Google is your friend, as well as "pokecommunity", they have a good tool box that has lots of ROM hacking tools for all the generations
It'd be though to give a general answer right now,so the best way to learn how to script is by watching foullump's youtube videos or going on pokecommunity.
I have looked all over the Gento and part of the Johto region and I didn't see a daycare ANYWHERE. But there could be one. Ask the creator on Pokecommunity.
Pokemon: The Rising Darkness is a fanfiction created by darkpokeball on the pokecommunity forums. You can find it in Fanfiction and Writing. You can also interact with the story and talk about it since this fanfiction has it's own forum. The poster, Darkpokeball, created to host his fanfiction and others that he liked. A fanfiction with it's own don't want to miss out. The story is about a boy named Rehi trying to become a trainer at the trainer's school. There he makes friends, enemies, and discovers one major secret that changes his life forever!
Just click the register button. If PokeCommunity doesn't work for you, then try The Pokemon World ( ). It's a great alternative.
Type in the letter "I" and you should be all set :)
stuck on the registration of pokecommunity? it's the letter "i"
It has already been released. You can get it at Pokecommunity.
Google is your friend, as well as "pokecommunity", they have a good tool box that has lots of ROM hacking tools for all the generations
It'd be though to give a general answer right now,so the best way to learn how to script is by watching foullump's youtube videos or going on pokecommunity.
It is a fanmade hack, but it isn't a official Pokemon game, which means the Pokemon company never made Pokemon: DarkCry. You can find the game on the PokeCommunity website.
I have looked all over the Gento and part of the Johto region and I didn't see a daycare ANYWHERE. But there could be one. Ask the creator on Pokecommunity.
Y u so dumb, idiot? Just click Register New Account & sign up. Add me as freind, my name Umbr30n so u don wan me to troll u.
First, go through every route and find all that you can find. Evolve and egg them. Then, use the GTS. You'd be surprised. Go on sites like this, Pokecommunity, and Pokemon Deluge to find UFT Pokemon. I was given most of the legendaries by one kind person! A good way to do this is to trade with A LOT of people either that or buy most of the Pokemon games
There are many Wi-Fi chat rooms. Many of them are mostly dead however. And serebii's chatroom is usually filled with n00bs and hackers anyway. You can make message board posts for battle at Bulbagarden Forums, PokeCommunity, Smogon, and more sites. Not only that, but if you get ripped off there, you can report it to the mods, unlike Serebii Wifi Chat, where the only bans are from automated scripts.