Ground is super effective against electric type Pokemon. In Pokemon Red, it's wise to pickup a diglett from the diglett cave just east of vermillion. Or a sandshrew, and learn it the dig TM.
Ground-types are super effective against electric-type Pokémon.
Super effective on Electric---Ground Super effective on Flying---Ice, Rock, Electric If you mean super effective on an electric/flying type: rock and ice.
Rock, electric, ice, and psychic types are super effective against Crobat.
Rock, electric and ice are super effective against flying type pokemon.
Ground type is super effective against electric, fire and rock type Pokémon.
Ground-types are super effective against electric-type Pokémon.
Super effective on Electric---Ground Super effective on Flying---Ice, Rock, Electric If you mean super effective on an electric/flying type: rock and ice.
Rock, electric, ice, and psychic types are super effective against Crobat.
Rock, electric and ice are super effective against flying type pokemon.
Ground type is super effective against electric, fire and rock type Pokémon.
Earth and water Pokemon are good against electric Pokemon.
Water, Electric, Ice, Rock and Steel moves are super effective against Aerodactyl.
Ground type
Grass Electric
electric types and grass types.
Rock, electric and ice type moves are super-effective against flying type pokemon.