anonymous incognito
I've is a word that means I have. I'll is a word that means I will.
Pester is a six letter word that means to annoy
im not sure about a 7 letter word, but i do know i 8 letter word that starts with s and means the right to vote, the word is... sufferage.
Identity of addition means the answer and then add
The word is dyke. Invented originally as a derogatory slang, it has been adopted by some lesbians to identity themselves as homosexual.
anonymous incognito
A remarkable person, eccentric or amusing, can be known as a 'card'
I've is a word that means I have. I'll is a word that means I will.
Ace is a playing card. It begins with the letter a.
A ten letter word that means equal to is equivalent.
Brave is a five-letter word that means gallant.
The four letter word that means, "I forbid," is veto.veto