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Q: What is six letter word that means having nothing left out?
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What does the expression scraping the bottom of the barrel mean?

I think it means that you have nothing left and you're digging in your pockets for money that you don't have. Basically it means being down to your last resort, or having to take what's left when everyone else has taken theirs.

What does a piercing on top of the left ear mean?

It means they have a piercing in the top of the left ear nothing more nothing less.

Seven letter word for having left a will?

Bequest, testate

What does the number of seeds left on a dandilion mean?

Means nothing it is superstition.

What does it mean when a female has a piercing under left side of lip?

It means nothing.

What does it mean if a guy has an anklet on his left leg?

It means he likes to wear an anklet on his left leg. Nothing more.

How is doing nothing and being bored two very different things?

Being bored is having nothing to do or not knowing what to do with your time. Doing nothing is actually doing something. It is when you are not doing what you are suppose to be doing or after you have completed a task and there is nothing left to do. In the case of kids, when they say they are doing nothing that means somebody needs a whooping and you need to find out why immediately. lol

What is the meaning of next to nothing?

It means very little, as if it is almost nothing, but still exist. ( a very small amount or insignificant portion) If I have next to nothing of Vodka left, it means I have very very little, but it is still not nothing.

What is the meaning to having a birth mark on the left knee?

When you have a birth mark on your left knee, then it means you were born with a birth mark on your left knee.

What is a 7 letter word that means left out and starts with an o?


Why do boys get a peicing on the left ear?

Because they are to chicken to get both of them done. Bottom line the whole left right ear thing means nothing, many men are sporting both ears pierced and it means nothing other than a style statement. Left ear piercing was meant to indicate they were not gay or are gay or they are just trying to be hard core, but it means nothing other than being a pierced ear.

What does it mean if he kisses your left cheek on a date to the movies?

Nothing at all. It just means he likes you.