Steel is super effective against rock type pokemon.
No. Ghost and Dark is super effective to Psychic Pokemon. Fire is super effective to Grass, Steel, Bug, and Ice.
ground type Pokemon are super effective against poison type Pokemon.
Shinx, I do believe.
super spirit bomb
In terms of Legendaries, most of the ends of the caves in Pokemon X and Y (Like the Sea Spirit's Den in the Azure Bay near Korrina's town
There is no such thing as a "super" pokemon.
Spiritomb has no super effective weaknesses.
Pokemon is a trademarked name so you cannot make Pokemon in Super Scribblenauts.
The Super Rod is not obtainable in Pokemon Indigo/UnovaRPG.
Super effective occurs when you are fighting a Pokemon that is a different element than you that gives you a bonus hit. This element has to be the other pokemons weakness. An example would be water Pokemon vs fire Pokemon, the water Pokemon would have a super effect on the fire Pokemon however, the fire Pokemon won't be as super effective.
using super effective Pokemon against his' Pokemon you'll need a super effective Pokemon against his starter but you don't need to win with super effective Pokemon just stock up on potions that's what I do.
There's no super cards.
no it is not
Ghost and Dark attacks are super effective against Ghost type pokemon.
you have to get a special item called everyones spirit