rockhoppers puffle is called yarr he found yarr himself and he discovered the red puffles and he biult the migrator (his ship)
Captain Rockhopper's ship is called the Migrator.
Rockhopper's ship is called the Migrator.
The puffle's name is Yarr
Rockhopper's ship is the Migrator.
rockhoppers password is rockhopper
Yarr is in the mines cave along with loads of other puffles prety soon theres gonna be a new game called save the puffle you can save him and loads of other puffles then
The red puffle that Rockhopper has is his that he adpoted himself. You can buy red puffles just like it at the Pet Shop.
The rockhoppers puffles name is yarr.u can find him. u know when rockhoppers ship comes if u see it coming toward the beach when it comes rockhopper and his puffle yarr come out of the boat and walk down u can also see it when ur at the light house looking at the water its true ive seen and met rockhopper and yarr so try it I HOPE THIS HELPED :)
its name is the migrator
The Migrator.
Captain Rockhopper's ship is called the Migrator.
nobody knows its a mystery!
The name of his ship is Migrator
the migrator
Rockhopper's ship is called the Migrator.