Rock, electric and ice are super effective against flying type pokemon.
Rock, electric and ice type moves are super-effective against flying type pokemon.
Super effective on Electric---Ground Super effective on Flying---Ice, Rock, Electric If you mean super effective on an electric/flying type: rock and ice.
Psychic and flying types are super effective against fighting types.
Flying and psychic are super effective against fighting.
Rock, electric and ice are super effective against flying type pokemon.
Flying and Psychic are super effective against fighting
Rock, electric and ice type moves are super-effective against flying type pokemon.
Lightning is super effective against Water and Flying types in Pokémon battles.
Super effective on Electric---Ground Super effective on Flying---Ice, Rock, Electric If you mean super effective on an electric/flying type: rock and ice.
Flying and Psychic.
Psychic and flying types are super effective against fighting types.
Flying and psychic are super effective against fighting.
the flying type is super effective against fighting. also psychic type moves are super effectiveFighting-types are weak against Psychic, Fairy, and Flying-type attacks.
Flying type.
Phycic pkm are super effective against fighting pkm. and flying larson
Ice, Rock, and Electric are super affective against flying type