

What is plottage?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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the relationship between the size of a site and its value can be explained in terms of two components: the fixed value of the tight to improve and the value to the size of the site. This approach also provides insight into why the unit values of sites may be affected by dividing larger sites into smaller sites (plattage), or assembling smaller sites into larger sites (plottage). Plottage may produce a parcel that justifies the payment of the "tight to improve" component, whereas the smaller sites from which it was assembled did not qualify.

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What are some eight letter words with 5th letter T?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2833 words with the pattern ----T---. That is, eight letter words with 5th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are: abactors abattoir abbatial abettals abetters abetting abettors ablating ablation ablative ablators ablution aboiteau abortees aborters aborting abortion abortive abuttals abutters abutting acanthae acanthas acanthin acanthus acciting acentric acroters acrotism acuities adapters adapting adaption adaptive adaptors addition additive additory adeptest adjutage adjutant admitted admittee admitter adnation adoptees adopters adopting adoption adoptive adultery adusting aerating aeration aerators aerotone aflutter agential agenting agentive agiotage agisters agisting agistors aglitter agnathan agnation agouties ailettes airstops airstrip alastors alastrim albitise albitize alcatras aleatory alertest alerting allative allotted allottee allotter allotype allotypy aloetics altitude ambition amentias ammeters amortise amortize amputate amputees anestrum anestrus angstier angstrom annattas annattos annotate anorthic antetype antitank antithet antitype aperture aphetise aphetize apostacy apostasy apostate apostils apostles appetent appetise appetite appetize aptitude aquatics aquatint aquatone arbiters arbitral arbutean arcature aretting argutely ariettas ariettes aristate armature arnattos arnottos ascetics aseities aseptate aseptics assotted astatide astatine astatkis astutely astutest asystole athetise athetize athetoid attitude atwitter auditees auditing audition auditive auditors auditory autotomy autotune autotype autotypy auxetics avantist aventail aventred aventres aventure averters averting aviating aviation aviators aviatrix aviettes avoutrer awaiters awaiting awanting aweather axletree bangtail barathea baritone barstool barytone barytons bathtubs beasties beastily beautied beauties beautify bedotted bedstand bedstead bedstraw befitted begetter begotten behatted behoting belating belittle bemeting benetted benitier bepatted bepitied bepities berating berettas besetter besotted betatron betatter betitled betitles bevatron bewetted bhistees bhisties bibation bighting bigstick bilsteds bimetals bimethyl binately bioethic birettas bitstock blarting blastema blasters blastier blasties blasting blastoff blastoid blastoma blastula blattant blatters blatting bleaters bleating bletting blintzes blisters blistery bloaters bloating blotters blottier blotting blowtube bluetick bluetits bluettes bluntest blunting bluntish blurters blurting blusters blustery boasters boastful boasting boattail boboties bobstays boertjie bolsters bonitoes boomtown boortree boosters boosting borating borstall borstals boulters boulting bountied bounties bountree bourtree bracteal bractlet brantail brantles brasting brattice brattier brattish brattled brattles breathed breather breathes brentest brettice bristled bristles bristols brittled brittler brittles bruiters bruiting brunting brusting bucktail buisting bumsters burettes bursters bursting burstone bushtits buvettes cabotage cabstand calathea calathos calathus calctufa calctuff calottes calotype calutron camstane camstone canities canstick capitals capitani capitano capitans capitate capitayn capitols capitula capotted capstans capstone caretake caretook carotene carotids carotins casettes catatony caustics cavatina cavatine cavettos cavitary cavitate cavitied cavities cecities ceinture cemetery cemitare cenotaph ceratins ceratoid cerotype chantage chanters chanteys chanties chanting chantors chapters chaptrel charters charting chartism chartist chastely chastens chastest chastise chastity chattels chatters chattery chattier chatties chattily chatting cheaters cheatery cheating cheetahs chertier chestful chestier chestily chesting chestnut chintses chintzes chirting chitters chittier chitties chitting choctaws chortens chortled chortler chortles chowtime chunters cibation cicatrix cicutine cincture citation citators citatory claptrap clartier clarting clastics clatters clattery clatting clauting cleating clefting cliftier clitters clotters clottier clotting clottish clouters clouting clusters clustery clutters cluttery clysters coacting coaction coactive coactors coaltars coapting coasters coasting coattail coattend coattest coauthor cocktail cocottes codettas coextend cogitate cointers coistrel coistril coletits colotomy comatiks comatose comatula cometary comether comitial comitias comities compters compting conation conative constant constate consters construe cooktops coonties coopting cooption copatron corktree corotate coulters counters countess countian counties counting countrol courters courtesy courtier courting courtlet coveters coveting covetise covetous coystrel coystril crafters craftier craftily crafting crantses craythur creatine creating creatins creation creative creators creatrix creature cresting crestons creutzer cristate critters critturs crofters crofting crostini crostino crottles croutons crustate crustier crusties crustily crusting crustose cryotron cryptons crystals cubature cuittled cuittles culottes cunettes curating curative curators curatory curatrix curetted curettes cuvettes cymatics cymatium dabsters daintier dainties daintily daunters daunting dauntons daystars debaters debating debiting debitors debutant debuting defatted deictics delating delation delators deleting deletion deletive deletory demetons demitted demotics demoting demotion demotist denature denetted denotate denoting denotive deontics deputies deputing deputise deputize derating deration deratted desktops devotees devoting devotion dewaters dewitted dhooties diactine dianthus diastase diastema diastems diasters diastole diastral diastyle dichting dicktier dicotyls diesters diestock diestrum diestrus dighting digitals digitate digitise digitize digitron digitule dilatant dilatate dilaters dilating dilation dilative dilators dilatory dilutees diluters diluting dilution dilutive dilutors dimeters dimethyl dimetric dimities dinettes dioptase diopters dioptral dioptres dioptric dipstick doiltest domatium donatary donating donation donatism donative donators donatory donutted dopattas dotation doubters doubtful doubting dovetail downtick downtime downtown downtrod downturn draftees drafters draftier draftily drafting dranting drastics dratting drawtube driftage drifters driftier drifting driftpin drostdys drystone dubitate ducatoon ducktail duetting duettino duettist dupattas duration durative duvetine duvetyne duvetyns dyesters dyestuff dynatron earstone ecostate edentate eduction eductive eductors effetely egesting egestion egestive eglatere egoities egyptian eidetics eighteen eighthly eighties eightvos einstein ejecting ejection ejective ejectors ekistics elastane elastase elastics elastins electees electing election elective electors electret electric electron electros electrum embathed embathes embattle embitter emiction emictory emitters emitting empathic empatron enacting enaction enactive enactors enactory enacture enditing enfetter enmities entities entitled entitles eolithic epistasy epistled epistler epistles epistome epistyle equating equation equators equitant equities erecters erectile erecting erection erective erectors ergative ergatoid ergotise ergotism ergotize eristics erratics ersatzes eructate eructing erupting eruption eruptive escoting escotted estating etcetera eupatrid eurythmy evection eventers eventful eventide eventing eventual everting evertors evictees evicting eviction evictors exacters exactest exacting exaction exactors exalters exalting exanthem exaptive excitant exciters exciting excitons excitors exerting exertion exertive existent existing exultant exulting eyestalk eyestone facetely facetiae faceting facetted fagoters fagoting fainters faintest faintier fainting faintish fanatics fatstock faultful faultier faultily faulting faustian fealties feasters feastful feasting fechters fechting feintest feinting feistier feistily felstone femetary femiters fenitars feretory ferities fetation fibsters fighters fighting filatory filature fileting finitely finitism finitude firetrap fishtail fixatifs fixating fixation fixative fixature fixities flattens flatters flattery flattest flatties flatting flattish flattops flautist flection fleetest fleeting flettons flextime flintier flintify flintily flinting flirters flirtier flirting flirtish flittern flitters flitting floatage floatant floatcut floatels floaters floatier floating flouters flouting flusters flustery flutters fluttery foisters foisting folktale foretell foretime foretold foretops forktail fouettes fountain fountful fourteen fourthly foustier fractals fracting fraction fracture fracturs frakturs frautage freetier freitier fretters frettier fretting friction fristing frittata fritters fritting frontage frontals frontier fronting frontlet frontman frontmen frontons frontoon frostbit frosteds frostier frostily frosting frostnip frottage frotteur fructans fructify fructive fructose fruitage fruiters fruitery fruitful fruitier fruitily fruiting fruition fruitive fruitlet frustule frustums fugitive fumatory fumettes fumitory function functors funsters fuzztone gagsters gaieties galateas galettes garoting garotted garotter garottes gaulters gauntest gaunting gauntlet gauntree gavotted gavottes gayeties gazetted gazettes gelatine gelating gelatins gelation gematria gemstone genetics genetrix genettes genitals genitive genitors genitrix geniture genotype ghastful ghasting ghettoed ghettoes ghostier ghosting giantess giantism gigatons giusting gleetier gleeting glenting glintier glinting glistens glisters glitters glittery gloaters gloating glouting glutting gluttons gluttony glyptals glyptics gnattier gnostics godetias goldtail goldtone goodtime goustier graftage grafters grafting graithed graithly grantees granters granting grantors grattoir greatens greatest greeters greeting grifters grifting griptape gristers gristles gritters grittest grittier grittily gritting grottier grottoed grottoes grouters groutier grouting grunters grunting gruntled gruntles guestens guesting guiltier guiltily gumption gunstick gunstock gunstone gypsters gyrating gyration gyrators gyratory habitans habitant habitats habiting habitual habitude habitues hairtail halation halftime halftone halitous halutzim hamsters hangtags haphtara hardtack hardtops hatstand haunters haunting haystack heartens heartier hearties heartily hearting heartlet heartpea hebetant hebetate hebetude hecatomb hechting heeltaps heisters heisting heketara helotage helotism hematein hematics hematine hematins hematite hematoid hematoma hepatica hepatics hepatise hepatite hepatize hepatoma hepsters heretics heretrix heritage heritors heritrix herptile herstory hesitant hesitate hicatees hightail highting hightops hilltops himation hipsters hoactzin hoasting hoastman hoastmen hoisters hoisting hoistman hoistmen hoistway holotype holstein holsters holytide hometown homotony homotype homotypy horntail howitzer humiture humpties humstrum hydatids hydatoid hypothec icestone ideating ideation ideative identify identity idiotish idiotism idiotype ignatias igniters igniting ignition ignitors ignitron illation illative imbathed imbathes imbitter immature immitted immotile impetigo impotent imputers imputing inaction inactive incitant inciters inciting inditers inditing ineptest inertest inertiae inertial inertias ingather ingoting inkstand inkstone innately innative inputted inputter insetted insetter intitled intitles intitule inustion invitees inviters inviting iodating iodation irritant irritate isostacy isostasy janitors janitrix jauntier jaunties jauntily jaunting jelutong jobation jointers jointing jointure joisting jousters jousting joystick jujitsus jujutsus junction juncture juratory kalotype karateka karstify kazatski kazatsky kazatzka keesters keisters kenotics kenotron keratins keratoid keratoma keratose keysters keystone kibitkas kibitzed kibitzer kibitzes kiesters kilotons kinetics kinetins kirktons klisters klystron knitters knitting knittles knotters knottier knottily knotting knouting komatiks komitaji krantzes kreatine kreutzer kryptons ladettes lameters lamiters lamsters lanitals lapstone latitant latitats latitude lavatera lavation lavatory laxation laxative laxators laxities layettes laystall lealties lecithin lecythis lecythus legatary legatees legatine legating legation legators legitims leisters lekythoi lekythos lekythus lengthen lenities leniting lenition lenitive levators levitate levities libating libation libatory lichtest lichting lientery lifetime ligating ligation ligative ligature lightens lighters lightest lightful lighting lightish limation limitary limiteds limiters limiting lincture linotype linstock lipstick livetrap lobately lobation lobotomy lobsters lobstick locaters locating location locative locators locution locutory logotype logotypy longtime lopstick lorettes lunately lunatics lunation lunettes lutetium luxating luxation lymiters lyrately maestoso maestros mahatmas maintain maintops maisters makutued malstick manatees manatoid manitous mapstick marathon maritage maritime matutine maysters mealtime meantime meditate megatons meisters memetics menstrua meriting mesotron metatags micating midstory mightest mightful mightier mightily militant military militate militias milltail mimetite minatory minettes minsters minstrel minutely minutest minutiae minutial minuting misatone misstamp misstart misstate missteer missteps misstops misstyle mobsters mocktail mofettes moieties moistens moistest moistful moistify moisting moisture monetary monetise monetize monition monitive monitors monitory monotint monotone monotony monotype monstera monsters mooktars mopstick moratory moulters moulting mountain mountant mounters mounting mousting moyities mozettas mudstone muisting mukhtars mulattas mulattos mulcting muleteer muniting munition munsters musettes mutating mutation mutative mutatory mycetoma naartjes naartjie nametags nametape nanotech nanotube naphthas naphthol naphthyl naphtols natation natatory navettes neckties nedettes negaters negating negation negative negatons negators negatory negatron nematode nematoid nepotism nepotist neustons ngultrum niceties nicotian nicotine nicotins nidating nidation nightcap nighties nightjar nineteen nineties nivation nodation nointers nointing nolition nonettes nonettos nonstick nonstops nonstory nonstyle noontide noontime notating notation notitiae notitias novation novities nudation nudities nugatory numpties nunataks nutating nutation oblately oblation oblatory octettes oddities odontist odontoid odontoma oersteds offstage oilstone oldsters oldstyle olestras omentums omitters omitting ommateum oncotomy ondatras onsetter opiating optative opuntias orbitals orbiters orbities orbiting orective ornately ornatest ornithes ornithic oscitant oscitate ossature osseters ossetras oughting ouistiti outstand outstare outstart outstate outstays outsteer outsteps outstood outstrip outstudy outstunt overtake overtalk overtame overtart overtask overteem overthin overtime overtips overtire overtoil overtone overtook overtops overtrim overtrip overture overturn overtype owelties pacation paintbox painters paintier painting painture palatals palatial palatine palating paletots palettes palmtops palstaff palstave panatela panetela parathas paretics parities paritors parotids parotoid patutuki peartest pedately pelotons penitent pensters penstock petition petitory peyotism peyotist phaetons phantasm phantast phantasy phantoms phantomy phattest philters philtred philtres philtrum phratral phratric phutting piasters piastres picotees picoting picotite pighting pightles pigstick pigsties pigstuck pilotage piloting pilotman pilotmen pinitols pipetted pipettes pirating pivoters pivoting pivotman pivotmen plaiters plaiting plantage plantain planters planting plantlet plantule plasters plastery plastics plastids plastral plastron plastrum platters platting playtime pleaters pleather pleating plectres plectron plectrum plenties pliotron ploating plottage plotters plottier plotties plotting plouters plowters pointels pointers pointier pointing pointman pointmen politely politest politick politico politics polities polytene polyteny polytype pomatoes pomatums ponytail pooftahs poofters poontang poortith popettes popsters poshteen positifs positing position positive positons positron postteen posttest potation potatoes potatory potstone pouftahs poufters poulters poultice pourtray poynting practice practick practics practise practive praetors pratting prattled prattler prattles prentice prenting prestamp presters prestige presting prestore prettied prettier pretties prettify prettily printers printery printing printout pristane pristine proctors proettes prootics prostate prosties prostyle psalters psaltery puirtith pukateas punctate punctual punctule puncture punition punitive punitory punsters pupating pupation puritans purities putative pyritise pyritize pyritous quantics quantify quantile quanting quantise quantity quantize quantong quartans quartern quarters quartets quartett quartics quartier quartile quartzes questant questers questing question questors quietens quieters quietest quieting quietism quietist quietive quietude quilters quilting quintain quintals quintans quintars quintets quintett quintics quintile quintins quirting quittals quitters quitting quittors quoiters quoiting qwerties rabatine rabatoes rabatted rabattes ragstone rarities ratatats reactant reacting reaction reactive reactors realters realties realtime realtors reastier reasting reattach reattack reattain rebaters rebating rebatoes rebiting rebitten rebottle rebuttal rebutted rebutter rebutton recitals reciters reciting redating redstart reenters reestier reesting refitted refutals refuters refuting regather regattas reinters reisting relaters relating relation relative relators reletter remating remittal remitted remittee remitter remittor remotely remotest remotion renature renitent renotify reobtain reoutfit repetend repotted reputing resetted resetter resettle resiting retitled retitles retotals reuptake reutters revetted revoting rewetted rheotome ribstone ribstons richtest richting ricottas ridottos rigatoni rightens righters rightest rightful righties righting rightish rightism rightist ringtail ringtaws ringtone ringtoss ripstops risottos riveters riveting rivetted roasters roasting robotics robotise robotism robotize rodsters roentgen roestone rogation rogatory roisters roisting rooftops rooftree roosters roosting roseting rosetted rosettes rositing rotating rotation rotative rotators rotatory rototill rousters rousting roysters roysting rozeting roziting rubstone sabatons sabotage saboteur sabotier sacatons safetied safeties sagittal sagittas saintdom saintess sainting saintish saintism salutary saluters saluting samithis sanative sanatory sanctify sanction sanctity sanctums sanitary sanitate sanities sanitise sanitize saunters saunting saxatile scaithed scantest scantier scanties scantily scanting scantity scantled scantles scarting scatters scattery scattier scattily scatting scawtite sceattas scentful scenting scepters sceptics sceptral sceptred sceptres sciatica sciatics sclating scontion scooters scooting scotties scouters scouther scouting scowther scratchy scratted scrattle scrotums scrutiny scutters scuttled scuttler scuttles secateur sedately sedatest sedating sedation sedative sedition seedtime semitars semitaur semitist semitone senators serotine serotiny serotype shafters shafting shaitans shanteys shanties shantihs shantung shasters shastras shatters shattery sheathed sheather sheathes sheeters sheetfed sheetier sheeting sheitans shelters sheltery shelties shetting shiatsus shiatzus shifters shiftier shiftily shifting shiitake shintied shinties shirtier shirtily shirting shittahs shittier shittily shittims shitting shkotzim shmattes shoetree shooters shooting shootist shootout shoptalk shortage shortarm shortcut shortens shortest shortias shorties shorting shortish shotting shottles shouters shouther shoutier shouting showtime shtetels shufties shunters shunting shutters shutting shuttled shuttler shuttles shysters sichting sighters sighting sightsaw sightsee silktail simitars skaithed skeeters skelters skeptics sketting skiatron skintest skirters skirting skitters skittery skittish skittled skittles sklating skuttled skuttles slanters slanting slarting slattern slatters slattery slatting sleetier sleeting slenters sleuthed slinters sliotars slitters slittier slitting sloetree slotters slotting sluttery sluttier sluttish smaltine smaltite smartass smartens smartest smarties smarting smartish smatters smectite smelters smeltery smelting smirting smitting smoothed smoothen smoother smoothes smoothie smoothly smooting smouting smuttier smuttily smutting snaptins snifters sniftier snifting snirtled snirtles snootful snootier snootily snooting snorters snortier snorting snotters snottery snottier snotties snottily snotting snoutier snouting snoutish solating solation solatium solitary solitons solitude solstice solution solutive somatism somatist sometime sonatina sonatine sopiting sorption sorptive sosaties spaetzle spalting spartans sparthes spartina spastics spattees spatters spatting spectate specters spectral spectres spectrin spectrum spelters speltzes sperthes spetting spintext spirting spirtles spitters spitting spittles spittoon splatted splatter splitted splitter splotchy splutter spontoon sporters sportful sportier sporties sportily sporting sportive spotters spottier spotties spottily spotting spouters spoutier spouting sprattle spritely spritzed spritzer spritzes spritzig spurters spurting spurtles sputters sputtery squatted squatter squattle staithes starters startful starting startish startled startler startles startups steatite steatoma stenting stentors stentour stertors stetting stiction stilters stiltier stilting stiltish stinters stintier stinting stoiters stoiting stotters stotties stotting stoutens stoutest stoutish strategy stratify stratose stratous stratums stretchy strettas strettos strutted strutter stultify stunting stuntman stuntmen sturting stutters styptics subatoms subitems subitise subitize substage substate substyle sudating sudation sudatory suettier sumatras sumotori sumpters sunstars sunstone suretied sureties svastika sveltely sveltest swaption swastica swastika swatters swatting sweatbox sweaters sweatier sweatily sweating sweetens sweetest sweeties sweeting sweetish sweetman sweetmen sweetpea sweetsop swelters swelting swifters swiftest swifties swifting swiftlet swotters swottier swotting sybotism symitare symitars symptoms syrettes tabetics taciturn tainting tainture tapsters taunters taunting taxation taxative teentier teletext telethon teletron teletype telltale tempters tempting tenotomy teratism teratoid teratoma termtime tetotums tevatron theaters theatral theatres theatric thiotepa thirteen thirties thistles throttle ticktack ticktock tidytips tightass tightens tightest tightish tightwad tincting tincture tinstone tipstaff tipsters tipstock tjanting toasters toastier toasties toasting tofuttis together tokotoko tomatoes tomatoey tonetics tonettes topotype topstone totitive toustier tractate tractile tracting traction tractive tractors tractrix traitors tranters tranting treaters treaties treating treatise treetops trentals trestles triatics trictrac triethyl trimtabs triptane triptans triptote triptyca triptych tristate tristeza tristful tristich troating trotters trotting trottoir trouters troutful troutier trouting troutlet trusteed trustees trusters trustful trustier trusties trustily trusting trustors trysters trysting tsantsas tucotuco tucutuco tucutucu twattled twattler twattles tweeters tweeting twenties twilting twinters twisters twistier twisting twistors twittens twitters twittery twitting uberties ubieties unactive unartful unbathed unbitted unbitten unbitter unbottle unbutton uncatchy undotted uneathes unfetter unfitted unfitter ungotten unhatted unlethal unletted unmatted unmiters unmitred unmitres unnative unnethes unnetted unpathed unpitied unpitted unpotted unretire unrotted unrotten unsating unsettle untether untitled unvetted unwaters unwatery unwetted unwitted updaters updating upgather upjetted uprating upsetter urostege urostomy urostyle vacating vacation vacaturs vagotomy valeting vanitied vanities vanitory varitype vasotomy vaultage vaulters vaultier vaulting vauntage vaunters vauntery vauntful vauntier vaunting vedettes vegetals vegetant vegetate vegetist vegetive velatura venation venators venetian veratria veratrin veratrum verities vexation vexatory videttes viretots visitant visitees visiters visiting visitors vitative vocation vocative voertsak voertsek volatile volitant volitate volition volitive volutins volution volutoid vomiters vomiting vomitive vomitory vomitous wabsters waisters waisting waratahs warstled warstler warstles washtubs websters wheatear wheatens wheatier whetters whetting whiptail whirtles whisting whistled whistler whistles whittaws whitters whittled whittler whittles whittret whooting whortles wighting wingtips wiretaps woodtone woofters worktops worsteds worsting wrasting wrastled wrastles wreathed wreathen wreather wreathes wresters wresting wrestled wrestler wrestles wristier wristlet wrooting xenotime xylitols xylotomy yachters yachties yachting yachtman yachtmen yakitori yapsters yeastier yeastily yeasting yuletide zacatons zapateos zaratite zelators zelatrix zemstvos zenithal zetetics zoiatria zonation zonetime zygotene zymotics

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Plattage (Colwell and Sirmans 1978)

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From the IAAO's "Property Assessment Valuation" - 2nd edition"Assemblage and Plottage Two terms commonly confused in appraisal terminology are assemblage and plottage. Plottage is the combining of two or more sites under a single ownership in order to develop one site having greater utilityand unit value in the aggregate then when each is separately considered. Assemblage, on the other hand, is simply the merging of adjacent properties into one common ownership or use. Generally, when the new site has a greater utility than the sum of the old sites, the new site will have increased value. This value increment is is known as plottage value. Occasionally the assemblage of land will result in the creation of a new site with less utility, which normally would result in a lower value. This value decrease is known as negative plottage"

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern PLO--A-E. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter P and 2nd letter L and 3rd letter O and 6th letter A and 8th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: plottage

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern PL--T-GE. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter P and 2nd letter L and 5th letter T and 7th letter G and 8th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: plantage plottage

What are some eight letter words with 1st letter P and 4th letter T and 8th letter E?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 56 words with the pattern P--T---E. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter P and 4th letter T and 8th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: pantable pantofle parterre partible particle pastance pastiche pastille pentacle perthite pesthole pettable pintable pintsize pistache pittance plotline plottage poetlike poitrine portable portague portance portesse portfire porthole portiere portigue portoise portside postbase postcode postdate postdive postface postfire postgame posthole postiche postique postlude postpone postpose postrace pratique pretaste pretence pretense protease protegee proteide protense proteome proteose protrade protrude

How many 8 letter words are there ending with the letters -age?

According to SOWPODS2, the International Scrabble dictionary, there are 133 eight-letter words ending with the letters -age. these are:accorage, acierage, adjutage, agiotage, alienage, altarage, amperage, appanage, badinage, baronage, berthage, beverage, birdcage, blindage, blockage, brakeage, brassage, breakage, brockage, cabotage, carriage, carucage, chantage, chummage, clearage, cleavage, cloudage, comanage, coverage, cozenage, creepage, cribbage, diallage, disusage, drainage, dressage, driftage, enallage, endamage, ensilage, envisage, equipage, ferriage, floatage, floorage, footpage, frautage, frondage, frontage, frottage, fruitage, fuselage, graftage, grainage, grammage, grillage, groupage, guardage, helotage, heritage, homepage, interage, langrage, language, layerage, leverage, malaxage, maritage, marriage, messuage, metayage, meterage, misusage, mortgage, mucilage, multiage, nonimage, offstage, overpage, pilotage, plantage, plottage, plussage, poundage, prophage, pucelage, pupilage, redamage, reengage, roughage, sabotage, sewerage, shortage, slippage, smallage, spillage, spoilage, spousage, squirage, staffage, stallage, stealage, stearage, steerage, sternage, stillage, stockage, stoppage, stravage, strewage, stumpage, substage, suffrage, tasswage, thirlage, trackage, truckage, truquage, tutelage, tutorage, umpirage, underage, vaultage, vauntage, verbiage, vicarage, vicinage, wagonage, waterage, weighage, wharfage, wrappage, wreckageTo which we could add ...abattageangelagealloyage (industrial process)biophage (organism)cerclage (medical)clottage (medical)gabaragemanuragepelotageracinage

What words can you make from these letters paleontologist?

3-letter wordsage, ago, ail, ain, ais, ait, ale, all, alp, als, alt, ane, ani, ant, ape, apt, asp, ate, eat, ego, ell, els, eng, ens, eon, eta, gae, gal, gan, gap, gas, gat, gel, get, gie, gin, gip, git, goa, goo, got, ill, ins, ion, its, lag, lap, las, lat, lea, leg, lei, let, lie, lin, lip, lis, lit, log, loo, lop, lot, nae, nag, nap, net, nil, nip, nit, nog, noo, nos, not, oat, oes, oil, ole, one, ons, oot, ope, ops, opt, ose, pal, pan, pas, pat, pea, peg, pen, pes, pet, pia, pie, pig, pin, pis, pit, poi, pol, pot, psi, sae, sag, sal, sap, sat, sea, seg, sei, sel, sen, set, sin, sip, sit, sol, son, sop, sot, spa, tae, tag, tan, tao, tap, tas, tat, tea, teg, tel, ten, tet, tie, til, tin, tip, tis, tit, toe, tog, ton, too, top, tot4-letter wordsaeon, ages, agin, agio, agon, ails, ains, aits, ales, alit, alls, aloe, alps, also, alto, alts, anes, anil, anis, ante, anti, ants, apes, apse, ates, atop, east, eats, egal, egis, egos, elan, ells, engs, enol, eons, epos, etas, etna, gaen, gaes, gain, gait, gale, gall, gals, gane, gaol, gape, gaps, gasp, gast, gate, gats, gels, gelt, gens, gent, gest, geta, gets, gien, gies, gill, gilt, gins, gips, gist, glen, glia, glop, gnat, goal, goas, goat, goes, gone, goon, goop, goos, ilea, ills, into, ions, iota, isle, lags, lain, lane, lang, laps, lase, last, late, lati, lats, leal, lean, leap, leas, legs, leis, leno, lens, lent, lept, lest, lets, lien, lies, lilt, line, ling, lino, lins, lint, lion, lips, lisp, list, lits, loan, loge, logo, logs, loin, lone, long, loon, loop, loos, loot, lope, lops, lose, lost, lota, loti, lots, nags, nail, naoi, naos, nape, naps, neap, neat, nest, nets, nett, nill, nils, nipa, nips, nits, noel, noes, nogs, noil, nolo, nope, nose, nota, note, oast, oats, ogle, oils, olea, oleo, oles, olio, olla, ones, onto, oops, oots, opal, open, opes, opts, otto, page, pail, pain, pale, pall, pals, pane, pang, pans, pant, pase, past, pate, pats, peag, peal, pean, peas, peat, pegs, pein, pelt, pens, pent, peon, peso, pest, pets, pial, pian, pias, pies, pigs, pile, pill, pina, pine, ping, pins, pint, pion, pita, pits, plan, plat, plea, plie, plot, poet, pois, pole, poll, polo, pols, pone, pong, pons, pool, poon, pose, post, pots, sage, sago, sail, sain, sale, sall, salp, salt, sane, sang, sate, sati, seal, seat, sego, sell, sent, sept, seta, sett, sial, sign, sill, silo, silt, sine, sing, sipe, site, slag, slap, slat, slip, slit, sloe, slog, slop, slot, snag, snap, snip, snit, snog, snot, soap, soil, sola, sole, soli, solo, sone, song, soon, soot, spae, span, spat, spin, spit, spot, stag, stat, step, stet, stoa, stop, tael, tags, tail, tain, tale, tali, tall, tang, tans, taos, tape, taps, tate, tats, teal, teas, teat, tegs, tela, tell, tels, tens, tent, tepa, test, tets, ties, tile, till, tils, tilt, tine, ting, tins, tint, tips, tits, toea, toes, toga, togs, toil, toit, tola, tole, toll, tone, tong, tons, tool, toon, toot, tope, topi, tops, tost, tote, tots5-letter wordsaegis, aeons, agent, agile, agios, agist, aglet, agone, agons, aisle, algin, alien, align, aline, alist, allot, aloes, aloin, alone, along, altos, angel, angle, angst, anile, anils, anise, anole, antes, antis, aping, aspen, atilt, atoll, atone, elain, elans, elint, eloin, enols, entia, eosin, estop, etnas, gains, gaits, gales, galls, galop, gaols, gapes, gates, gelts, genip, genoa, gents, getas, giant, gills, gilts, gipon, glans, glean, glens, glial, glias, glint, gloat, glops, glost, gnats, goals, goats, gonia, goons, goops, goose, igloo, ileal, inapt, inept, ingle, ingot, inlet, inset, iotas, islet, istle, lanes, lapel, lapin, lapis, lapse, laten, leans, leant, leaps, leapt, least, legal, legit, lenis, lenos, lento, lepta, liane, liang, liens, ligan, lilts, lines, linga, lingo, lings, linos, lints, lions, lisle, litas, llano, loans, logan, loges, logia, logoi, logos, loins, longe, longs, looie, loons, loops, loose, loots, lopes, losel, lotas, lotos, lotto, nails, napes, nates, neaps, neats, neist, netop, netts, nills, nipas, noels, noils, noise, nolos, noose, nopal, notal, notes, oaten, ogles, olein, oleos, olios, ollas, onset, opals, opens, opine, oping, opsin, ostia, ottos, paeon, pages, pails, pains, paint, paise, pales, palet, palls, panel, panes, pangs, panto, pants, paseo, paste, paten, pates, patin, patio, peags, peals, peans, peats, peins, pelon, pelts, penal, pengo, penis, peons, pesto, petal, petit, petti, petto, piano, pians, pieta, pilea, piles, pills, pilot, pinas, pines, pingo, pings, pinot, pinta, pinto, pints, pions, piste, pitas, piton, plage, plain, plait, plane, plans, plant, plate, plats, pleas, pleat, plena, plies, plots, poets, point, poise, poles, polio, polis, polls, polos, pones, pongs, pools, poons, posit, potto, psoae, psoai, saint, salep, salol, salon, satin, segni, segno, sengi, senti, sepal, sepia, septa, setal, seton, singe, slain, slang, slant, slate, slept, sling, slipe, slipt, sloop, slope, snail, sneap, snell, snipe, snool, snoop, snoot, solan, solei, solon, sotol, spail, spait, spale, spall, spang, spate, spean, speil, spell, spelt, spent, spiel, spile, spill, spilt, spine, spite, splat, split, spoil, spool, spoon, stage, staig, stain, stale, stall, stane, stang, state, steal, stein, stela, steno, stile, still, stilt, sting, stint, stipe, stoae, stoai, stoat, stole, stone, stool, stoop, stope, stopt, taels, tails, tains, taint, tales, talon, tango, tangs, tanto, tapes, tapis, taste, tates, teals, teats, telia, tells, teloi, telos, tenia, tents, tepal, tepas, tesla, testa, tigon, tiles, tills, tilts, tinea, tines, tinge, tings, tints, titan, title, toast, togae, togas, toile, toils, toits, tolan, tolas, toles, tolls, tonal, tones, tonga, tongs, tools, toons, toots, topes, topis, topoi, topos, total, totes6-letter wordsageist, agents, aglets, agones, aiglet, algins, aliens, aligns, alines, allies, allots, aloins, alpine, angels, angles, anoles, aplite, apollo, apolog, aptest, aslope, atolls, atones, easing, eating, egoist, elains, elints, eloign, eloins, enlist, entail, entoil, eolian, epigon, epilog, espial, etalon, gainst, galiot, gallet, gallon, gallop, galoot, galops, gaslit, gelant, gelati, gelato, genial, genips, genoas, gentil, giants, gipons, gitano, gleans, glints, gloats, goalie, goonie, gospel, gotten, igloos, ingate, ingest, ingles, ingots, inlets, insole, instal, instep, isogon, isolog, lagoon, lanose, lapels, lapins, lasing, latens, latent, latest, latigo, latino, latten, lattin, legals, legato, legion, legist, legits, lentil, lentos, lepton, lesion, lianes, liangs, lienal, ligans, ligase, ligate, linage, lineal, lingas, lintel, lintol, lipase, listel, listen, litten, little, llanos, logans, logion, longes, looies, looing, loosen, loping, losing, lotion, lottos, netops, niello, nopals, notate, oleins, oolite, oolong, opiate, opines, opting, option, osteal, otiose, paeons, paints, palest, palets, paling, pallet, panels, pantie, pantos, pastel, pastie, pastil, patens, patent, patine, patins, patios, patois, patten, pattie, pelota, pengos, penial, pensil, petals, petsai, pianos, pietas, pigeon, piglet, pilose, pilots, pineal, pineta, pingos, pinole, pinots, pintas, pintle, pintos, piolet, pistol, piston, pitons, plages, plains, plaint, plaits, planes, planet, plants, platen, plates, pleats, pliant, pogies, pointe, points, poison, poleis, poling, polios, polite, pollen, ponies, pontes, pontil, posing, postal, postin, potage, potato, potent, potion, potsie, pottle, pottos, ptisan, saline, sallet, saloon, saloop, saltie, santol, sapote, sating, septal, signal, signet, silage, silane, silent, single, sitten, slogan, soigne, solano, solate, solgel, soling, solion, sopite, spigot, spinal, spinel, spinet, spinto, spital, splent, spline, splint, spoilt, sponge, staple, stelai, stella, stingo, stipel, stogie, stolen, stolon, stooge, taille, taints, talent, talion, tallit, talons, tangle, tangos, tanist, taping, teapot, telial, telson, tenail, tenias, teopan, tepals, teston, tiglon, tigons, tineal, tineas, tinges, tingle, tinsel, tiptoe, tisane, titans, titles, toeing, togate, toiles, toilet, tolane, tolans, toling, tongas, tonlet, tonsil, tootle, toping, totals, toting7-letter wordsagonies, agonise, agonist, aiglets, ainsell, allonge, alpines, altoist, anisole, antilog, antipot, aplites, apollos, apologs, apostil, apostle, atingle, atonies, atopies, easting, eatings, egotist, elastin, elating, elation, eloigns, eloping, entails, entoils, epigons, epilogs, epinaos, epsilon, espanol, etalons, galiots, galipot, gallein, galleon, gallets, gallies, galliot, gallons, galloon, galloot, gallops, galoots, gantlet, gelants, gelatin, gelatos, gellant, genital, gestalt, gestapo, gillnet, gitanos, glisten, glottal, glottis, goalies, gooiest, goonies, ingates, ingesta, install, instate, isogone, isolate, isotone, isotope, lagoons, lapsing, lasting, latents, latigos, latinos, latosol, lattens, lattins, leaping, leasing, legatos, legions, lentigo, lentils, leptons, letting, ligates, linages, lingoes, lintels, lintols, litotes, littles, logiest, logions, longest, longies, loonies, looping, loosing, looting, lotions, lotting, nailset, niellos, notates, ologies, ologist, onstage, oogonia, oolites, oolongs, opaline, opiates, options, ostiole, paletot, paliest, palings, pallets, palling, panties, pantile, pasting, patents, patient, patines, pattens, patties, patting, pealing, pelotas, peltast, pelting, petting, pigeons, piglets, pillage, pinoles, pintles, pintoes, piolets, pistole, plaints, planets, platens, platies, plating, platoon, plenist, plosion, pogonia, pointes, polenta, pollens, polling, pollist, poloist, pontils, pooling, postage, posting, potages, potions, potline, pottage, potties, potting, pottles, salient, saltine, salting, sapient, sapling, satinet, sealing, seating, selling, senopia, setting, singlet, slainte, slating, sloping, soaping, soilage, soliton, soloing, sooting, spaeing, spangle, spaniel, spinage, spinate, spittle, splenia, spotlit, staling, stating, station, stollen, stoolie, stoping, tailles, talents, talions, talipes, talipot, tallest, tallies, tangelo, tangles, tasting, teapots, teasing, telling, tenails, teopans, testing, testoon, tiglons, tillage, tingles, tiptoes, toenail, toilets, tolanes, tollage, tolling, toniest, tonlets, tooling, tooting, tootles, tootsie, topsail, topsoil8-letter wordsallonges, antilogs, antipole, elapsing, elations, estating, galipots, galleins, galleons, galliots, gallipot, galloons, galloots, gantlets, gantlope, gasoline, gatepost, gelatins, gelation, gellants, genitals, gillnets, goalpost, goopiest, insolate, isogonal, latigoes, legalist, legation, looniest, loopiest, nepotist, oilstone, oogonial, oologies, oologist, opalines, optional, ostinato, otalgies, paleosol, paletots, palliest, panelist, pantiles, pastille, patients, pestling, pettings, pettling, pillages, pilotage, plainest, planosol, plantlet, platiest, platings, platoons, platting, pleasing, pleating, plottage, plotties, plotting, pogonias, polentas, politest, potation, potatoes, potlines, potstone, pottages, saponite, settling, slatting, slotting, solating, solation, spalling, spatting, spelling, spillage, spittoon, splenial, spoilage, spoliate, spooling, spotting, stalling, stallion, stapling, stealing, stooling, stooping, talipots, tangelos, tangiest, teaspoon, tillages, tinplate, toasting, toenails, tollages, tollgate, toolings, tootling, topstone, totaling, totalise9-letter wordsallotting, antipoles, apologies, apologise, apologist, enologist, gallipots, gallstone, gantlopes, gelations, gestation, legations, optionals, otologies, pilotages, plantlets, plotlines, plottages, pollinate, polonaise, potations, potential, splatting, tangliest, tinplates, tollgates, tonoplast, totalling10-letter wordsepiglottal, ontologies, ontologist, penologist, pollinates, potentials, potentilla, topologies, topologist11-letter wordspotentillas13-letter wordsplanetologist14-letter wordspaleontologist

What are some eight letter words with 2nd letter L?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1942 words with the pattern -L------. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter L. In alphabetical order, they are: alachlor alacrity alaiment alamedas alamodes alanines alannahs alarming alarmism alarmist alarumed alastors alastrim alations albacore albedoes alberghi albicore albiness albinism albitise albitize albizias albizzia albumens albumins albumose alburnum alcahest alcaides alcaldes alcatras alcaydes alcazars alchemic alcheras alcidine alcohols alcolock alcopops alcorzas aldehyde alderfly alderman aldermen aldicarb aldolase aldoxime aleatory alebench alecosts alegging alehouse alembics alencons alepines alerions alertest alerting aleurone aleurons alewives alexines alexinic alfalfas alfaquin alfaquis alforjas alfresco algaroba algebras algerine algesias algicide algidity alginate algology algorism alguacil alguazil aliasing alibiing alicants alidades alienage alienate alienees alieners aliening alienism alienist alienors aligarta alighted aligners aligning aliments aliquant aliquots alizarin alizaris alkahest alkalies alkalify alkaline alkalise alkalize alkaloid alkanets alkannin alkoxide alkylate allanite allative allayers allaying alledged alledges allegers allegged allegges alleging allegory allegros allelism alleluia allergen allergic allergin allerion alleycat alleyway allheals alliable alliance allicins alligate allnight allobars allocate allodial allodium allogamy allomone allonges allonyms allopath allosaur allotted allottee allotter allotype allotypy allovers allowing alloxans alloying allozyme allseeds allsorts allspice alluding allurers alluring allusion allusive alluvial alluvion alluvium almagest almanack almanacs almemars almeries almighty almirahs almoners alnagers alocasia alodiums aloetics alogical alopecia alopecic alpaccas alphabet alphorns alphosis alpinely alpinism alpinist altarage alterant alterers altering alterity alternat alternes altesses altezzas althaeas althorns although altitude altoists altrices altruism altruist aluminas alumines aluminic aluminum alumiums alumroot alunites alveated alveolar alveoles alveolus alyssums blabbers blabbing blackboy blackcap blackens blackest blackfin blackfly blackgum blacking blackish blackleg blackout blacktop bladders bladdery bladding bladings blaggers blagging blaguers blagueur blamable blamably blameful blanched blancher blanches blancoed blandest blandish blankest blankets blankety blankies blanking blanquet blarneys blarting blashier blastema blasters blastier blasties blasting blastoff blastoid blastoma blastula blatancy blathers blattant blatters blatting blauboks blauding blaworts blazered blazoned blazoner blazonry bleached bleacher bleaches bleakest bleakish blearest blearier blearily blearing bleaters bleating blebbier blebbing bleeders bleeding bleepers bleeping blellums blenched blencher blenches blenders blending blennies blesboks blesbuck blessers blessing blethers bletting bleuatre blewarts blighted blighter blimbing blimpish blindage blinders blindest blindgut blinding blingest blinging blinkard blinkers blinking blinning blintzes blipping blipvert blissful blissing blisters blistery blithely blithers blithest blitzers blitzing blizzard bloaters bloating blobbier blobbing blockade blockage blockers blockier blockies blocking blockish bloggers blogging blokedom blokeish blokiest bloncket blondest blondine blonding blondish bloodfin bloodied bloodier bloodies bloodily blooding bloodred bloomers bloomery bloomier blooming bloopers blooping bloosmed bloosmes blossoms blossomy blotched blotches blotless blotters blottier blotting blouboks blousier blousily blousing blousons bloviate blowback blowball blowdown blowfish blowguns blowhard blowhole blowiest blowjobs blowkart blowlamp blowoffs blowouts blowpipe blowsier blowsily blowtube blowzier blowzily blubbers blubbery blubbing bluchers bludgeon bludgers bludging bludiest blueback blueball bluebeat bluebell bluebill bluebird bluebook bluebuck bluebush bluecaps bluecoat bluefins bluefish bluegill bluegown bluegums bluehead blueings bluejack bluejays blueline blueness bluenose bluesier bluesman bluesmen bluestem bluetick bluetits bluettes blueweed bluewing bluewood bluffers bluffest bluffing bluggier bluidier blunders blungers blunging blunkers blunking bluntest blunting bluntish blurbing blurbist blurrier blurrily blurring blurters blurting blushers blushets blushful blushing blusters blustery clabbers clachans clackbox clackers clacking claddagh cladders claddies cladding cladisms cladists cladodes clafouti claggier clagging claimant claimers claiming clamancy clambake clambers clamlike clammers clammier clammily clamming clamored clamorer clamours clampers clamping clamworm clangbox clangers clanging clangors clangour clankier clanking clannish clanship clansman clansmen clapdish clapnets clappers clapping claptrap claquers claqueur clarains clarence clareted clarinet clarinos clarions clarkias clarsach clartier clarting clashers clashing claspers clasping classers classico classics classier classify classily classing classism classist classman classmen classons clastics clatched clatches clatters clattery clatting clauchts claughts claustra clausula clauting clavated clavecin clavered clavicle claviers claviger clawback clawless clawlike claybank clayiest claylike claymore claypans clayware cleaners cleanest cleaning cleansed cleanser cleanses cleanups clearage clearcut clearers clearest clearing clearway cleating cleavage cleavers cleaving cleckier clecking cleeking cleeping clefting cleidoic clematis clemency clemming clenched clencher clenches clergies clerical clerihew clerkdom clerkess clerking clerkish cleruchs cleruchy cleveite cleverer cleverly clevises clicheed clickers clickets clicking cliental cliffier cliftier climatal climated climates climatic climaxed climaxes climbers climbing clinally clinamen clinched clincher clinches clingers clingier clinging clinical clinique clinkers clinking cliparts clippers clippies clipping cliquier cliquing cliquish cliquism clitella clithral clitoral clitoric clitoris clitters cloaking clobbers clochard clockers clocking cloddier clodding cloddish clodpate clodpole clodpoll cloggers cloggier cloggily clogging cloisons cloister clomping clonally clonings clonisms clonking clonuses clopping closable closeout closeted closeups closings closured closures clotburs clothier clothing clotpoll clotters clottier clotting clottish clotured clotures cloudage cloudier cloudily clouding cloudlet clouring clouters clouting clovered clowders clownery clowning clownish cloyless cloyment cloysome clubable clubbers clubbier clubbily clubbing clubbish clubbism clubbist clubface clubfeet clubfoot clubhand clubhaul clubhead clubland clubroom clubroot clubrush cluckier clucking cludgies clueless clumbers clumpers clumpier clumping clumpish clumsier clumsily clunches clunkers clunkier clunking clupeids clupeoid clusters clustery clutched clutches clutters cluttery clypeate clysters elancing elaphine elapsing elastane elastase elastics elastins elatedly elaterid elaterin elations elatives elbowing eldorado eldritch electees electing election elective electors electret electric electron electros electrum elegance elegancy elegiacs elegiast elegised elegises elegists elegized elegizes elements elenchic elenchus elenctic elephant elevated elevates elevator eleventh elfhoods elfishly elflands elflocks elicited elicitor elidible eligible eligibly elisions elitisms elitists elkhound ellipses ellipsis elliptic ellopses ellwands elmwoods elocuted elocutes elogists elogiums eloigned eloigner eloiners eloining elongate eloquent elsewise eludible elusions elutions eluviate eluviums elvanite elvishly elytroid elytrous flabbier flabbily flabella flackers flackery flackets flacking flaffers flaffing flagella flaggers flaggier flagging flagless flagpole flagrant flagship flailing flakiest flambeau flambeed flambees flamelet flamenco flameout flamfews flamiest flamines flamingo flamming flammule flancard flanched flanches flanerie flaneurs flangers flanging flankers flanking flannels flannens flaperon flapjack flapless flappers flappier flapping flareups flariest flashers flashest flashgun flashier flashily flashing flaskets flatback flatbeds flatboat flatcaps flatcars flatette flatfeet flatfish flatfoot flathead flatiron flatland flatlets flatline flatling flatlong flatmate flatness flatpack flattens flatters flattery flattest flatties flatting flattish flattops flatuous flatuses flatware flatwash flatways flatwise flatwork flatworm flaughts flaunted flaunter flautist flavanol flavines flavones flavonol flavored flavorer flavours flavoury flawiest flawless flaxiest flaxseed flaysome fleabags fleabane fleabite fleapits fleasome fleawort fleckers flecking flection fledgier fledging fleecers fleeched fleeches fleecier fleecies fleecily fleecing fleerers fleering fleetest fleeting flegging flehmens fleishig fleishik flenched flencher flenches flensers flensing fleshers fleshier fleshily fleshing fleshpot fletched fletcher fletches flettons fleurets fleurons flexagon flexible flexibly flexions flextime flexuose flexuous flexural flexures flibbert flichter flickers flickery flicking flighted flimflam flimping flimsier flimsies flimsily flinched flincher flinches flinders flingers flinging flinkite flintier flintify flintily flinting flipbook flipflop flippant flippers flippest flipping flirters flirtier flirting flirtish fliskier flisking flitched flitches flittern flitters flitting flivvers floatage floatant floatcut floatels floaters floatier floating floccing floccose floccule flocculi flockier flocking floggers flogging flokatis flooders flooding floodlit floodway floorage floorers flooring floosies floozies flopover floppers floppier floppies floppily flopping florally floreant florence florider floridly floriest florigen florists floruits florulae florules floscule flossers flossier flossies flossily flossing flotages flotilla flotsams flounced flounces flounder flourier flouring flourish floushed floushes flousing flouters flouting flowages flowered flowerer floweret flubbers flubbing flubdubs fluellen fluellin fluences fluently fluerics fluework fluffers fluffier fluffily fluffing fluidics fluidify fluidise fluidity fluidize fluidram flukiest flummery flumping flunkers flunkeys flunkies flunking fluorene fluoride fluorids fluorine fluorins fluorite flurried flurries flurring flushers flushest flushier flushing flusters flustery flutiest flutinas flutings flutists flutters fluttery fluxgate fluxions flyaways flybacks flybanes flybelts flyblown flyblows flyboats flybooks flyhands flymaker flyovers flypaper flypasts flypitch flysches flysheet flyspeck flytiers flytings flytraps flywheel glabella glabrate glabrous glaceing glacials glaciate glaciers glacises gladdens gladdest gladdies gladding gladdons gladiate gladiest gladiola gladiole gladioli gladlier gladness gladsome gladwrap glairier glairing glairins glamored glamours glancers glancing glanders glandule glareous glariest glasnost glassful glassier glassies glassify glassily glassine glassing glassman glassmen glaucoma glaucous glauming glaurier glaziers glaziery glaziest glazings gleamers gleamier gleaming gleaners gleaning gledging gleeking gleenies gleesome gleetier gleeting gleggest glegness glenlike glenoids glenting gleyings gliadine gliadins glibbery glibbest glibbing glibness gliddery gliddest glidings gliffing glimmers glimmery glimpsed glimpser glimpses glintier glinting gliomata glissade glistens glisters glitches glitters glittery glitzier glitzily glitzing gloaming gloaters gloating globally globated globbier globoids globoses globular globules globulet globulin glochids glomming glonoins gloomful gloomier gloomily glooming gloopier glooping gloppier glopping gloriole gloriosa glorious glorying glossary glosseme glossers glossier glossies glossily glossina glossing glossist glouting glovings glowered glowlamp glowworm gloxinia glozings glucagon glucinas glucinic glucinum glucoses glucosic gluelike gluepots glugging gluhwein gluiness glumella glummest glumness glumpier glumpily glumpish glunched glunches glutaeal glutaeus glutamic glutelin glutenin glutting gluttons gluttony glycemia glycemic glyceria glyceric glycerin glycerol glyceryl glycines glycogen glycolic glyconic glycoses glycosyl glyptals glyptics ilkadays illapsed illapses illation illative illegals illinium illiquid illision illogics illuding illumine illuming illusion illusive illusory illuvial illuvium ilmenite klapping klatches klaverns klaviers klaxoned kleagles klephtic klezmers klinkers klisters klondike klondyke klooches kludgier kludging klutzier klystron llaneros oldening oldsquaw oldsters oldstyle oldwives oleander olearias oleaster olefiant olefines olefinic olestras olfacted olibanum olicooks oligarch oligemia oligemic oligists oligomer oliguria oliphant olivines olivinic ologists ologoans olorosos olycooks olykoeks olympiad olympics placable placably placards placated placater placates placcate placcats placebos placeman placemen placenta placider placidly placings placitum plackets placoids plafonds plagiary plagiums plaguers plaguier plaguily plaguing plaiding plaidman plaidmen plainant plainest plainful plaining plainish plaister plaiters plaiting planaria planched planches planchet planetic planform plangent planking plankter plankton planless planners planning planosol plantage plantain planters planting plantlet plantule planulae planular planuria plapping plashers plashets plashier plashing plasmids plasmins plasmoid plasmons plasters plastery plastics plastids plastral plastron plastrum platanes platanna platband plateasm plateaus plateaux plateful platelet plateman platemen platform platiest platinas platings platinic platinum platonic platoons platters platting platypus platysma plaudite plaudits plausive playable playacts playback playbill playbook playboys playdate playdays playdown playgirl playgoer playland playless playlets playlike playlist playmate playoffs playpens playroom playsome playsuit playtime playwear pleached pleaches pleaders pleading pleasant pleasers pleaseth pleasing pleasure pleaters pleather pleating plebbier plebeian plectres plectron plectrum pledgees pledgeor pledgers pledgets pledging pledgors pleiades plenarty plenches plenipos plenisms plenists plenties pleonasm pleonast pleopods plerions pleromas pleromes plessors plethora pleuched pleughed pleurisy pleuston plexures plexuses pliantly plicated plicates plighted plighter plimming plimsole plimsoll plimsols plinkers plinking pliocene pliofilm pliosaur pliotron pliskies ploating plodders plodding plodging ploidies plonging plonkers plonkier plonking plookier plopping plosions plosives plotless plotline plottage plotters plottier plotties plotting plotzing ploughed plougher ploukier plouters plowable plowback plowboys plowhead plowland plowters pluckers pluckier pluckily plucking pluffier pluffing pluggers plugging plughole plugless plugolas plugugly plumaged plumages plumbago plumbate plumbers plumbery plumbing plumbism plumbite plumbous plumbums plumcots plumelet plumeria plumiest plumiped plumists plumlike plummest plummets plummier plumpens plumpers plumpest plumpier plumping plumpish plumulae plumular plumules plunders plungers plunging plunkers plunkier plunking plurally plurisie plusages plushest plushier plushily plussage plussing plutonic pluvials pluviose pluvious plyingly plywoods slabbers slabbery slabbier slabbing slablike slackens slackers slackest slacking sladangs slaggier slagging slairged slaister slakable slalomed slalomer slammers slamming slanders slangers slangier slangily slanging slangish slanters slanting slapdash slaphead slapjack slappers slapping slapshot slarting slashers slashing slatches slathers slatiest slatings slattern slatters slattery slatting slavered slaverer slayable sleaving sleazier sleazily sleazoid sledders sledding sledgers sledging sleeches sleekens sleekers sleekest sleekier sleeking sleepers sleepery sleepier sleepily sleeping sleepout sleetier sleeting sleeveen sleevers sleeving sleezier sleighed sleigher sleights slenters sleuthed slicings slickens slickers slickest slicking slidable slidders sliddery slideway slidings slighted slighter slightly slimdown slimiest slimline slimmers slimmest slimming slimmish slimness slimsier slingers slinging slinkers slinkier slinkily slinking slinters sliotars slipcase slipform slipknot slipless slipouts slipover slippage slippers slippery slippier slippily slipping sliprail slipshod slipslop slipsole slipware slipways slithers slithery slitless slitlike slitters slittier slitting slivered sliverer slivovic slobbers slobbery slobbier slobbish slobland slockens sloebush sloetree sloggers slogging slokened slommock sloomier slooming slooshed slooshes slopiest sloppier sloppily slopping slopwork slorming sloshier sloshing slotback slothful slothing slotters slotting slouched sloucher slouches sloughed slovenly slovenry slowback slowdown slowings slowness slowpoke slowworm slubbers slubbier slubbing sludgier sludging sluffing slugabed slugfest sluggard sluggers slugging sluggish slughorn sluicier sluicing slumbers slumbery slumgums slumisms slumlord slummers slummier slumming slummock slumpier slumping slurpers slurping slurried slurries slurring slushier slushies slushily slushing slutches sluttery sluttier sluttish slyboots ulcerate ulcering ulcerous ulexites ulitises ullaging ulstered ulterior ultimacy ultimata ultimate ultradry ultrahip ultrahot ultraism ultraist ultralow ultrared ululated ululates

What are some eight letter words with 5th letter T?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2833 words with the pattern ----T---. That is, eight letter words with 5th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are: abactors abattoir abbatial abettals abetters abetting abettors ablating ablation ablative ablators ablution aboiteau abortees aborters aborting abortion abortive abuttals abutters abutting acanthae acanthas acanthin acanthus acciting acentric acroters acrotism acuities adapters adapting adaption adaptive adaptors addition additive additory adeptest adjutage adjutant admitted admittee admitter adnation adoptees adopters adopting adoption adoptive adultery adusting aerating aeration aerators aerotone aflutter agential agenting agentive agiotage agisters agisting agistors aglitter agnathan agnation agouties ailettes airstops airstrip alastors alastrim albitise albitize alcatras aleatory alertest alerting allative allotted allottee allotter allotype allotypy aloetics altitude ambition amentias ammeters amortise amortize amputate amputees anestrum anestrus angstier angstrom annattas annattos annotate anorthic antetype antitank antithet antitype aperture aphetise aphetize apostacy apostasy apostate apostils apostles appetent appetise appetite appetize aptitude aquatics aquatint aquatone arbiters arbitral arbutean arcature aretting argutely ariettas ariettes aristate armature arnattos arnottos ascetics aseities aseptate aseptics assotted astatide astatine astatkis astutely astutest asystole athetise athetize athetoid attitude atwitter auditees auditing audition auditive auditors auditory autotomy autotune autotype autotypy auxetics avantist aventail aventred aventres aventure averters averting aviating aviation aviators aviatrix aviettes avoutrer awaiters awaiting awanting aweather axletree bangtail barathea baritone barstool barytone barytons bathtubs beasties beastily beautied beauties beautify bedotted bedstand bedstead bedstraw befitted begetter begotten behatted behoting belating belittle bemeting benetted benitier bepatted bepitied bepities berating berettas besetter besotted betatron betatter betitled betitles bevatron bewetted bhistees bhisties bibation bighting bigstick bilsteds bimetals bimethyl binately bioethic birettas bitstock blarting blastema blasters blastier blasties blasting blastoff blastoid blastoma blastula blattant blatters blatting bleaters bleating bletting blintzes blisters blistery bloaters bloating blotters blottier blotting blowtube bluetick bluetits bluettes bluntest blunting bluntish blurters blurting blusters blustery boasters boastful boasting boattail boboties bobstays boertjie bolsters bonitoes boomtown boortree boosters boosting borating borstall borstals boulters boulting bountied bounties bountree bourtree bracteal bractlet brantail brantles brasting brattice brattier brattish brattled brattles breathed breather breathes brentest brettice bristled bristles bristols brittled brittler brittles bruiters bruiting brunting brusting bucktail buisting bumsters burettes bursters bursting burstone bushtits buvettes cabotage cabstand calathea calathos calathus calctufa calctuff calottes calotype calutron camstane camstone canities canstick capitals capitani capitano capitans capitate capitayn capitols capitula capotted capstans capstone caretake caretook carotene carotids carotins casettes catatony caustics cavatina cavatine cavettos cavitary cavitate cavitied cavities cecities ceinture cemetery cemitare cenotaph ceratins ceratoid cerotype chantage chanters chanteys chanties chanting chantors chapters chaptrel charters charting chartism chartist chastely chastens chastest chastise chastity chattels chatters chattery chattier chatties chattily chatting cheaters cheatery cheating cheetahs chertier chestful chestier chestily chesting chestnut chintses chintzes chirting chitters chittier chitties chitting choctaws chortens chortled chortler chortles chowtime chunters cibation cicatrix cicutine cincture citation citators citatory claptrap clartier clarting clastics clatters clattery clatting clauting cleating clefting cliftier clitters clotters clottier clotting clottish clouters clouting clusters clustery clutters cluttery clysters coacting coaction coactive coactors coaltars coapting coasters coasting coattail coattend coattest coauthor cocktail cocottes codettas coextend cogitate cointers coistrel coistril coletits colotomy comatiks comatose comatula cometary comether comitial comitias comities compters compting conation conative constant constate consters construe cooktops coonties coopting cooption copatron corktree corotate coulters counters countess countian counties counting countrol courters courtesy courtier courting courtlet coveters coveting covetise covetous coystrel coystril crafters craftier craftily crafting crantses craythur creatine creating creatins creation creative creators creatrix creature cresting crestons creutzer cristate critters critturs crofters crofting crostini crostino crottles croutons crustate crustier crusties crustily crusting crustose cryotron cryptons crystals cubature cuittled cuittles culottes cunettes curating curative curators curatory curatrix curetted curettes cuvettes cymatics cymatium dabsters daintier dainties daintily daunters daunting dauntons daystars debaters debating debiting debitors debutant debuting defatted deictics delating delation delators deleting deletion deletive deletory demetons demitted demotics demoting demotion demotist denature denetted denotate denoting denotive deontics deputies deputing deputise deputize derating deration deratted desktops devotees devoting devotion dewaters dewitted dhooties diactine dianthus diastase diastema diastems diasters diastole diastral diastyle dichting dicktier dicotyls diesters diestock diestrum diestrus dighting digitals digitate digitise digitize digitron digitule dilatant dilatate dilaters dilating dilation dilative dilators dilatory dilutees diluters diluting dilution dilutive dilutors dimeters dimethyl dimetric dimities dinettes dioptase diopters dioptral dioptres dioptric dipstick doiltest domatium donatary donating donation donatism donative donators donatory donutted dopattas dotation doubters doubtful doubting dovetail downtick downtime downtown downtrod downturn draftees drafters draftier draftily drafting dranting drastics dratting drawtube driftage drifters driftier drifting driftpin drostdys drystone dubitate ducatoon ducktail duetting duettino duettist dupattas duration durative duvetine duvetyne duvetyns dyesters dyestuff dynatron earstone ecostate edentate eduction eductive eductors effetely egesting egestion egestive eglatere egoities egyptian eidetics eighteen eighthly eighties eightvos einstein ejecting ejection ejective ejectors ekistics elastane elastase elastics elastins electees electing election elective electors electret electric electron electros electrum embathed embathes embattle embitter emiction emictory emitters emitting empathic empatron enacting enaction enactive enactors enactory enacture enditing enfetter enmities entities entitled entitles eolithic epistasy epistled epistler epistles epistome epistyle equating equation equators equitant equities erecters erectile erecting erection erective erectors ergative ergatoid ergotise ergotism ergotize eristics erratics ersatzes eructate eructing erupting eruption eruptive escoting escotted estating etcetera eupatrid eurythmy evection eventers eventful eventide eventing eventual everting evertors evictees evicting eviction evictors exacters exactest exacting exaction exactors exalters exalting exanthem exaptive excitant exciters exciting excitons excitors exerting exertion exertive existent existing exultant exulting eyestalk eyestone facetely facetiae faceting facetted fagoters fagoting fainters faintest faintier fainting faintish fanatics fatstock faultful faultier faultily faulting faustian fealties feasters feastful feasting fechters fechting feintest feinting feistier feistily felstone femetary femiters fenitars feretory ferities fetation fibsters fighters fighting filatory filature fileting finitely finitism finitude firetrap fishtail fixatifs fixating fixation fixative fixature fixities flattens flatters flattery flattest flatties flatting flattish flattops flautist flection fleetest fleeting flettons flextime flintier flintify flintily flinting flirters flirtier flirting flirtish flittern flitters flitting floatage floatant floatcut floatels floaters floatier floating flouters flouting flusters flustery flutters fluttery foisters foisting folktale foretell foretime foretold foretops forktail fouettes fountain fountful fourteen fourthly foustier fractals fracting fraction fracture fracturs frakturs frautage freetier freitier fretters frettier fretting friction fristing frittata fritters fritting frontage frontals frontier fronting frontlet frontman frontmen frontons frontoon frostbit frosteds frostier frostily frosting frostnip frottage frotteur fructans fructify fructive fructose fruitage fruiters fruitery fruitful fruitier fruitily fruiting fruition fruitive fruitlet frustule frustums fugitive fumatory fumettes fumitory function functors funsters fuzztone gagsters gaieties galateas galettes garoting garotted garotter garottes gaulters gauntest gaunting gauntlet gauntree gavotted gavottes gayeties gazetted gazettes gelatine gelating gelatins gelation gematria gemstone genetics genetrix genettes genitals genitive genitors genitrix geniture genotype ghastful ghasting ghettoed ghettoes ghostier ghosting giantess giantism gigatons giusting gleetier gleeting glenting glintier glinting glistens glisters glitters glittery gloaters gloating glouting glutting gluttons gluttony glyptals glyptics gnattier gnostics godetias goldtail goldtone goodtime goustier graftage grafters grafting graithed graithly grantees granters granting grantors grattoir greatens greatest greeters greeting grifters grifting griptape gristers gristles gritters grittest grittier grittily gritting grottier grottoed grottoes grouters groutier grouting grunters grunting gruntled gruntles guestens guesting guiltier guiltily gumption gunstick gunstock gunstone gypsters gyrating gyration gyrators gyratory habitans habitant habitats habiting habitual habitude habitues hairtail halation halftime halftone halitous halutzim hamsters hangtags haphtara hardtack hardtops hatstand haunters haunting haystack heartens heartier hearties heartily hearting heartlet heartpea hebetant hebetate hebetude hecatomb hechting heeltaps heisters heisting heketara helotage helotism hematein hematics hematine hematins hematite hematoid hematoma hepatica hepatics hepatise hepatite hepatize hepatoma hepsters heretics heretrix heritage heritors heritrix herptile herstory hesitant hesitate hicatees hightail highting hightops hilltops himation hipsters hoactzin hoasting hoastman hoastmen hoisters hoisting hoistman hoistmen hoistway holotype holstein holsters holytide hometown homotony homotype homotypy horntail howitzer humiture humpties humstrum hydatids hydatoid hypothec icestone ideating ideation ideative identify identity idiotish idiotism idiotype ignatias igniters igniting ignition ignitors ignitron illation illative imbathed imbathes imbitter immature immitted immotile impetigo impotent imputers imputing inaction inactive incitant inciters inciting inditers inditing ineptest inertest inertiae inertial inertias ingather ingoting inkstand inkstone innately innative inputted inputter insetted insetter intitled intitles intitule inustion invitees inviters inviting iodating iodation irritant irritate isostacy isostasy janitors janitrix jauntier jaunties jauntily jaunting jelutong jobation jointers jointing jointure joisting jousters jousting joystick jujitsus jujutsus junction juncture juratory kalotype karateka karstify kazatski kazatsky kazatzka keesters keisters kenotics kenotron keratins keratoid keratoma keratose keysters keystone kibitkas kibitzed kibitzer kibitzes kiesters kilotons kinetics kinetins kirktons klisters klystron knitters knitting knittles knotters knottier knottily knotting knouting komatiks komitaji krantzes kreatine kreutzer kryptons ladettes lameters lamiters lamsters lanitals lapstone latitant latitats latitude lavatera lavation lavatory laxation laxative laxators laxities layettes laystall lealties lecithin lecythis lecythus legatary legatees legatine legating legation legators legitims leisters lekythoi lekythos lekythus lengthen lenities leniting lenition lenitive levators levitate levities libating libation libatory lichtest lichting lientery lifetime ligating ligation ligative ligature lightens lighters lightest lightful lighting lightish limation limitary limiteds limiters limiting lincture linotype linstock lipstick livetrap lobately lobation lobotomy lobsters lobstick locaters locating location locative locators locution locutory logotype logotypy longtime lopstick lorettes lunately lunatics lunation lunettes lutetium luxating luxation lymiters lyrately maestoso maestros mahatmas maintain maintops maisters makutued malstick manatees manatoid manitous mapstick marathon maritage maritime matutine maysters mealtime meantime meditate megatons meisters memetics menstrua meriting mesotron metatags micating midstory mightest mightful mightier mightily militant military militate militias milltail mimetite minatory minettes minsters minstrel minutely minutest minutiae minutial minuting misatone misstamp misstart misstate missteer missteps misstops misstyle mobsters mocktail mofettes moieties moistens moistest moistful moistify moisting moisture monetary monetise monetize monition monitive monitors monitory monotint monotone monotony monotype monstera monsters mooktars mopstick moratory moulters moulting mountain mountant mounters mounting mousting moyities mozettas mudstone muisting mukhtars mulattas mulattos mulcting muleteer muniting munition munsters musettes mutating mutation mutative mutatory mycetoma naartjes naartjie nametags nametape nanotech nanotube naphthas naphthol naphthyl naphtols natation natatory navettes neckties nedettes negaters negating negation negative negatons negators negatory negatron nematode nematoid nepotism nepotist neustons ngultrum niceties nicotian nicotine nicotins nidating nidation nightcap nighties nightjar nineteen nineties nivation nodation nointers nointing nolition nonettes nonettos nonstick nonstops nonstory nonstyle noontide noontime notating notation notitiae notitias novation novities nudation nudities nugatory numpties nunataks nutating nutation oblately oblation oblatory octettes oddities odontist odontoid odontoma oersteds offstage oilstone oldsters oldstyle olestras omentums omitters omitting ommateum oncotomy ondatras onsetter opiating optative opuntias orbitals orbiters orbities orbiting orective ornately ornatest ornithes ornithic oscitant oscitate ossature osseters ossetras oughting ouistiti outstand outstare outstart outstate outstays outsteer outsteps outstood outstrip outstudy outstunt overtake overtalk overtame overtart overtask overteem overthin overtime overtips overtire overtoil overtone overtook overtops overtrim overtrip overture overturn overtype owelties pacation paintbox painters paintier painting painture palatals palatial palatine palating paletots palettes palmtops palstaff palstave panatela panetela parathas paretics parities paritors parotids parotoid patutuki peartest pedately pelotons penitent pensters penstock petition petitory peyotism peyotist phaetons phantasm phantast phantasy phantoms phantomy phattest philters philtred philtres philtrum phratral phratric phutting piasters piastres picotees picoting picotite pighting pightles pigstick pigsties pigstuck pilotage piloting pilotman pilotmen pinitols pipetted pipettes pirating pivoters pivoting pivotman pivotmen plaiters plaiting plantage plantain planters planting plantlet plantule plasters plastery plastics plastids plastral plastron plastrum platters platting playtime pleaters pleather pleating plectres plectron plectrum plenties pliotron ploating plottage plotters plottier plotties plotting plouters plowters pointels pointers pointier pointing pointman pointmen politely politest politick politico politics polities polytene polyteny polytype pomatoes pomatums ponytail pooftahs poofters poontang poortith popettes popsters poshteen positifs positing position positive positons positron postteen posttest potation potatoes potatory potstone pouftahs poufters poulters poultice pourtray poynting practice practick practics practise practive praetors pratting prattled prattler prattles prentice prenting prestamp presters prestige presting prestore prettied prettier pretties prettify prettily printers printery printing printout pristane pristine proctors proettes prootics prostate prosties prostyle psalters psaltery puirtith pukateas punctate punctual punctule puncture punition punitive punitory punsters pupating pupation puritans purities putative pyritise pyritize pyritous quantics quantify quantile quanting quantise quantity quantize quantong quartans quartern quarters quartets quartett quartics quartier quartile quartzes questant questers questing question questors quietens quieters quietest quieting quietism quietist quietive quietude quilters quilting quintain quintals quintans quintars quintets quintett quintics quintile quintins quirting quittals quitters quitting quittors quoiters quoiting qwerties rabatine rabatoes rabatted rabattes ragstone rarities ratatats reactant reacting reaction reactive reactors realters realties realtime realtors reastier reasting reattach reattack reattain rebaters rebating rebatoes rebiting rebitten rebottle rebuttal rebutted rebutter rebutton recitals reciters reciting redating redstart reenters reestier reesting refitted refutals refuters refuting regather regattas reinters reisting relaters relating relation relative relators reletter remating remittal remitted remittee remitter remittor remotely remotest remotion renature renitent renotify reobtain reoutfit repetend repotted reputing resetted resetter resettle resiting retitled retitles retotals reuptake reutters revetted revoting rewetted rheotome ribstone ribstons richtest richting ricottas ridottos rigatoni rightens righters rightest rightful righties righting rightish rightism rightist ringtail ringtaws ringtone ringtoss ripstops risottos riveters riveting rivetted roasters roasting robotics robotise robotism robotize rodsters roentgen roestone rogation rogatory roisters roisting rooftops rooftree roosters roosting roseting rosetted rosettes rositing rotating rotation rotative rotators rotatory rototill rousters rousting roysters roysting rozeting roziting rubstone sabatons sabotage saboteur sabotier sacatons safetied safeties sagittal sagittas saintdom saintess sainting saintish saintism salutary saluters saluting samithis sanative sanatory sanctify sanction sanctity sanctums sanitary sanitate sanities sanitise sanitize saunters saunting saxatile scaithed scantest scantier scanties scantily scanting scantity scantled scantles scarting scatters scattery scattier scattily scatting scawtite sceattas scentful scenting scepters sceptics sceptral sceptred sceptres sciatica sciatics sclating scontion scooters scooting scotties scouters scouther scouting scowther scratchy scratted scrattle scrotums scrutiny scutters scuttled scuttler scuttles secateur sedately sedatest sedating sedation sedative sedition seedtime semitars semitaur semitist semitone senators serotine serotiny serotype shafters shafting shaitans shanteys shanties shantihs shantung shasters shastras shatters shattery sheathed sheather sheathes sheeters sheetfed sheetier sheeting sheitans shelters sheltery shelties shetting shiatsus shiatzus shifters shiftier shiftily shifting shiitake shintied shinties shirtier shirtily shirting shittahs shittier shittily shittims shitting shkotzim shmattes shoetree shooters shooting shootist shootout shoptalk shortage shortarm shortcut shortens shortest shortias shorties shorting shortish shotting shottles shouters shouther shoutier shouting showtime shtetels shufties shunters shunting shutters shutting shuttled shuttler shuttles shysters sichting sighters sighting sightsaw sightsee silktail simitars skaithed skeeters skelters skeptics sketting skiatron skintest skirters skirting skitters skittery skittish skittled skittles sklating skuttled skuttles slanters slanting slarting slattern slatters slattery slatting sleetier sleeting slenters sleuthed slinters sliotars slitters slittier slitting sloetree slotters slotting sluttery sluttier sluttish smaltine smaltite smartass smartens smartest smarties smarting smartish smatters smectite smelters smeltery smelting smirting smitting smoothed smoothen smoother smoothes smoothie smoothly smooting smouting smuttier smuttily smutting snaptins snifters sniftier snifting snirtled snirtles snootful snootier snootily snooting snorters snortier snorting snotters snottery snottier snotties snottily snotting snoutier snouting snoutish solating solation solatium solitary solitons solitude solstice solution solutive somatism somatist sometime sonatina sonatine sopiting sorption sorptive sosaties spaetzle spalting spartans sparthes spartina spastics spattees spatters spatting spectate specters spectral spectres spectrin spectrum spelters speltzes sperthes spetting spintext spirting spirtles spitters spitting spittles spittoon splatted splatter splitted splitter splotchy splutter spontoon sporters sportful sportier sporties sportily sporting sportive spotters spottier spotties spottily spotting spouters spoutier spouting sprattle spritely spritzed spritzer spritzes spritzig spurters spurting spurtles sputters sputtery squatted squatter squattle staithes starters startful starting startish startled startler startles startups steatite steatoma stenting stentors stentour stertors stetting stiction stilters stiltier stilting stiltish stinters stintier stinting stoiters stoiting stotters stotties stotting stoutens stoutest stoutish strategy stratify stratose stratous stratums stretchy strettas strettos strutted strutter stultify stunting stuntman stuntmen sturting stutters styptics subatoms subitems subitise subitize substage substate substyle sudating sudation sudatory suettier sumatras sumotori sumpters sunstars sunstone suretied sureties svastika sveltely sveltest swaption swastica swastika swatters swatting sweatbox sweaters sweatier sweatily sweating sweetens sweetest sweeties sweeting sweetish sweetman sweetmen sweetpea sweetsop swelters swelting swifters swiftest swifties swifting swiftlet swotters swottier swotting sybotism symitare symitars symptoms syrettes tabetics taciturn tainting tainture tapsters taunters taunting taxation taxative teentier teletext telethon teletron teletype telltale tempters tempting tenotomy teratism teratoid teratoma termtime tetotums tevatron theaters theatral theatres theatric thiotepa thirteen thirties thistles throttle ticktack ticktock tidytips tightass tightens tightest tightish tightwad tincting tincture tinstone tipstaff tipsters tipstock tjanting toasters toastier toasties toasting tofuttis together tokotoko tomatoes tomatoey tonetics tonettes topotype topstone totitive toustier tractate tractile tracting traction tractive tractors tractrix traitors tranters tranting treaters treaties treating treatise treetops trentals trestles triatics trictrac triethyl trimtabs triptane triptans triptote triptyca triptych tristate tristeza tristful tristich troating trotters trotting trottoir trouters troutful troutier trouting troutlet trusteed trustees trusters trustful trustier trusties trustily trusting trustors trysters trysting tsantsas tucotuco tucutuco tucutucu twattled twattler twattles tweeters tweeting twenties twilting twinters twisters twistier twisting twistors twittens twitters twittery twitting uberties ubieties unactive unartful unbathed unbitted unbitten unbitter unbottle unbutton uncatchy undotted uneathes unfetter unfitted unfitter ungotten unhatted unlethal unletted unmatted unmiters unmitred unmitres unnative unnethes unnetted unpathed unpitied unpitted unpotted unretire unrotted unrotten unsating unsettle untether untitled unvetted unwaters unwatery unwetted unwitted updaters updating upgather upjetted uprating upsetter urostege urostomy urostyle vacating vacation vacaturs vagotomy valeting vanitied vanities vanitory varitype vasotomy vaultage vaulters vaultier vaulting vauntage vaunters vauntery vauntful vauntier vaunting vedettes vegetals vegetant vegetate vegetist vegetive velatura venation venators venetian veratria veratrin veratrum verities vexation vexatory videttes viretots visitant visitees visiters visiting visitors vitative vocation vocative voertsak voertsek volatile volitant volitate volition volitive volutins volution volutoid vomiters vomiting vomitive vomitory vomitous wabsters waisters waisting waratahs warstled warstler warstles washtubs websters wheatear wheatens wheatier whetters whetting whiptail whirtles whisting whistled whistler whistles whittaws whitters whittled whittler whittles whittret whooting whortles wighting wingtips wiretaps woodtone woofters worktops worsteds worsting wrasting wrastled wrastles wreathed wreathen wreather wreathes wresters wresting wrestled wrestler wrestles wristier wristlet wrooting xenotime xylitols xylotomy yachters yachties yachting yachtman yachtmen yakitori yapsters yeastier yeastily yeasting yuletide zacatons zapateos zaratite zelators zelatrix zemstvos zenithal zetetics zoiatria zonation zonetime zygotene zymotics

What Scrabble words with p?

8-letter wordsabampere, abapical, abrupter, abruptly, acalephe, acalephs, acapnias, acarpous, accepted, acceptee, accepter, acceptor, adapters, adapting, adaption, adaptive, adaptors, adeptest, adiposes, adiposis, adoptees, adopters, adopting, adoption, adoptive, adscript, agitprop, agraphia, agraphic, agrypnia, airdrops, airparks, airplane, airplays, airports, airposts, airproof, airscape, airships, airspace, airspeed, airstrip, allopath, allotype, allotypy, allspice, alopecia, alopecic, alphabet, alphorns, alphosis, alpinely, alpinism, alpinist, amidship, amperage, amphibia, amphioxi, amphipod, amphorae, amphoral, amphoras, amplexus, ampoules, ampullae, ampullar, amputate, amputees, anableps, anaglyph, anapaest, anapests, anaphase, anaphora, anglepod, anoopsia, anopsias, antelope, antepast, antetype, antiphon, antipill, antipode, antipole, antipope, antipyic, antirape, antiship, antislip, antitype, anviltop, anyplace, apagoges, apagogic, apanages, aparejos, apatetic, apathies, apatites, aperient, aperitif, aperture, aphagias, aphanite, aphasiac, aphasias, aphasics, aphelian, aphelion, aphidian, apholate, aphonias, aphonics, aphorise, aphorism, aphorist, aphorize, aphthous, apiarian, apiaries, apiarist, apically, apiculus, apimania, apiology, aplasias, aplastic, apoapsis, apocarps, apocarpy, apocopes, apocopic, apocrine, apodoses, apodosis, apogamic, apologal, apologia, apologue, apolunes, apomicts, apomixes, apomixis, apophony, apophyge, apoplexy, apospory, apostacy, apostasy, apostate, apostils, apostles, apothece, apothegm, apothems, appalled, appanage, apparats, apparels, apparent, appealed, appealer, appeared, appeased, appeaser, appeases, appellee, appellor, appended, appendix, appestat, appetent, appetite, applauds, applause, appliers, applique, applying, appoints, apposers, apposing, apposite, appraise, apprised, appriser, apprises, apprized, apprizer, apprizes, approach, approval, approved, approver, approves, appulses, apractic, apraxias, apricots, aproning, apterium, apterous, aptitude, apyrases, apyretic, arapaima, arpeggio, ascocarp, ashplant, asparkle, asperate, asperges, asperity, aspersed, asperser, asperses, aspersor, asphalts, aspheric, asphodel, asphyxia, aspirant, aspirata, aspirate, aspirers, aspiring, aspirins, atrophia, atrophic, atropine, atropins, atropism, attemper, attempts, atypical, auspices, autopsic, autotype, autotypy, axoplasm, baaskaap, backdrop, backpack, backslap, backspin, backstop, backwrap, bagpiper, bagpipes, bakeshop, baldpate, ballpark, bankrupt, baptised, baptises, baptisia, baptisms, baptists, baptized, baptizer, baptizes, barkeeps, basophil, beanpole, bebopper, becapped, becarpet, beclasps, bediaper, bedimple, bedlamps, bedplate, bedposts, bedraped, bedrapes, beleaped, bellhops, bellpull, bepaints, bepimple, bespeaks, bespoken, bespouse, bespread, besprent, bethumps, bicepses, bicuspid, bimorphs, bioplasm, biopsies, bioscope, bioscopy, biotopes, biotypes, biotypic, biparous, biparted, biphenyl, biplanes, bishoped, blackcap, blacktop, bleeping, blimpish, blipping, bloopers, blooping, blowpipe, bluecaps, boltrope, bonspell, bonspiel, bookshop, boughpot, bowsprit, brainpan, breakups, brushups, buildups, bullpens, bullpout, bullwhip, bumpered, bumpiest, bumpkins, bypassed, bypasses, cachepot, cajaputs, cajeputs, cajuputs, calcspar, calipash, calipees, calipers, caliphal, calliope, callipee, calliper, calpacks, calthrop, caltraps, caltrops, calypsos, calypter, calyptra, campagna, campagne, campaign, campfire, camphene, camphine, camphire, camphols, camphors, campiest, campings, campions, campongs, camporee, campsite, campused, campuses, canephor, canopied, canopies, cantraip, cantraps, cantrips, capabler, capacity, capelans, capelets, capelins, caperers, capering, capeskin, capework, capiases, capitals, capitate, capitols, capitula, capmaker, caponata, caponier, caponize, caporals, cappings, capricci, caprices, caprifig, capriole, caprocks, capsicin, capsicum, capsidal, capsized, capsizes, capsomer, capstans, capstone, capsular, capsuled, capsules, captains, captions, captious, captives, captured, capturer, captures, capuched, capuches, capuchin, capybara, carapace, carpalia, carpeted, carpings, carpools, carports, catalpas, catapult, catchups, catnaper, catspaws, cenotaph, centuple, cephalad, cephalic, cephalin, cepheids, cerotype, cesspits, cesspool, champacs, champaks, champers, champing, champion, chapatis, chapatti, chapbook, chapeaus, chapeaux, chaperon, chapiter, chaplain, chaplets, chapping, chapters, charpais, charpoys, cheapens, cheapest, cheapies, cheapish, checkups, cheepers, cheeping, chenopod, chickpea, chilopod, chipmuck, chipmunk, chippers, chippies, chipping, chirpers, chirpier, chirpily, chirping, chirrups, chirrupy, chompers, chomping, chopines, choppers, choppier, choppily, chopping, chumping, chumship, chutzpah, chutzpas, cioppino, ciphered, cipolins, cirriped, clampers, clamping, clappers, clapping, claptrap, claspers, clasping, claypans, cleanups, clippers, clipping, clodpate, clodpole, clodpoll, clomping, clopping, clumpier, clumping, clumpish, clupeids, clupeoid, clypeate, coalpits, coappear, coapting, cockapoo, cockpits, cockspur, codpiece, coemploy, coempted, collapse, colophon, colpitis, compacts, compadre, compared, comparer, compares, comparts, compeers, compends, compered, comperes, competed, competes, compiled, compiler, compiles, complain, compleat, complect, complete, complice, complied, complier, complies, compline, complins, complots, comports, composed, composer, composes, composts, compotes, compound, compress, comprise, comprize, compting, computed, computer, computes, concepts, conepate, conepatl, conspire, contempt, cookshop, coopered, coopting, cooption, copaibas, coparent, copastor, copatron, copemate, copepods, copihues, copilots, coplanar, copperah, copperas, coppered, coppiced, coppices, copremia, copremic, coprince, copulate, copurify, copybook, copyboys, copycats, copydesk, copyedit, copyhold, copyists, copyread, corporal, corpsman, corpsmen, corrupts, coryphee, coscript, couplers, couplets, coupling, coverups, cowflaps, cowflops, cowplops, cowpokes, cowpoxes, cowslips, crackpot, crackups, cramping, crampits, crampons, crampoon, crankpin, crappier, crappies, crapping, creepage, creepers, creepier, creepies, creepily, creeping, crepiest, crimpers, crimpier, crimping, crimpled, crimples, crippled, crippler, cripples, crispate, crispens, crispers, crispest, crispier, crispily, crisping, cropland, cropless, croppers, croppies, cropping, croupier, croupily, croupous, crowstep, crumpets, crumping, crumpled, crumples, cruppers, culpable, culpably, culprits, cupboard, cupcakes, cupelers, cupeling, cupelled, cupeller, cupidity, cupolaed, cuppiest, cuppings, cupreous, cuprites, cupulate, cuspated, cuspidal, cuspides, cuspidor, cutpurse, cyphered, cypreses, cyprians, cyprinid, cypruses, cypselae, dalapons, dampened, dampener, dampings, dampness, daphnias, dapperer, dapperly, dappling, dapsones, dashpots, dauphine, dauphins, deadpans, deanship, deathcup, decamped, decapods, decipher, decouple, decrepit, decrypts, decupled, decuples, deepened, deepener, deepness, demireps, dempster, depaints, departed, departee, depended, depermed, depicted, depicter, depictor, depilate, deplaned, deplanes, depleted, depletes, deplored, deplorer, deplores, deployed, deplumed, deplumes, depolish, deponent, deponing, deported, deportee, deposals, deposers, deposing, deposits, depraved, depraver, depraves, deprival, deprived, depriver, deprives, depsides, depurate, deputies, deputing, deputize, desktops, despairs, despatch, despised, despiser, despises, despited, despites, despoils, desponds, despotic, develope, develops, dewdrops, diagraph, diapason, diapause, diapered, diaphone, diaphony, diapiric, diaspora, diaspore, diazepam, didapper, digraphs, dimorphs, dimplier, dimpling, diopside, dioptase, diopters, dioptral, dioptres, dioptric, diphasic, diphenyl, diplegia, diplexer, diploids, diploidy, diplomas, diplomat, diplonts, diplopia, diplopic, diplopod, diploses, diplosis, dipnoans, dipodies, dippable, dippiest, dipsades, dipstick, dipteral, dipteran, dipteron, diptycas, diptychs, discepts, disciple, dishpans, disparts, dispatch, dispends, dispense, disperse, dispirit, displace, displant, displays, displode, displume, disports, disposal, disposed, disposer, disposes, dispread, disprize, disproof, disprove, disputed, disputer, disputes, disrupts, dogeship, dognaped, dognaper, dolloped, dolphins, doorpost, doorstep, doorstop, dopamine, dopester, dopiness, doupioni, douzeper, downplay, downpour, dragrope, dramshop, drapable, driftpin, dripless, drippers, drippier, dripping, droopier, droopily, drooping, drophead, dropkick, droplets, dropouts, droppers, dropping, dropshot, dropsied, dropsies, dropwort, drupelet, drypoint, duckpins, dummkopf, dumpcart, dumpiest, dumpings, dumpling, duopsony, duperies, duplexed, duplexer, duplexes, dustheap, dustpans, dyspepsy, dyspneal, dyspneas, dyspneic, dyspnoea, dyspnoic, dystopia, eardrops, earflaps, earlship, earphone, earpiece, earplugs, earthpea, eclipsed, eclipses, eclipsis, ecliptic, ecotypes, ecotypic, ectopias, eelpouts, eggplant, egyptian, ekpweles, elaphine, elapsing, elephant, ellipses, ellipsis, elliptic, empalers, empaling, empanada, empanels, empathic, emperies, emperors, emphases, emphasis, emphatic, empirics, emplaced, emplaces, emplaned, emplanes, employed, employee, employer, employes, empoison, emporium, empowers, emprises, emprizes, emptiers, emptiest, emptings, emptying, empurple, empyemas, empyemic, empyreal, empyrean, encamped, encipher, enclasps, encrypts, endocarp, endopods, endpaper, endplate, endpoint, enplaned, enplanes, ensample, ensphere, enthalpy, entrepot, entropic, envelope, envelops, eohippus, eolipile, eolopile, epaulets, epazotes, epeeists, ependyma, epergnes, ephedras, ephedrin, ephemera, ephorate, epiblast, epibolic, epically, epicalyx, epicarps, epicedia, epicenes, epiclike, epicotyl, epicures, epicycle, epidemic, epiderms, epidotes, epidotic, epidural, epifauna, epifocal, epigenic, epigeous, epigones, epigonic, epigonus, epigrams, epigraph, epilepsy, epilogue, epimeres, epimeric, epimysia, epinasty, epiphany, epiphyte, episcias, episcope, episodes, episodic, episomal, episomes, epistasy, epistler, epistles, epistome, epistyle, epitaphs, epitases, epitasis, epitaxic, epithets, epitomes, epitomic, epizoism, epizoite, epizooty, eponymic, epopoeia, epoxides, epoxying, epsilons, equipage, equipped, equipper, erepsins, erumpent, erupting, eruption, eruptive, escallop, escalops, escapade, escapees, escapers, escaping, escapism, escapist, escarped, esophagi, espalier, espartos, especial, espiegle, espousal, espoused, espouser, espouses, espresso, estopped, estoppel, ethephon, eucalypt, eupatrid, eupepsia, eupeptic, euphenic, euphonic, euphoria, euphoric, euphotic, euphrasy, euphroes, euphuism, euphuist, euploids, euploidy, eupnoeas, eupnoeic, europium, eutrophy, exampled, examples, excepted, excerpts, exciples, exemplar, exemplum, exempted, exocarps, exospore, expanded, expander, expandor, expanses, expected, expedite, expelled, expellee, expeller, expended, expender, expensed, expenses, experted, expertly, expiable, expiated, expiates, expiator, expirers, expiries, expiring, explains, explants, explicit, exploded, exploder, explodes, exploits, explored, explorer, explores, exponent, exported, exporter, exposals, exposers, exposing, exposits, exposure, expounds, expresso, expulsed, expulses, expunged, expunger, expunges, eyepiece, eyepoint, eyespots, feldspar, felspars, filliped, finespun, firedamp, firepans, firepink, fireplug, firetrap, fishpole, fishpond, fissiped, fivepins, flagpole, flagship, flapjack, flapless, flappers, flappier, flapping, flatcaps, flattops, fleapits, fleshpot, flippant, flippers, flippest, flipping, flopover, floppers, floppier, floppies, floppily, flopping, flumping, flypaper, flypasts, flyspeck, flytraps, foolscap, footpace, footpads, footpath, footrope, footstep, forcipes, forepart, forepast, forepaws, forepeak, foreplay, foretops, forspent, fourplex, frapping, frippery, frumpier, frumpily, frumpish, fusspots, galipots, gallipot, galloped, galloper, galopade, galoping, galumphs, gangplow, gantlope, gapeseed, gapeworm, gapingly, gappiest, garpikes, gatepost, gazpacho, gazumped, gazumper, geepound, genipaps, genotype, geophagy, geophone, geophyte, geoponic, geoprobe, gestapos, gimpiest, gipsying, glimpsed, glimpser, glimpses, glopping, gluepots, glumpier, glumpily, glyptics, goalpost, godships, gonopore, goopiest, gospeler, gosports, gossiped, gossiper, gossipry, gossypol, grandpas, grapheme, graphics, graphing, graphite, grapiest, grapline, graplins, grapnels, grappled, grappler, grapples, graspers, grasping, graupels, gripiest, grippers, grippier, gripping, gripsack, grogshop, groupers, groupies, grouping, groupoid, grownups, grumphie, grumpier, grumpily, grumping, grumpish, gryphons, guipures, gulpiest, gumdrops, gumption, gunpaper, gunplays, gunpoint, gunships, guruship, gyplures, gypseian, gypseous, gypsters, gypsydom, gypsying, gypsyish, gypsyism, haircaps, hairpins, hampered, hamperer, hanapers, handgrip, handicap, handpick, haphtara, haplites, haploids, haploidy, haplonts, haplopia, haploses, haplosis, happened, happiest, haptenes, haptenic, haptical, hardpans, hardship, hardtops, harelips, harpings, harpists, harpoons, harrumph, harumphs, haruspex, headlamp, headpins, headship, hedgehop, hedgepig, heelpost, heeltaps, heirship, helicopt, helipads, heliport, helistop, helpable, helpings, helpless, helpmate, helpmeet, hemipter, hempiest, hemplike, hempseed, hempweed, hencoops, henpecks, heparins, hepatica, hepatics, hepatize, hepatoma, heptagon, heptanes, heptarch, heptoses, hereupon, herpeses, herpetic, hexaplar, hexaplas, hexapods, hexapody, hiccuped, hilltops, hipbones, hiplines, hipparch, hippiest, hipsters, hirpling, hockshop, hokypoky, holotype, homespun, hoopless, hooplike, hoopster, hopefuls, hopeless, hopheads, hoplites, hoplitic, hoppling, hopsacks, hoptoads, hornpipe, hornpout, horsepox, hospices, hospital, hospitia, hospodar, hotchpot, hotpress, hotspurs, housetop, huipiles, humpback, humphing, humpiest, humpless, hutzpahs, hydropic, hydropsy, hypergol, hyperons, hyperope, hyphemia, hyphened, hypnoses, hypnosis, hypnotic, hypoacid, hypoderm, hypogeal, hypogean, hypogene, hypogeum, hypogyny, hyponeas, hyponoia, hypopnea, hypopyon, hypothec, hypoxias, impacted, impacter, impactor, impaints, impaired, impairer, impalers, impaling, impanels, imparity, imparked, imparted, imparter, impasses, impasted, impastes, impastos, impawned, impearls, impeders, impeding, impelled, impeller, impellor, impended, imperial, imperils, imperium, impetigo, impinged, impinger, impinges, impishly, implants, impleads, impledge, implicit, imploded, implodes, implored, implorer, implores, implying, impolicy, impolite, imponing, imporous, imported, importer, imposers, imposing, imposted, imposter, impostor, impotent, impounds, impowers, impregns, impresas, impreses, imprests, imprimis, imprints, imprison, improper, improved, improver, improves, impudent, impugned, impugner, impulsed, impulses, impunity, impurely, impurity, imputers, imputing, incepted, inceptor, incipits, inclasps, incorpse, inexpert, ingroups, inpoured, inputted, inscapes, insculps, inspects, insphere, inspired, inspirer, inspires, inspirit, interlap, intrepid, iodophor, iodopsin, ipomoeas, irrupted, isograph, isomorph, isopachs, isophote, isopleth, isopodan, isoprene, isospins, isospory, isotopes, isotopic, isotropy, isotypes, isotypic, jackpots, jalapeno, jalapins, jalopies, japanize, japanned, japanner, japeries, japingly, japonica, jeepneys, jeopards, jeopardy, jetports, jipijapa, jodhpurs, jumpiest, jumpoffs, jumpsuit, junipers, kajeputs, kalyptra, kampongs, keepable, keepings, keepsake, kephalin, kerplunk, ketchups, keypunch, kidnaped, kidnapee, kidnaper, kingcups, kingpins, kingpost, kingship, kinships, kippered, kipperer, kipskins, klephtic, knappers, knapping, knapsack, knapweed, kneecaps, kneepads, kneepans, kreplach, kryptons, kyphoses, kyphosis, kyphotic, ladypalm, ladyship, lagnappe, lakeport, lampases, lampions, lampoons, lamppost, lampreys, lampyrid, landskip, landslip, lapboard, lapelled, lapidary, lapidate, lapidify, lapidist, lapillus, lappered, lappeted, lapsable, lapsible, lapwings, larkspur, larruped, larruper, leapfrog, lempiras, leopards, lepidote, leporids, leporine, leprotic, leptonic, levodopa, lickspit, lilliput, limpidly, limpkins, limpness, limpsier, linchpin, lipocyte, lipoidal, lipomata, liposome, lippened, lippered, lippiest, lippings, lipstick, liripipe, livetrap, lockstep, logotype, logotypy, lollipop, lolloped, lollypop, longship, longspur, loophole, loopiest, loppered, loppiest, lopsided, lopstick, lordship, lumpfish, lumpiest, lupanars, lupulins, lycopene, lycopods, lymphoid, lymphoma, lynchpin, lyophile, maintops, malapert, malaprop, malposed, manciple, maniples, manpower, manropes, mantraps, mapmaker, mappable, mappings, mariposa, marplots, marsupia, marzipan, matchups, mateship, mayapple, maypoles, megalops, megapode, megapods, megilphs, mephitic, mephitis, mercapto, meropias, mesocarp, mesophyl, metaphor, metopons, midpoint, midships, midspace, milepost, milksops, milleped, milliped, millpond, minipark, misadapt, misapply, miskeeps, mispaged, mispages, mispaint, misparse, misparts, mispatch, misplace, misplans, misplant, misplays, misplead, mispoint, mispoise, misprice, misprint, misprize, misshape, misspace, misspeak, misspell, misspelt, misspend, misspent, misspoke, missteps, misstops, mistyped, mistypes, moldwarp, monocarp, monopode, monopody, monopole, monopoly, monotype, moonport, mopboard, moperies, mopingly, mopishly, morpheme, morphias, morphine, morphins, mudpacks, mudpuppy, mugwumps, multiped, multiple, multiply, murphies, muspikes, myograph, myopathy, myoscope, myriapod, myriopod, napalmed, naperies, naphthas, naphthol, naphthyl, naphtols, napiform, napoleon, nappiest, nauplial, nauplius, necropsy, neomorph, neophyte, neoplasm, neoprene, neotypes, nepenthe, nephrism, nephrite, nephrons, nepotism, nepotist, newspeak, nightcap, ninepins, nippiest, nitpicks, nonempty, nonpagan, nonpapal, nonparty, nonpasts, nonplays, nonpolar, nonprint, nontrump, nonuples, notepads, nuptials, nutpicks, nymphean, nymphets, occipita, occiputs, occupant, occupied, occupier, occupies, octopods, octupled, octuples, octuplet, octuplex, odograph, oedipean, offprint, offramps, oilcamps, oilpaper, oilproof, olympiad, omophagy, omphalos, oompahed, oophytes, oophytic, oosperms, oosphere, oospores, oosporic, opalesce, opalines, opaquely, opaquest, opaquing, openable, openings, openness, openwork, operable, operably, operands, operants, operated, operates, operatic, operator, opercele, opercula, opercule, operetta, ophidian, opiating, opinions, opiumism, opossums, oppidans, oppilant, oppilate, opponent, opposers, opposing, opposite, oppugned, oppugner, opsonify, opsonins, opsonize, optative, optician, opticist, optimise, optimism, optimist, optimize, optimums, optional, optioned, optionee, opulence, opulency, opuntias, opuscula, opuscule, orphaned, orphical, orphreys, orpiment, orthoepy, otoscope, otoscopy, outcaper, outcrops, outdrops, outgroup, outjumps, outkeeps, outleaps, outleapt, outpaced, outpaces, outpaint, outpitch, outplans, outplays, outplods, outplots, outpoint, outpolls, outports, outposts, outpours, outprays, outpreen, outpress, outprice, outpulls, outpunch, outscoop, outsleep, outslept, outspans, outspeak, outspeed, outspell, outspelt, outspend, outspent, outspoke, outstrip, outtrump, outweeps, outyelps, overcrop, overheap, overhope, overhype, overlaps, overleap, overpaid, overpass, overpast, overpays, overpert, overplan, overplay, overplot, overplus, overpump, overripe, overslip, overspin, overstep, oversups, overtips, overtops, oviposit, oxazepam, oxpecker, oxyphile, oxyphils, pabulums, pachadom, pachalic, pachinko, pachisis, pachouli, pachucos, pacified, pacifier, pacifies, pacifism, pacifist, packable, packaged, packager, packages, packeted, packings, packness, packsack, pactions, paddings, paddlers, paddling, paddocks, padishah, padlocks, padrones, padshahs, paduasoy, paeanism, paesanos, pagandom, paganise, paganish, paganism, paganist, paganize, pageants, pageboys, paginate, pagurian, pagurids, pahlavis, pahoehoe, pailfuls, paillard, pailsful, painches, painless, painters, paintier, painting, pairings, paisanas, paisanos, paisleys, pajamaed, palabras, paladins, palatals, palatial, palatine, palavers, palazzos, paleface, paleness, paleosol, palestra, paletots, palettes, paleways, palewise, palfreys, palikars, palimony, palinode, palisade, palladia, palladic, pallette, palliate, pallidly, palliest, palliums, palmated, palmette, palmetto, palmiest, palmists, palmitin, palmlike, palmyras, palomino, palookas, palpable, palpably, palpated, palpates, palpator, palpebra, palships, palsying, paltered, palterer, paltrier, paltrily, paludism, pampeans, pampered, pamperer, pamperos, pamphlet, panacean, panaceas, panaches, panatela, panbroil, pancaked, pancakes, pancreas, pandanus, pandects, pandemic, pandered, panderer, pandoors, pandoras, pandores, pandours, pandowdy, panduras, pandying, paneling, panelist, panelled, panetela, panfried, panfries, pangenes, pangolin, panhuman, panicked, panicled, panicles, panicums, panmixes, panmixia, panmixis, panniers, pannikin, panochas, panoches, panoptic, panorama, panpipes, pansophy, pantheon, panthers, pantiled, pantiles, pantofle, pantoums, pantries, pantsuit, papacies, paperboy, paperers, papering, paphians, papillae, papillar, papillon, papooses, pappiest, pappoose, papricas, paprikas, papulose, papyrian, papyrine, parables, parabola, parachor, paraders, paradigm, parading, paradise, paradors, paradrop, paraffin, paraform, paragoge, paragons, parakeet, parakite, parallax, parallel, paralyse, paralyze, parament, paramour, paranoea, paranoia, paranoic, paranoid, parapets, paraquat, paraquet, parasang, parashah, parasite, parasols, paravane, parawing, parazoan, parboils, parceled, parcener, parchesi, parching, parchisi, pardners, pardoned, pardoner, parecism, pareiras, parental, parented, parergon, paretics, parfaits, parflesh, parfocal, pargeted, pargings, parhelia, parhelic, parietal, parietes, parishes, parities, parkings, parkland, parklike, parkways, parlance, parlando, parlante, parlayed, parleyed, parleyer, parlours, parodied, parodies, parodist, parolees, paroling, paronyms, paroquet, parotids, parotoid, paroxysm, parquets, parridge, parritch, parroket, parroted, parroter, parrying, parsable, parsleys, parsnips, parsonic, partaken, partaker, partakes, parterre, partials, partible, particle, partiers, partings, partisan, partitas, partizan, partlets, partners, partyers, partying, parvenue, parvenus, parvises, parvolin, paschals, pashadom, pashalic, pashalik, pasquils, passable, passably, passades, passados, passaged, passages, passband, passbook, passerby, passible, passings, passions, passives, passkeys, passless, passover, passport, passuses, password, pasterns, pasteups, pasticci, pastiche, pastiest, pastille, pastimes, pastinas, pastises, pastness, pastoral, pastored, pastrami, pastries, pastromi, pastural, pastured, pasturer, pastures, patagial, patagium, patamars, patchers, patchier, patchily, patching, patellae, patellar, patellas, patented, patentee, patently, patentor, paternal, pathetic, pathless, pathogen, pathoses, pathways, patience, patients, patinate, patining, patinize, patriots, patronal, patronly, patroons, pattamar, pattered, patterer, patterns, pattypan, patulent, patulous, pauldron, paunched, paunches, paupered, pavement, pavilion, pavillon, paviours, pavisers, pavonine, pawkiest, pawnable, pawnages, pawnshop, paxwaxes, payables, paybacks, paycheck, paygrade, payloads, payments, payrolls, pazazzes, peaceful, peacenik, peachers, peachier, peaching, peacoats, peacocks, peacocky, peafowls, peakiest, peakless, peaklike, pearlash, pearlers, pearlier, pearling, pearlite, pearmain, peartest, peasants, peascods, peasecod, peatiest, pebblier, pebbling, peccable, peccancy, peccavis, peckiest, pecorini, pecorino, pectases, pectates, pectines, pectized, pectizes, pectoral, peculate, peculiar, peculium, pedagogs, pedagogy, pedalfer, pedalier, pedaling, pedalled, pedantic, pedantry, pedately, peddlers, peddlery, peddling, pederast, pedestal, pedicabs, pedicels, pedicled, pedicles, pedicure, pediform, pedigree, pediment, pedipalp, pedocals, pedology, peduncle, peebeens, peekaboo, peelable, peelings, peephole, peepshow, peerages, peerless, peesweep, peetweet, pegboard, pegboxes, peignoir, pelagial, pelerine, pelicans, pelisses, pellagra, pelletal, pelleted, pellicle, pellmell, pellucid, pelorian, pelorias, peltasts, peltered, peltries, pelvises, pembinas, pemicans, pemmican, pemoline, penalise, penality, penalize, penanced, penances, penchant, penciled, penciler, pendants, pendency, pendents, pendular, pendulum, penguins, penicils, penitent, penknife, penlight, penlites, pennames, pennants, pennated, pennines, pennoned, penoches, penology, penoncel, penpoint, pensione, pensions, pensters, penstock, pentacle, pentagon, pentanes, pentanol, pentarch, pentenes, pentodes, pentomic, pentosan, pentoses, penuches, penuchis, penuchle, penuckle, penumbra, penuries, peonages, peonisms, peoplers, peopling, peperoni, peploses, peplumed, pepluses, peponida, peponium, peppered, pepperer, peppiest, pepsines, peptides, peptidic, peptized, peptizer, peptizes, peptones, peptonic, peracids, percales, perceive, percents, percepts, perchers, perching, percoids, perdured, perdures, peregrin, pereopod, perfecta, perfecto, perfects, perforce, performs, perfumed, perfumer, perfumes, perfused, perfuses, pergolas, perianth, periapts, periblem, pericarp, pericope, periderm, peridial, peridium, peridots, perigeal, perigean, perigees, perigons, perigyny, periling, perillas, perilled, perilous, perilune, perineal, perineum, periodic, periodid, periotic, peripety, peripter, periques, perisarc, perished, perishes, periwigs, perjured, perjurer, perjures, perkiest, perlites, perlitic, permeant, permease, permeate, permuted, permutes, peroneal, perorate, peroxide, peroxids, perpends, perpents, persalts, persists, personae, personal, personas, perspire, perspiry, persuade, pertains, pertness, perturbs, perusals, perusers, perusing, pervaded, pervader, pervades, perverse, perverts, pervious, peskiest, pestered, pesterer, pesthole, pestling, petaline, petalled, petalody, petaloid, petalous, petcocks, petechia, petering, petiolar, petioled, petioles, petition, petrolic, petronel, petrosal, pettedly, pettiest, pettifog, pettings, pettling, petulant, petunias, petuntse, petuntze, pewterer, peytrals, peytrels, pfennige, pfennigs, phaetons, phalange, phallism, phallist, phantasm, phantast, phantasy, phantoms, pharaohs, pharisee, pharmacy, pharoses, phaseout, phasmids, pheasant, phellems, phelonia, phenates, phenazin, phenetic, phenetol, phenixes, phenolic, phenylic, philabeg, philibeg, philomel, philters, philtred, philtres, philtrum, phimoses, phimosis, phimotic, phonated, phonates, phonemes, phonemic, phonetic, phoneyed, phoniest, phonying, phorates, phoronid, phosgene, phosphid, phosphin, phosphor, photoing, photomap, photonic, photopia, photopic, photoset, phrasing, phratral, phratric, phreatic, phthalic, phthalin, phthises, phthisic, phthisis, phylaxis, phyleses, phylesis, phyletic, phyllary, phyllite, phyllode, phylloid, phyllome, physical, physique, phytanes, phytonic, piacular, piaffers, piaffing, pianisms, pianists, piasabas, piasavas, piassaba, piassava, piasters, piastres, pibrochs, picachos, picadors, picaroon, picayune, piccolos, piciform, pickadil, pickaxed, pickaxes, pickeers, pickerel, picketed, picketer, pickiest, pickings, pickling, picklock, pickoffs, pickwick, picloram, picnicky, picogram, picoline, picolins, picomole, picotees, picoting, picquets, picrated, picrates, picrites, picritic, pictured, pictures, piddlers, piddling, piddocks, piebalds, piecings, piecrust, piedfort, piedmont, pieforts, pieplant, piercers, piercing, pierrots, pietisms, pietists, piffling, pigboats, piggiest, pigments, pignolia, pignolis, pigskins, pigsneys, pigstick, pigsties, pigtails, pigweeds, pilaster, pilchard, pileated, pileless, pilewort, pilfered, pilferer, pilgrims, piliform, pillaged, pillager, pillages, pillared, pillions, pillowed, pilosity, pilotage, piloting, pilsener, pilsners, pimentos, pimiento, pimplier, pinafore, pinaster, pinballs, pinbones, pinchbug, pincheck, pinchers, pinching, pindling, pinecone, pineland, pinelike, pineries, pinesaps, pinewood, pinfolds, pingrass, pinheads, pinholes, pinioned, pinitols, pinkened, pinkeyes, pinkings, pinkness, pinkroot, pinnaces, pinnacle, pinnated, pinniped, pinnulae, pinnular, pinnules, pinochle, pinocles, pinpoint, pinprick, pinscher, pintadas, pintados, pintails, pintanos, pintsize, pinwales, pinweeds, pinwheel, pinworks, pinworms, pioneers, pipeages, pipefish, pipefuls, pipeless, pipelike, pipeline, piperine, pipestem, pipetted, pipettes, pipiness, pipingly, piquancy, piracies, piraguas, piranhas, pirarucu, pirating, piriform, pirogies, pirogues, piroques, piroshki, pirozhki, pirozhok, piscator, piscinae, piscinal, piscinas, pishoges, pishogue, pisiform, pismires, pisolite, pissants, pissoirs, pistache, pistoled, pistoles, pitapats, pitchers, pitchier, pitchily, pitching, pitchman, pitchmen, pitchout, pitfalls, pitheads, pithiest, pithless, pitiable, pitiably, pitiless, pittance, pittings, pivoting, pivotman, pivotmen, pixieish, pixiness, pizazzes, pizzeria, placable, placably, placards, placated, placater, placates, placebos, placeman, placemen, placenta, placidly, plackets, placoids, plafonds, plagiary, plaguers, plaguily, plaguing, plainest, plaining, plaister, plaiters, plaiting, planaria, planches, planchet, planform, plangent, planking, plankter, plankton, planless, planners, planning, planosol, plantain, planters, planting, plantlet, planulae, planular, plashers, plashier, plashing, plasmids, plasmins, plasmoid, plasmons, plasters, plastery, plastics, plastids, plastral, plastron, plastrum, platanes, plateaus, plateaux, plateful, platelet, platform, platiest, platinas, platings, platinic, platinum, platonic, platoons, platters, platting, platypus, plaudits, plausive, playable, playacts, playback, playbill, playbook, playboys, playdate, playdays, playdown, playgirl, playgoer, playland, playless, playlets, playlike, playlist, playmate, playoffs, playpens, playroom, playsuit, playtime, playwear, pleached, pleaches, pleaders, pleading, pleasant, pleasers, pleasing, pleasure, pleaters, pleating, plebeian, plectron, plectrum, pledgees, pledgeor, pledgers, pledgets, pledging, pledgors, pleiades, plenches, plenisms, plenists, plenties, pleonasm, pleopods, plessors, plethora, pleurisy, pleuston, plexuses, pliantly, plicated, plighted, plighter, plimsole, plimsoll, plimsols, plinkers, plinking, pliotron, pliskies, plodders, plodding, ploidies, plonking, plopping, plosions, plosives, plotless, plottage, plotters, plottier, plotties, plotting, plotzing, ploughed, plougher, plowable, plowback, plowboys, plowhead, plowland, pluckers, pluckier, pluckily, plucking, pluggers, plugging, plugless, plugolas, plugugly, plumaged, plumages, plumbago, plumbers, plumbery, plumbing, plumbism, plumbous, plumbums, plumelet, plumiest, plumiped, plumlike, plummets, plummier, plumpens, plumpers, plumpest, plumping, plumpish, plumular, plumules, plunders, plungers, plunging, plunkers, plunking, plurally, plushest, plushier, plushily, plussage, plutonic, pluvials, pluviose, pluvious, plyingly, plywoods, poaceous, poachers, poachier, poaching, pochards, pocketed, pocketer, pockiest, pockmark, pocosins, podagral, podagras, podagric, podestas, podgiest, podiatry, podocarp, podomere, podsolic, podzolic, poechore, poetical, poetised, poetiser, poetises, poetized, poetizer, poetizes, poetless, poetlike, poetries, pogonias, pogonips, pogromed, poignant, poinding, pointers, pointier, pointing, pointman, pointmen, poisoned, poisoner, poitrels, pokeroot, pokeweed, pokiness, polarise, polarity, polarize, polarons, poleaxed, poleaxes, polecats, poleless, polemics, polemist, polemize, polentas, polestar, poleward, policies, policing, polished, polisher, polishes, politely, politest, politick, politico, politics, polities, polkaing, pollacks, pollards, pollened, pollical, pollices, pollinia, pollinic, pollists, polliwog, pollocks, pollster, polluted, polluter, pollutes, pollywog, poloists, polonium, poltroon, polybrid, polycots, polyenes, polyenic, polygala, polygamy, polygene, polyglot, polygons, polygony, polygyny, polymath, polymers, polynyas, polyomas, polypary, polypide, polypnea, polypods, polypody, polypoid, polypore, polypous, polysemy, polysome, polytene, polyteny, polytype, polyuria, polyuric, polyzoan, polyzoic, pomading, pomander, pomatums, pomfrets, pommeled, pomology, pompanos, pondered, ponderer, pondweed, poniards, pontifex, pontiffs, pontific, pontoons, ponytail, pooching, poolhall, poolroom, poolside, poorness, poortith, popcorns, popedoms, popeless, popelike, popinjay, poplitic, popovers, poppling, populace, populate, populism, populist, populous, porkiest, porkpies, porkwood, porosity, porously, porphyry, porpoise, porridge, portable, portably, portaged, portages, portaled, portance, portapak, portends, portents, porthole, porticos, portiere, portions, portless, portlier, portrait, portrays, portress, poshness, posingly, positing, position, positive, positron, posology, possible, possibly, postages, postally, postanal, postbags, postbase, postboys, postburn, postcard, postcava, postcode, postcoup, postdate, postdive, postdrug, posteens, posterns, postface, postform, postgame, postheat, posthole, postiche, postings, postique, postlude, postmark, postoral, postpaid, postpone, postrace, postriot, postsync, postteen, posttest, postural, postured, posturer, postures, potables, potashes, potassic, potation, potatoes, potatory, potbelly, potboils, potences, potently, potheads, potheens, potherbs, pothered, potholed, potholes, pothooks, pothouse, potiches, potlache, potlatch, potlines, potlucks, potshard, potsherd, potshots, potstone, pottages, potteens, pottered, potterer, pottiest, pouchier, pouching, poularde, poulards, poulters, poultice, pouncers, pouncing, poundage, poundals, pounders, pounding, pourable, poussies, poutiest, powdered, powderer, powerful, powering, powwowed, poxvirus, pozzolan, practice, practise, praecipe, praedial, praefect, praelect, praetors, prairies, praisers, praising, pralines, prancers, prancing, prandial, pranging, pranking, prankish, pratfall, pratique, prattled, prattler, prattles, prawners, prawning, praxises, preached, preacher, preaches, preacted, preadapt, preadmit, preadopt, preadult, preallot, preamble, prearmed, preaudit, preavers, preaxial, prebasal, prebends, prebills, prebinds, prebless, preboils, prebound, precasts, precavae, precaval, preceded, precedes, precents, precepts, precheck, prechill, precieux, precinct, precious, precipes, precised, preciser, precises, precited, preclean, preclear, preclude, precoded, precodes, precooks, precools, precrash, precured, precures, predated, predates, predator, predawns, predicts, predrill, predusks, preedits, preelect, preemies, preempts, preenact, preeners, preening, preerect, preexist, prefaced, prefacer, prefaces, prefaded, prefades, prefects, prefight, prefiled, prefiles, prefired, prefires, prefixal, prefixed, prefixes, preflame, prefocus, preforms, prefrank, prefroze, preggers, pregnant, preheats, prehuman, prejudge, prelates, prelatic, prelects, prelegal, prelimit, prelives, preluded, preluder, preludes, prelunch, premedic, premiere, premiers, premised, premises, premiums, premixed, premixes, premolar, premolds, premoral, premorse, prenames, prenatal, prenomen, prentice, preorder, prepacks, prepared, preparer, prepares, prepaste, prepense, preplace, preplans, preplant, preppier, preppies, preppily, prepping, prepregs, preprice, preprint, prepuces, prepunch, prepupal, prerenal, prerinse, presaged, presager, presages, prescind, prescore, presells, presence, presents, preserve, preshape, preshown, preshows, presided, presider, presides, presidia, presidio, presifts, presleep, preslice, presoaks, presorts, presplit, pressers, pressing, pressman, pressmen, pressors, pressrun, pressure, prestamp, presters, prestige, presumed, presumer, presumes, pretaped, pretapes, pretaste, preteens, pretence, pretends, pretense, preterit, pretests, pretexts, pretrain, pretreat, pretrial, pretrims, prettied, prettier, pretties, prettify, prettily, pretyped, pretypes, pretzels, preunion, preunite, prevails, prevents, previews, previous, prevised, previses, previsor, prevuing, prewarms, prewarns, prewraps, priapean, priapism, priciest, prickers, prickets, prickier, pricking, prickled, prickles, prideful, priedieu, priested, priestly, priggery, prigging, priggish, priggism, prilling, primages, primatal, primates, primeros, primeval, primines, primings, primmest, primming, primness, primping, primrose, primulas, primuses, princely, princess, principe, principi, princock, prinkers, prinking, printers, printery, printing, printout, priorate, prioress, priories, priority, priseres, prismoid, prisoned, prisoner, prissier, prissies, prissily, prissing, pristane, pristine, privater, privates, priviest, probable, probably, probands, probangs, probated, probates, problems, procaine, procarps, proceeds, prochain, prochein, proclaim, proctors, procural, procured, procurer, procures, prodders, prodding, prodigal, prodrome, produced, producer, produces, products, proemial, proettes, profaned, profaner, profanes, proffers, profiled, profiler, profiles, profited, profiter, profound, progeria, proggers, progging, prognose, prograde, programs, progress, prohibit, projects, prolabor, prolamin, prolapse, prolific, prolines, prolixly, prologed, prologue, prolonge, prolongs, promines, promised, promisee, promiser, promises, promisor, promoted, promoter, promotes, prompted, prompter, promptly, promulge, pronated, pronates, pronator, pronging, pronotum, pronouns, proofers, proofing, propanes, propends, propenes, propenol, propense, propenyl, properer, properly, property, prophage, prophase, prophecy, prophesy, prophets, propined, propines, propjets, propolis, proponed, propones, proposal, proposed, proposer, proposes, propound, propping, propylic, propylon, prorated, prorates, prorogue, prosaism, prosaist, prosects, prosiest, prosodic, prosomal, prosomas, prospect, prospers, prossies, prostate, prosties, prostyle, protamin, protases, protasis, protatic, proteans, protease, protects, protegee, proteges, proteide, proteids, proteins, protends, proteose, protests, protists, protiums, protocol, protonic, protopod, protoxid, protozoa, protract, protrude, protyles, proudest, proudful, prounion, provable, provably, provenly, proverbs, provided, provider, provides, province, proviral, provirus, provisos, provoked, provoker, provokes, provosts, prowlers, prowling, proxemic, proximal, prudence, pruinose, prunable, prunella, prunelle, prunello, prurient, prurigos, pruritic, pruritus, pryingly, psalming, psalmist, psalmody, psalters, psaltery, psammite, psammons, pschents, psephite, pshawing, psilocin, psiloses, psilosis, psilotic, psoralea, psoralen, psychics, psyching, psyllids, psyllium, pteropod, pterygia, pterylae, ptomaine, ptomains, ptyalins, ptyalism, pubertal, publican, publicly, puccoons, puckered, puckerer, puddings, puddlers, puddlier, puddling, pudendal, pudendum, pudgiest, pudibund, puffball, puffiest, pugarees, puggaree, puggiest, puggrees, puggries, pugilism, pugilist, pugmarks, puissant, pulicene, pulicide, pulingly, pullback, pullmans, pullouts, pullover, pulmonic, pulmotor, pulpally, pulpiest, pulpital, pulpless, pulpwood, pulsated, pulsates, pulsator, pulsejet, pulsions, pulsojet, pulvilli, pulvinar, pulvinus, pumicers, pumicing, pumicite, pummeled, pumpkins, pumpless, pumplike, puncheon, punchers, punchier, punchily, punching, punctate, punctual, puncture, punditic, punditry, pungency, pungling, puniness, punished, punisher, punishes, punition, punitive, punitory, punkiest, punniest, punsters, puparial, puparium, pupating, pupation, pupilage, pupilary, puppetry, puppydom, puppyish, purblind, purchase, purebred, pureeing, pureness, purfling, purgings, purified, purifier, purifies, puristic, puritans, purities, purlieus, purlines, purloins, purplest, purpling, purplish, purports, purposed, purposes, purpuras, purpures, purpuric, purpurin, pursiest, purslane, pursuant, pursuers, pursuing, pursuits, purulent, purveyed, purveyor, purviews, pushball, pushcart, pushdown, pushiest, pushover, pushpins, pushrods, pussiest, pussleys, pusslies, pusslike, pussycat, pustular, pustuled, pustules, putamina, putative, putridly, putsches, puttered, putterer, puttiers, puttying, puzzlers, puzzling, pyaemias, pycnidia, pycnoses, pycnosis, pycnotic, pyelitic, pyelitis, pygidial, pygidium, pygmaean, pygmyish, pygmyism, pyknoses, pyknosis, pyknotic, pyoderma, pyogenic, pyorrhea, pyralids, pyramids, pyranoid, pyranose, pyrenoid, pyrexial, pyrexias, pyridine, pyriform, pyritous, pyrogens, pyrology, pyrolyze, pyronine, pyrostat, pyroxene, pyrrhics, pyrroles, pyrrolic, pyruvate, pythonic, pyxidium, quadplex, quipping, quippish, quipster, raindrop, ralphing, rampaged, rampager, rampages, rampancy, ramparts, rampikes, rampions, rampoles, ranpikes, rapacity, rapeseed, raphides, rapidest, rapidity, rapiered, rapparee, rapports, raptness, raptured, raptures, rareripe, raspiest, rataplan, rattraps, reaccept, readapts, readopts, reapable, reaphook, reappear, recapped, receipts, receptor, reclasps, recopied, recopies, recouped, recouple, redeploy, redipped, redpolls, reemploy, reequips, reexpels, reexport, regroups, reimport, reimpose, relapsed, relapser, relapses, remapped, reoccupy, reopened, reoppose, repacify, repacked, repaints, repaired, repairer, repandly, repanels, repapers, reparked, repartee, repassed, repasses, repasted, repaving, repaying, repealed, repealer, repeated, repeater, repegged, repelled, repeller, repented, repenter, repeople, reperked, repetend, rephrase, repiners, repining, repinned, replaced, replacer, replaces, replants, replated, replates, replayed, repleads, repledge, replevin, replicas, replicon, repliers, replumbs, replunge, replying, repolish, repolled, reported, reporter, reposals, reposers, reposing, reposits, repotted, repoured, repousse, repowers, repriced, reprices, reprieve, reprints, reprisal, reprised, reprises, reproach, reprobed, reprobes, reproofs, reproval, reproved, reprover, reproves, reptiles, republic, repugned, repulsed, repulser, repulses, repumped, repurify, repursue, reputing, rerepeat, resample, rescript, resculpt, reshaped, reshaper, reshapes, respaced, respaces, respaded, respades, respeaks, respects, respells, respired, respires, respited, respites, resplice, resplits, respoken, responds, responsa, response, resprang, resprays, respread, respring, resprout, resprung, restamps, resupine, resupply, retaping, retemper, retyping, revamped, revamper, rhapsode, rhapsody, rheophil, rhizopod, rhizopus, rifampin, rimpling, riparian, ripcords, ripeners, ripeness, ripening, ripienos, riposted, ripostes, rippable, ripplers, ripplets, ripplier, rippling, ripstops, riptides, rollmops, rooftops, roperies, ropewalk, ropeways, ropiness, roundups, roupiest, rumpless, rumplier, rumpling, rumpuses, ruptured, ruptures, salpians, saltpans, samphire, samplers, sampling, sandpeep, sandpile, sandpits, sandsoap, sandspur, sapajous, sapheads, saphenae, sapidity, sapience, sapiency, saplings, saponify, saponine, saponins, saponite, saporous, sapphics, sapphire, sapphism, sapphist, sappiest, sapremia, sapremic, saprobes, saprobic, sapropel, sapsagos, sapwoods, satinpod, saucepan, sauropod, scalepan, scaleups, scallops, scalpels, scalpers, scalping, scampers, scampies, scamping, scampish, scaphoid, scapulae, scapular, scapulas, scarfpin, scarpers, scarphed, scarping, scaupers, scepters, sceptics, sceptral, sceptred, sceptres, schappes, schlepps, schlumps, schnapps, scollops, scoopers, scoopful, scooping, scopulae, scopulas, scorepad, scorpion, scotopia, scotopic, scrapers, scrapies, scraping, scrapped, scrapper, scrapple, screwups, scrimped, scrimper, scrimpit, scripted, scripter, scrooped, scrupled, scruples, sculping, sculpins, sculpted, sculptor, scuppaug, scuppers, scyphate, seapiece, seaplane, seaports, seascape, seedpods, seepages, seepiest, semipros, semplice, senopias, sepaline, sepalled, sepaloid, sepalous, separate, seppukus, septaria, septette, septical, septimes, septuple, seraphic, seraphim, seraphin, serotype, serpents, sesspool, sextuple, sextuply, shakeups, shallops, shampoos, shapable, shapeups, sharpens, sharpers, sharpest, sharpies, sharping, sheepcot, sheepdog, sheepish, sheepman, sheepmen, shepherd, shiplaps, shipload, shipmate, shipment, shippens, shippers, shipping, shippons, shipside, shipways, shipworm, shipyard, shlepped, shlumped, shoepack, shoepacs, shopboys, shopgirl, shophars, shoplift, shoppers, shopping, shoptalk, shopworn, shrapnel, shrimped, shrimper, shunpike, shwanpan, sideslip, sidespin, sidestep, signpost, simpered, simperer, simplest, simplify, simplism, simplist, sinapism, sinciput, sinopias, siphonal, siphoned, siphonic, sixpence, sixpenny, skelping, skeptics, skimpier, skimpily, skimping, skipjack, skiplane, skippers, skippets, skipping, skullcap, slapdash, slapjack, slappers, slapping, sleepers, sleepier, sleepily, sleeping, slipcase, slipform, slipknot, slipless, slipouts, slipover, slippage, slippers, slippery, slippier, slipping, slipshod, slipslop, slipsole, slipware, slipways, sloppier, sloppily, slopping, slopwork, slowpoke, slumping, slurping, smallpox, smashups, smokepot, snapback, snapless, snappers, snappier, snappily, snapping, snappish, snapshot, snapweed, sneaping, snippers, snippets, snippety, snippier, snippily, snipping, snoopers, snoopier, snoopily, snooping, snowcaps, snowdrop, snowpack, snowplow, soapbark, soapiest, soapless, soaplike, soapsuds, soapwort, sonships, sophisms, sophists, sopiting, soppiest, sopranos, sorption, sorptive, soupcons, soupiest, sourpuss, soursops, southpaw, spaceman, spacemen, spaciest, spacings, spacious, spackled, spackles, spadeful, spadices, spadille, spadixes, spadones, spaeings, spaetzle, spagyric, spallers, spalling, spalpeen, spancels, spandrel, spandril, spangled, spangles, spaniels, spankers, spanking, spanless, spanners, spanning, spanworm, sparable, sparerib, spargers, sparging, sparkers, sparkier, sparkily, sparking, sparkish, sparkled, sparkler, sparkles, sparlike, sparling, sparoids, sparrier, sparring, sparrows, sparsely, sparsest, sparsity, spastics, spathose, spatters, spatting, spatular, spatulas, spavined, spawners, spawning, speakers, speaking, speaning, spearers, spearing, spearman, spearmen, speccing, specials, speciate, specific, specimen, specious, specking, speckled, speckles, spectate, specters, spectral, spectres, spectrum, specular, speculum, speeches, speeders, speedier, speedily, speeding, speedups, speedway, speeling, speering, speiling, speiring, speisses, spelaean, spellers, spelling, spelters, speltzes, spelunks, spencers, spenders, spending, spermary, spermine, spermous, sphagnum, sphenoid, spherics, spherier, sphering, spheroid, spherule, sphinges, sphingid, sphinxes, sphygmic, sphygmus, spicated, spiccato, spiciest, spiculae, spicular, spicules, spiculum, spiegels, spielers, spieling, spiering, spiffier, spiffily, spiffing, spikelet, spikiest, spilikin, spilings, spillage, spillers, spilling, spillway, spinages, spinally, spindled, spindler, spindles, spinelle, spiniest, spinifex, spinless, spinners, spinnery, spinneys, spinnies, spinning, spinoffs, spinouts, spinster, spinulae, spinules, spiracle, spiraeas, spiraled, spirally, spirants, spiremes, spiriest, spirilla, spirited, spirting, spirulae, spirulas, spitball, spiteful, spitfire, spitters, spitting, spittles, spittoon, splashed, splasher, splashes, splatted, splatter, splaying, splendid, splendor, splenial, splenium, splenius, splicers, splicing, splining, splinted, splinter, splitter, splodged, splodges, sploshed, sploshes, splotchy, splurged, splurger, splurges, splutter, spoilage, spoilers, spoiling, spoliate, spondaic, spondees, spongers, spongier, spongily, sponging, spongins, sponsion, sponsons, sponsors, spontoon, spoofers, spoofery, spoofing, spookery, spookier, spookily, spooking, spookish, spooling, spooneys, spoonful, spoonier, spoonies, spoonily, spooning, spooring, sporadic, sporozoa, sporrans, sporters, sportful, sportier, sportily, sporting, sportive, sporular, sporules, spotless, spotters, spottier, spottily, spotting, spousals, spousing, spouters, spouting, spraddle, sprained, sprattle, sprawled, sprawler, sprayers, spraying, spreader, sprigged, sprigger, sprights, springal, springed, springer, springes, sprinkle, sprinted, sprinter, spritzed, spritzer, spritzes, sprocket, sprouted, sprucely, sprucest, sprucier, sprucing, spryness, spudders, spudding, spumiest, spumones, spumonis, spunkier, spunkies, spunkily, spunking, spurgall, spurious, spurners, spurning, spurrers, spurreys, spurrier, spurries, spurring, spurting, spurtles, sputniks, sputters, spyglass, stackups, stampede, stampers, stamping, standpat, stanhope, stapedes, stapelia, staplers, stapling, startups, steapsin, steepens, steepers, steepest, steeping, steepled, steeples, stepdame, steplike, steppers, stepping, stepsons, stepwise, stewpans, stickpin, stickups, stinkpot, stipends, stipites, stippled, stippler, stipples, stipular, stipuled, stipules, stirrups, stockpot, stolport, stompers, stomping, stoopers, stooping, stopbank, stopcock, stopgaps, stopover, stoppage, stoppers, stopping, stoppled, stopples, strapped, strapper, stripers, stripier, striping, stripped, stripper, strophes, strophic, stropped, stropper, strumpet, stumpage, stumpers, stumpier, stumping, stupider, stupidly, styptics, subdepot, subepoch, subgraph, subgroup, suboptic, subpanel, subparts, subpenas, subphase, subphyla, subplots, subpoena, subpolar, subpubic, subspace, subtopia, subtopic, subtypes, sulphate, sulphide, sulphids, sulphite, sulphone, sulphurs, sulphury, sumpters, sumpweed, sundrops, sunlamps, sunproof, sunspots, superadd, superbad, superber, superbly, supercar, supercop, superego, superfan, superfix, superhit, supering, superior, superjet, superlay, superlie, superman, supermen, supermom, supernal, superpro, supersex, superspy, supertax, supinate, supinely, supplant, supplely, supplest, supplied, supplier, supplies, suppling, supports, supposal, supposed, supposer, supposes, suppress, supremer, supremos, surplice, surprint, surprise, surprize, suspects, suspends, suspense, suspired, suspires, swampers, swampier, swamping, swampish, swanpans, swappers, swapping, sweepers, sweepier, sweeping, sweetsop, swinepox, swipples, swoopers, swooping, swopping, sylphids, sylphish, sympathy, sympatry, symphony, sympodia, symposia, symptoms, synapsed, synapses, synapsis, synaptic, syncarps, syncarpy, syncopal, syncopes, syncopic, synopses, synopsis, synoptic, syphered, syphilis, syphoned, syrphian, syrphids, tabletop, tadpoles, taillamp, tailpipe, tailspin, talapoin, talipeds, talipots, tampalas, tampered, tamperer, tampions, tamponed, tankship, tapadera, tapadero, tapeless, tapelike, tapeline, taperers, tapering, tapestry, tapeworm, tapholes, taphouse, tapiocas, tappings, taprooms, taproots, tapsters, tarpaper, taxpayer, teardrop, teashops, teaspoon, teenybop, telepath, teleplay, teleport, telphers, temperas, tempered, temperer, tempests, templars, template, templets, temporal, tempters, tempting, tempuras, tenpence, tenpenny, tepefied, tepefies, tephrite, tepidity, teraphim, terpenes, terpenic, terpinol, terrapin, tetrapod, theropod, thespian, thiophen, thiotepa, tholepin, threaped, threaper, threeped, thruputs, thumpers, thumping, tiderips, tidytips, tieclasp, tilapias, timpanum, tinplate, tintypes, tipcarts, tippable, tippiest, tipplers, tippling, tippytoe, tipsiest, tipstaff, tipsters, tipstock, tittuped, tittuppy, toepiece, toeplate, tompions, topazine, topcoats, topcross, topkicks, topknots, toplofty, topmasts, topnotch, topology, toponyms, toponymy, topotype, toppings, toppling, topsails, topsider, topsides, topsoils, topspins, topstone, topworks, torpedos, torpidly, tosspots, touchups, township, towpaths, towropes, toyshops, tragopan, traipsed, traipses, trampers, tramping, trampish, trampled, trampler, tramples, transept, tranship, trapball, trapdoor, trapesed, trapeses, trapezes, trapezia, traplike, trapnest, trappean, trappers, trapping, trappose, trappous, traprock, trapunto, treetops, trepangs, trephine, trespass, triglyph, trigraph, trimorph, tripacks, tripedal, triphase, triplane, triplets, tripling, triplite, triploid, tripodal, tripodic, tripolis, triposes, trippers, trippets, tripping, triptane, triptyca, triptych, tripwire, triumphs, trollops, trollopy, tromping, troopers, troopial, trooping, trophied, trophies, tropical, tropines, tropisms, troponin, troupers, troupial, trouping, trumpery, trumpets, trumping, trypsins, tumpline, tuppence, tuppenny, turnpike, turnspit, turpeths, twinship, twopence, twopenny, tympanal, tympanic, tympanum, typeable, typebars, typecase, typecast, typeface, typesets, typhoids, typhonic, typhoons, typhuses, typified, typifier, typifies, typology, umpirage, umpiring, uncapped, unclamps, unclasps, uncouple, undamped, underlap, underlip, underpay, underpin, undraped, undrapes, unexpert, unhelped, unipolar, unmapped, unopened, unpacked, unpacker, unpaired, unparted, unpaying, unpegged, unpenned, unpeople, unperson, unpicked, unpiling, unpinned, unpitied, unplaced, unplaits, unplayed, unpliant, unplowed, unpoetic, unpoised, unpolite, unpolled, unposted, unpotted, unpretty, unpriced, unprimed, unprized, unprobed, unproved, unproven, unpruned, unpucker, unpurged, unpuzzle, unrepaid, unrepair, unripely, unripest, unripped, unshaped, unshapen, unspeaks, unsphere, unspoilt, unspoken, unsprung, unstraps, untapped, untipped, unwarped, unzipped, upbearer, upboiled, upbraids, upbuilds, upchucks, upclimbs, upcoiled, upcoming, upcurled, upcurved, upcurves, updarted, updaters, updating, updiving, updrafts, updrying, upending, upflings, upflowed, upfolded, upgather, upgazing, upgirded, upgraded, upgrades, upgrowth, upheaped, upheaval, upheaved, upheaver, upheaves, uphoards, upholder, uplander, upleaped, uplifted, uplifter, uplights, upmarket, uppercut, uppiling, uppishly, upraised, upraiser, upraises, upreared, uprights, uprisers, uprising, uprivers, uprootal, uprooted, uprooter, uproused, uprouses, uprushed, uprushes, upsetter, upshifts, upshoots, upsilons, upsoared, upsprang, upspring, upsprung, upstaged, upstages, upstairs, upstands, upstared, upstares, upstarts, upstater, upstates, upstream, upstroke, upsurged, upsurges, upsweeps, upswells, upswings, upthrown, upthrows, upthrust, uptilted, uptossed, uptosses, uptowner, uptrends, upturned, upwafted, upwardly, upwelled, uropodal, uropygia, uroscopy, usurpers, usurping, utopians, utopisms, utopists, vampires, vampiric, vanpools, vapidity, vaporers, vaporing, vaporise, vaporish, vaporize, vaporous, vapoured, vapourer, vesperal, vespiary, vilipend, viperine, viperish, viperous, vivipara, volplane, walloped, walloper, wampuses, wardship, warpages, warpaths, warplane, warpower, warpwise, warships, waspiest, wasplike, wattapes, waxplant, weaponed, weaponry, weepiest, weepings, wetproof, whappers, whapping, wheeping, wheepled, wheeples, whelping, whimpers, whipcord, whiplash, whiplike, whippers, whippets, whippier, whipping, whiprays, whipsawn, whipsaws, whiptail, whipworm, whispers, whispery, whitecap, whomping, whoopees, whoopers, whooping, whooplas, whoppers, whopping, whumping, wickapes, wickiups, wickyups, wicopies, wimpling, windpipe, wineshop, winesops, wingspan, wingtips, wipeouts, wiretaps, wispiest, wisplike, woodpile, woolpack, woopsing, wordplay, workshop, worships, wrappers, wrapping, xiphoids, xylocarp, yawpings, yperites, zapateos, zappiest, zaptiahs, zaptiehs, zeppelin, zippered, zippiest, zoomorph, zoophile, zoophily, zoophobe, zoophyte, zoosperm, zoospore