Silt is a sedimentry rock that is carried by water such as creeks and rivers. It is used for growing crops as it is rich, and really fertile soil.
sacks safes sagas sages sails sakes sales salts sands sanes saris sates saves saxes scabs scads scags scams scans scars scats scows scuds scums seals seams sears seats sects seeds seeks seems seeps seers sells semis sends seres serfs sexes shads shahs shams shays sheds shews shies shims shins ships shivs shoes shoos shops shots shows shuns shuts sicks sides sifts sighs signs silks sills silos silts sines sings sinks sinus sires sites sixes sizes skews skids skies skims skins skips skits skuas slabs slams slaps slats slays sleds slews slims slips slits slobs sloes slogs slops slots slows slues slugs slums slurs smuts snags snaps snips snits snobs snots snows snubs snugs soaks soaps soars socks sodas sofas soils soles solos songs sores sorts souls soups sours spans spars spats spays specs spews spies spins spits spots spuds spurs stabs stags stars stats stays stems steps stets stews sties stirs stops stows stubs studs stuns sucks suers suits sulks sumps surfs swabs swans swaps swats sways swigs swims Swiss
METEOROLOGISTS ego, egoist, egoists, elite, elites, else, emote, emotes, gloomier, gloomiest, got, get, gets, glee, greet, greets, gist, goes, go, gilt, I, igloo, igloos, isle, isles, islet, islets, lie, lies, lime, limes, log, logs, list, lists, lot, lots, let, lets, loss, lost, lest, Leo, lore, loom, looms, loot, loose, lose, loses, less, leg, legs, liege, meter, meters, miter, miters, meteor, meteors, met, mete, metes, meet, meets, mere, mess, more, mole, moles, mote, motes, moot, moor, moo, moose, moss, more, mores, motor, motors, mile, miles, mil, mils, mite, mites, miss, mitt, mitts, mist, mists, mister, moist, moister, most, melt, melts, motel, motels, or, ore, ores, ogle, ogles, oil, oils, omit, omits, omelet, omelets, Oreo, Rome, roost, roosts, root, roots, rote, reel, reels, role, roles, rot, rots, room, rooms, roil, roils, rest, rests, rose, roses, rise, rises, rosette, rosettes, remote, remotes, remotest, regime, regimes, rile, riles, rite, rites, rime, rimes, riot, riots, sis, so, solo, solos, serge, sort, sorts, smote, smite, smile, smiles, smog, sore, sores, sole, soles, some, sot, sots, silt, silts, slit, slits, stilt, stilts, slog, slogs, slot, slots, siege, sieges, stem, stems, storm, storms, store, stores, stool, stools, steel, steels, steer, steers, street, streets, stooge, stooges, teem, teems, term, terms, toss, Tom, tome, tomes, tot, tots, tote, totes, toot, toots, tooter, tooters, tree, trees, trot, trots, tress, tore, tire, tires, tiresome, tog, togs, to, too, terse, tersest, torso, torsos, tole, tool, tools, test, tests, retest, retests, tester, testers, time, timer, timers, times, tile, tiles, tiler, tilers, tilt, tilts, tiger, tigers
These: dossil fossil lissom siglos sloids solids spoils bliss boils coils diols filos floss foils gloss idols isles kilos lassi lasso lidos lilos limos linos lions lisps lists loess loids loins loris loses lossy louis lysis milos misos moils noils oasis olios ossia pisos polis roils sails sials silds silks sills silos silts sisal slims slips slits slobs sloes slogs sloid slops slosh slots slows soils soldi solei soles solid solos solus souls spoil sylis toils viols ails also bios boil boss coil cols coss diol diss dols doss filo fils foil foss hiss hols idol ilks ills ions isle isms joss kilo kiss kois koss lass leis less libs lido lids lies lilo limo lino lins lion lips lisp list lits lobs loci logs loid loin loos lops lose loss lost loti lots lows milo mils miso miss moil mols moss nils noil obis oils oily olds oles olio oses ossa owls piso pois pols psis roil sail sals seis sels sial sibs sics sild silk sill silo silt sims sins sips sirs sits skis slid slim slip slit slob sloe slog slop slot slow sobs sods soil sola sold sole soli solo sols soms sons sops sori sots soul sous sows soys sris syli tils toil toss viol wiss ail ais als ass bio bis bos cis col cos dis dol dos els ess fil gos his hos ids ifs ilk ill ins ion ism its kis koi kos las lei les lib lid lie lin lip lis lit lob log loo lop lot low lox mil mis mol mos nil nos obi ods oes ohs oil old ole oms ons ops ors ose owl pis poi pol psi qis sal sei sel sib sic sim sin sip sir sis sit six ski sly sob sod sol som son sop sos sot sou sow sox soy sri til tis vis wis wos xis ai al as bi bo do el es go hi id if in is it jo ki la li lo mi mo no od oe of oh oi om on op or os ow ox oy pi qi sh si so ti to us wo xi yo
2-letter wordsbe, bi, el, er, es, et, is, it, li, re, si, ti3-letter wordsbee, bel, bet, bis, bit, brr, eel, els, ere, err, ers, ess, ire, its, lee, lei, let, lib, lie, lis, lit, reb, ree, rei, res, ret, rib, see, sei, sel, ser, set, sib, sir, sis, sit, sri, tee, tel, tie, til, tis4-letter wordsbeer, bees, beet, bels, belt, best, bets, bier, bile, birl, birr, bise, bite, bits, blet, bree, brie, bris, brit, eels, else, errs, erst, eses, ibis, ires, iris, isle, leer, lees, leet, leis, less, lest, lets, libs, lier, lies, lire, list, lits, rebs, reel, rees, reis, rest, rete, rets, ribs, riel, rile, rise, rite, seel, seer, sees, seis, sels, sere, sers, sets, sibs, silt, sire, sirs, site, sits, slit, sris, stir, teel, tees, tele, tels, tier, ties, tile, tils, tire, tirl, tree5-letter wordsbeers, beets, belie, belts, beret, beset, bests, betel, biers, biles, birle, birls, birrs, birse, bises, biter, bites, bless, blest, blets, bliss, blite, brees, brier, bries, brits, elite, erses, ester, isles, islet, issei, istle, leers, leets, liber, libri, liers, lists, liter, litre, rebel, reels, reest, relet, relit, reset, rests, retie, ribes, riels, riles, riser, rises, rites, seels, seers, seise, serer, seres, silts, siree, sires, sites, sleet, slier, slits, steel, steer, stele, stere, sties, stile, stirs, teels, teles, terse, tiers, tiler, tiles, tires, tirls, trees, tress, tribe, trier, tries6-letter wordsbelier, belies, berets, besets, bestir, betels, betise, birler, birles, birses, bister, bistre, biters, blites, briers, elites, esters, ibises, irises, iritis, islets, istles, lesser, libers, lister, liters, litres, rebels, reests, relets, relier, relies, relist, rerise, resets, resile, resist, resite, rester, reties, retire, ribier, riblet, risers, seiser, serest, series, sirees, sirree, sister, sleets, sliest, steels, steers, steles, steres, stiles, terser, tilers, treble, tribes, triers7-letter wordsbeliers, berries, bestirs, betises, birlers, bisters, bistres, blesser, blister, bristle, ileitis, ireless, leister, listers, reliers, relists, rerises, resiles, resites, resters, retires, retries, ribiers, ribless, riblets, risible, serries, siltier, sirrees, sterile, telesis, terries, tieless, trebles, tressel8-letter wordsblisters, bristles, iritises, leisters, resister, risibles, terrible, tireless, tressier, trilbies9-letter wordsbristlier, liberties10-letter wordsresistible12-letter wordsirresistible333 words found.
abate, abets, abuts, aceta, acute, adits, adyta, agate, agita, airth, airts, alate, amity, aorta, arete, aunts, aunty, axite, azote, azoth, bahts, baith, baits, banty, baste, basts, batts, battu, batty, bawty, beats, beets, belts, bento, bents, berth, bests, betta, bhuts, bints, biota, birth, bitts, bitty, blate, blats, blets, blite, blitz, blots, boats, boite, bolts, booth, boots, booty, borts, borty, bortz, botts, bouts, brats, brith, brits, britt, broth, brute, bruts, bunts, busts, busty, butte, butts, butty, cacti, canto, cants, canty, carte, carts, caste, casts, catty, celts, cento, cents, centu, cesta, cesti, chats, cheth, chits, chott, chute, cists, cloth, clots, coati, coats, colts, comte, conte, conto, coots, costa, costs, cotta, couth, crate, crits, crwth, culti, cults, cutty, cysts, darts, datto, dauts, dawts, death, debts, deets, deity, delta, delts, dents, depth, dhoti, dhuti, dicta, dicty, diets, dints, dirts, dirty, ditto, ditty, doats, doeth, doits, dolts, dorty, dotty, drats, ducts, duets, duits, dunts, dusts, dusty, earth, easts, edits, elate, elite, elute, emits, emote, empty, enate, evite, exits, facts, faith, fasts, fatty, feats, felts, fests, fiats, fifth, fifty, filth, firth, fists, flats, flite, flits, flota, flute, fluty, flyte, fonts, foots, footy, forte, forth, forts, forty, frats, frets, frith, frits, fritt, fritz, froth, fusty, fytte, gaits, garth, gasts, gelts, gents, geste, gests, ghats, gifts, gilts, girth, girts, gists, glitz, glute, gluts, gnats, goats, gouts, gouty, grate, grith, grits, grots, gusto, gusts, gusty, gutta, gutty, haets, hafts, halts, hants, harts, haste, hasty, haute, heath, heats, hefts, hefty, hents, hertz, hests, hilts, hints, hists, holts, hoots, hooty, hosta, hosts, hunts, hurts, irate, janty, jests, jetty, jilts, jolts, jolty, jotty, junta, junto, justs, jutty, karts, keets, kelts, kente, khats, kheth, khets, kilts, kilty, kists, kitty, klutz, knits, knots, kurta, kyats, laith, laity, lasts, leets, lefts, lefty, lento, lepta, lifts, lilts, lints, linty, lists, loath, lofts, lofty, loots, lotto, louts, lunts, lusts, lusty, lytta, malts, malty, manta, marts, masts, matte, matts, mauts, meats, meaty, meets, melts, melty, menta, milts, milty, mints, minty, mirth, mists, misty, mitts, moats, molto, molts, monte, month, moots, morts, moste, mosts, motte, motto, motts, mouth, mufti, musth, musts, musty, mutts, nasty, natty, neath, neats, nerts, nertz, nests, netts, netty, newts, nifty, ninth, nitty, north, nowts, nutty, oasts, obits, omits, orate, ousts, ovate, pacts, panto, pants, panty, parts, party, pasta, paste, pasts, pasty, patty, peats, peaty, pelts, pesto, pests, petti, petto, petty, photo, phots, phuts, pieta, piety, pinta, pinto, pints, piste, pitta, plate, plats, platy, plots, plotz, poets, ports, posts, potto, potty, pouts, pouty, prate, prats, pruta, punto, punts, punty, purty, putti, putto, putts, putty, quate, quite, quits, quota, quote, quoth, rafts, raita, rants, ratty, reata, recta, recti, recto, rente, rents, rests, rhyta, riata, rifts, riots, roots, rooty, rotte, route, routh, routs, rowth, runts, runty, rusts, rusty, rutty, ryots, saith, salts, salty, saute, scats, scatt, scots, scuta, scute, scuts, seats, sects, senti, septa, septs, setts, sexto, sexts, shote, shots, shott, shute, shuts, sifts, silts, silty, sixte, sixth, sixty, skate, skats, skite, skits, slate, slats, slaty, slits, sloth, slots, sluts, smite, smith, smote, smuts, snath, snits, snots, softa, softs, softy, sooth, soots, sooty, sorta, sorts, south, spate, spats, spite, spits, spitz, spots, sputa, state, stats, stets, stots, stott, suets, suety, suite, suits, sutta, swath, swats, swith, swots, synth, tacts, tanto, tarts, tarty, taste, tasty, tatty, tauts, teats, tecta, teeth, tenth, tents, tenty, testa, tests, testy, texts, theta, tilth, tilts, tints, titty, tofts, toits, tooth, toots, torta, torte, torts, touts, trets, trite, troth, trots, truth, tufts, tufty, tutti, tutty, twits, unite, units, unity, urate, vasts, vasty, vents, verts, vertu, vesta, vests, virtu, vista, vitta, volta, volte, volti, volts, wafts, waits, waltz, wants, warts, warty, waste, wasts, watts, weets, wefts, welts, wests, whats, whets, white, whits, whity, width, wilts, wists, witty, wonts, worth, worts, wrath, write, writs, wrote, wroth, xysti, xysts, yenta, yente, yetts, yirth, youth, yurta, yurts, zests, zesty, zlote, zloty631 words
All kinds of frozen soil,gravel,sticky micaceous clay,frozen silts.
Iban tribe lives in a long house as a family. The house is on silts just in case of a tsunami
Most loose, not compacted, sands and silts have an angle of repose, measured from the horizontal, of 35 degrees.
this year it was white with a little green star i think. last year it was black and white.
The vast majority of the 500+ known species of shark have 5 gill slits, there are 4 species that have 6 gill slits and 2 species that have 7
Silts are naturally brought by rivers and streams when they overflow their banks. This process is a natural way for soil to be replenished and fertilized which benefits farmers' fields.
An Oxbow Lake is formed when a river meanders so far from its path that some of the water is trapped out there, and when the river sinks again or erosion silts up the path, a small, isolated lake is formed.
A delta in this context is an especially fertile region caused by the collection of silts at a river mouth, where the river spreads so it is shallower but wider. Its name comes from the typical shape; a triangle, which represents the Greek letter delta.
Shale is a rock made of the smallest sediments, typically clay and silt particles. These particles are compacted and cemented together over time to form the rock.
continental margin
Soils that are prone to mudslides are typically fine-grained soils such as silts, clays, and loams. These soils have poor drainage and are easily saturated with water, making them unstable and more likely to slide down steep slopes during heavy rainfall or seismic activity.
Floods are a perfectly natural happening. They occur on flat land (how do you think it got flat?) near rivers which have large catchments. Such land is commonly very fertile because of the silts brought down from afar. Gisborne, and the Manawatu are obvious candidates, but Momona Airport, Dunedin has had water up to the wings of planes.