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A rapid fire mod is a mod that makes semi-automatic guns automatic

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Q: What is rapid fire mod?
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Related questions

Which is better jitter mod or rapid fire mod?

Rapid fire

Does a rapid fire mod controller also give you infinite ammo?

No. The rapid fire mod simply increases your bullets per second ratio.

Will a rapid fire mod work with super glue?

Yes it will.

What type of mod controllers on mw2?

rapid fire you can buy of eBay

Is there a mod for PS3?

Yes, there are several 1 is a Rapid Fire controller Mod but its cost some money about a 100$

Do rapid fire controllers work on Cod5?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can make rapid fire mods yourself..... check youtube //edit This guys wrong for cod5 your rapid fire controller will be blocked by a mod block. you need the controller to be limited to firing 8 shots per second as if it goes over 8.3 you get mod blocked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If you use an Xbox 360 rapid fire controller mod can your profile get banned?


What is IntensaFIRE?

it is a rapid fire mod for a xbox 360 controller its a 5 mode and works

Can you mod a new cg Xbox 360 controller to rapid fire?

Yes you can, but you need to get a programmed chip.

How can i mod my playstation 3 controller?

You can modify your playstation 3 controller to press a specified button at high rates of speed. In a first person shooter, this causes rapid fire. Directions for this can be found here,

How do you mod a 360 controller to rapid fire?

Hera are different opinions:It automatically does itIt takes wiring, check out you tube.

Do halo 3 mod controllers actually have rapid fire?

Well that all depends on what modded controller you have. But yes you can but mods that make buttons on your controller "turbo."