkern.
It evolves gloom into bellosom. Then it also evolves Sunkern into Sunflora.
Sunkern evolves into Sunflora and Gloom evolves into Bellossum.
sun- flora does not evolve into anything. sunkern evolves into sunflora if you use the sunstone.!
Gloom → Bellossom and Sunkern → Sunflora
gloom to bellossom. and sunkern to sunflora.