A rapid fire mod is a mod that makes semi-automatic guns automatic
The jitter modded controller is the rapid fire mod. It allows the RT trigger button to be repeated even when still pressed down. Let me give a example; When shooting a pistol on a game, you will need to press and release your RT trigger and press again to shoot several times. With the rapid fire mod, this will simulate the action without the user doing so, the user only needs to press down the RT trigger.
No, it will not work since they will have updated the software it depends i had a hori turbo ex2 controller and for fal or m14 all u had to do was turn it to the lowest setting and it made it rapid fire!
in multiplayer some guns will have rapid fire attachments than can be unlocked. it greatly increases the fire rate
yes on psn and xbox 360 they can ban you for at least 5 months
Rapid fire
No. The rapid fire mod simply increases your bullets per second ratio.
Yes it will.
rapid fire you can buy of eBay
Yes, there are several 1 is a Rapid Fire controller Mod but its cost some money about a 100$
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can make rapid fire mods yourself..... check youtube //edit This guys wrong for cod5 your rapid fire controller will be blocked by a mod block. you need the controller to be limited to firing 8 shots per second as if it goes over 8.3 you get mod blocked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
it is a rapid fire mod for a xbox 360 controller its a 5 mode and works
Yes you can, but you need to get a programmed chip.
You can modify your playstation 3 controller to press a specified button at high rates of speed. In a first person shooter, this causes rapid fire. Directions for this can be found here, http://consoleupdates.com/2008/07/12/rapid-fire-ps3-controller-mod/
Hera are different opinions:It automatically does itIt takes wiring, check out you tube.
Well that all depends on what modded controller you have. But yes you can but mods that make buttons on your controller "turbo."