You Need an Action Replay cheat code device and find the code some where on the internet some will give u 999 Master-balls that's what i did and it worked perfectly. <3
more like 493 master balls. its a cheat on the AR look up the code for it. its called Pokemon modifier.
more like 493 master balls. its a cheat on the AR look up the code for it. its called Pokemon modifier. you can keep refilling it though.
there isn't one. there's only one for diamond and pearl. there is a calculator app one for only platinum though.
It can be got through the action replay code of Pokemon Modifier. But if you want Master balls to catch pokemon, add this code: 94000130 fcff0000 b21c4d28 00000000 b0000004 00000000 00000f4c 03e70001 d2000000 00000000 Press L + R to activate.This will give you 999 master balls.
with action replay you can get 999 master balls
more like 493 master balls. its a cheat on the AR look up the code for it. its called Pokemon modifier.
more like 493 master balls. its a cheat on the AR look up the code for it. its called Pokemon modifier.
more like 493 master balls. its a cheat on the AR look up the code for it. its called Pokemon modifier. you can keep refilling it though.
there isn't one. there's only one for diamond and pearl. there is a calculator app one for only platinum though.
more like 493 master balls. its a cheat on the AR look it up.
it is an action replay code that gives u 493 master balls and the 493 is equal to the Pokemon number so say u wanted bulbasor u would throw awa 492 master balls and then walk into the grass holding L and it should be bulbasor
Use the Wild Pokemon Modifier code to change what pokemon you find in the wild. The way it works is you will receive 493 Master Ball's and 100 Ultra Balls. Master Balls will determine the pokemon by national dex number, Ultra Balls will determine the level up to 100. Arceus is number 493 therefore you do not need to discard any Master Ball's. With the code on just hold the L and R buttons before a wild pokemon battle and Arceus will appear.
when you have the code on go in tall grass press L and R then in the item slot of your bag there will be 493 master balls toss as many as you want ex: if you want shaymin toss one master ball there will be 492 left that's his pokedex number walk in grass while holding L and it will be shaymin.
It can be got through the action replay code of Pokemon Modifier. But if you want Master balls to catch pokemon, add this code: 94000130 fcff0000 b21c4d28 00000000 b0000004 00000000 00000f4c 03e70001 d2000000 00000000 Press L + R to activate.This will give you 999 master balls.
l and r until you get 493 master balls catch it anywhere depending on what lvl. you want it (example lvls 15-20 in soloceon, lvls 2-5 in twinleaf.) i used the master ball since you get 493 of them.
more like 493 master balls. its a cheat on the AR look up the code for it. its called Pokemon modifier.