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Q: What is one word meaning to make it up as you go along?
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When did the slang word "tick" meaning to make one mad, originate

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A verb meaning to make easier is facilitate.One meaning to make less complex is simplify.

Is alongside one word or two words?

No. Example: I will make my bed along with doing the dishes.

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'She has' are two individual words, not compound; you can make a one word contraction she's meaning she has.

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The word sought is "solitary."

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A word with more than one meaning is called a homonym.

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Perhaps the word "marginalize" fits this definition?

What word means to make things the same?

Well one is to make uniform, but as far as I know, there is not an actual verb meaning to make the same.

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Is closed a compound word?

No it is not because a compound word is 2 words formed to make one word. For example: cup-cake. These are 2 words that form to make one. For the word 'closed' there is no second word, meaning it would look like this: close-d. In conclusion, closed is not a compound word.............