He's kind of a mix between a Libra and a Capricorn. He has the leadership of a Capricorn and has a lot of characteristics of a Libra.
Yes,Yes He Does When They Get To Egypt Sam Brings Optimus Prime Back Him To Life With The Matrix After That Optimus Prime Uses Jetfires(Jetfire Used To Be A Decepticon Put Turned Into A Autobot And He Lets Optimus Prime Use His Parts) Parts To Defeat Megatron And The Fallen.
optimus prime
He dies in the second movie Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen
Cancer is a zodiac sign. It begins with the letter c.
Megatron is by far the best!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!! MEGATRON IS 2ND IT IS ALWAYS THE MAIN CHARACTER SO IT IS OCTIMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Optimus prime spell it right.
optimus prime (weakest) super optimus prime power links optimus prime flight mode optimus prime fight mode optimus prime super powerlinks optimus prime omega optimus prime supream omega senenel optimus prime super omega optimus supream wing omega supream optimus prime super omega senenal optimus prime omega wing sentenell optimus prime super omega wing optimus prime super omega sentenell wing optimus prime optimus supream finle impact ultimtae optimus supream ultimtae optimus supream finle impact (strongest)
Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots
optimus prime
Optimus prime for sure
Dime Lime Mime Time Rhyme sign Line Kind
Optimus Prime is a Pertebilt 379
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime and Megatrron are about equaly matched but Optimus has better guns. He being a prime is stronger.
optimus prime
Optimus prime is a truck! what do you think!
No, Optimus Prime was destroyed in II.
No, Optimus Prime survived.