What do different types of sand in pyrosand2 do?
; Wall : A solid gray barrier, this is your main building
material. ; Nitro : Extremely explosive particle. When ignited,
will blow right through walls. ; Owko : A most unusual particle.
Will burn very rapidly in a large column of fire, but will not
damage walls. ; Water : A falling particle, mix with salt to make
saltwater. ; Spout : Creates an ever-flowing stream of water. ; ? :
Like a spout, but for invisible methane instead of water. ; Eraser
: Removes anything you click on. ; Napalm : Burns almost as rapidly
as Nitro (but not quite). ; Oil : A falling particle, will burn
quickly. ; Sand : A basic, non-reactive falling particle. ; Fuse :
A quick-burning solid. ; Fire : Will ignite and burn many other
elements. ; C-4 : A solid explosive. ; Wax : It will burn slowly.
Can be used as a fuse. ; Salt : A falling particle, mix with water
to make saltwater. ; Concrete : Falls until it comes to rest on
something, then turns into a solid wall. ; Gunpowder : Yet another
flammable element. ; Methane : Invisible gas, will float instead of
fall. Very flamable. ; Plant : Quickly spreads through and replaces
water. ; Torch : Ever-burning flame. ; Well : Much like the spout,
except oil instead of water.