

What is sonometer?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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A sonometer is an audiometer. A measuring instrument used to measure the sensitivity of hearing.

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What are some nine letter words with 1st letter S and 5th letter M?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 157 words with the pattern S---M----. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter S and 5th letter M. In alphabetical order, they are: sagamores sailmaker salimeter salimetry salometer scarmoges schematic schemings schimmels sciamachy sciomachy sciomancy sclimming scrambing scrambled scrambler scrambles scramjets scramming scrimmage scrimpers scrimpier scrimpily scrimping scrimshaw scrimures scrumdown scrummage scrummier scrummies scrumming scrumpies scrumping scrumpled scrumples scummiest scummings seatmates sediments seismical seismisms selamliks semimatte semimetal semimicro semimoist sepiments sesamoids shammasim shammosim shammying shimmered shimmying shipmates shipments shlemiehl shlemiels shlimazel shlumping shoemaker shotmaker showmanly shrimpers shrimpier shrimping sitzmarks skiamachy skimmings sklimming skrimmage skrimping skrumping skummered slammakin slammings slimmings slommocks sloomiest slummiest slummings slummocks smarmiest snowmaker snowmelts snowmolds sodamides sodomised sodomises sodomists sodomites sodomitic sodomized sodomizes sokemanry solemness solemnest solemnify solemnise solemnity solemnize sonometer sortments soulmates spammiest spammings spasmatic spasmodic spermaria spermatia spermatic spermatid spermines squamates squamella squamosal squamulas squamules stammered stammerer staumrels staymaker steamboat steamered steamiest steamings steamroll steamship stemmatic stemmiest stemmings stigmatic stormbird stormiest stormings stormless stormlike stramacon stramazon strammels stramping stromatic strumatic strumitis strummels strummers strumming strumpets subimagos sudaminal swarmings swimmable swimmeret swimmiest swimmings sycamines sycamores sycomores

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What is the material of sonometer wire?

The sonometer wire is usually made up any material which is non-magnetic in nature.

Can sonometer be used to find frequency of DC?

Here's a tip: You don't even need a sonometer. The frequncy of DC is zero.

01 What is the principle involved in Sonometer experiment?


What is principle involved in sonometer experiment?


Which types of waves are produced in sonometer experiment?

stationary transverse waves

Why are bridges on the sonometer board?

pichi puka answer nuvu ra petalsindhi

What is a sonometer used for?

A sonometer is an apparatus for investigating the vibration of a string or wire under tension. The equipment allows the length of the string and its tension to be varied. See Wikipedia entry 'sonometer' for more details

Why are bridges used on the sonometer board?

pichi puka answer nuvu ra petalsindhi

Why loop produces in sonometer experiment?

Loop produce in ac frequency exp

Why a horse shoe magnet is used in sonometer?

to produce uniform magnetic field

Why should tuning fork be struck gently and put over sonometer box gently?

Tuning forks should be struck gently and put over sonometer boxes gently due to the fragile nature of the tuning fork and the sonometer box. The tuning fork is a metal rod with two prongs that vibrate at a specific frequency when struck. This vibration can be damaged or distorted if the tuning fork is struck too hard. Similarly, the sonometer box is a box filled with metal strings or wires, and if the tuning fork is placed too hard or too quickly, the metal strings can be damaged or distorted. Gently striking and placing the tuning fork over the sonometer box is also important for accurate results. If the tuning fork is struck too hard, the frequency of the resulting vibration will be higher than desired, and if the tuning fork is placed too hard or too quickly onto the sonometer box, the vibrations will be distorted and the resulting frequency will not be accurate. In conclusion, tuning forks should be struck and placed over sonometer boxes gently in order to protect the fragile nature of both the tuning fork and the sonometer box, as well as to ensure accurate results.

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