Obento is (as commonly used) the food which goes into a bento box.
Obento. Or simply bento.
Japanese people have "obento" that thing is a meal made at home brought to lunch.
Ken Hutchinson has written: 'Obento senior' -- subject(s): Japanese language, Textbooks for foreign speakers, Grammar, Textbooks, English
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -BE--O. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter B and 3rd letter E and 6th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are: obento
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -BE-TO. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter B and 3rd letter E and 5th letter T and 6th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are: obento
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern --E-TO. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter E and 5th letter T and 6th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are: beento duetto ghetto klepto obento presto
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern --ENTO. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter E and 4th letter N and 5th letter T and 6th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are: beento obento
Well in Japan you take your black shoes off before going in the classroom and you wear slippers. Also in Japan, you have Junior School, Middle School and High School. At the start of class you bow to the teacher before you start and your lunch is delivered to you in the middle of the day so you can have warm noodles and soup. Obento Lunch is a very popular lunch in Japan as well.
Ohiru (お昼) is the correct way to say lunch. I've also seen it spelt likechushoku (昼食) and hirugohan (昼ご飯). Hope I helped!
Ohio, oregano, Orlando, Otto, oleo... three (3) letter word: oho. ono. oxo. four (4) letter word: oleo. olio. onto. ordo. orzo. otto. ouzo. five (5) letter word: ortho. outdo. outgo. ovolo. six (6) letter word: obento. octavo. olingo. overdo. seven (7) letter word: oloroso. oregano. outecho. AND Ontario. eight (8) letter word: obligato. ocotillo. oratorio. ostinato.
adagio, aerugo, ahchoo, aikido, akimbo, albedo, albino, alnico, ammino, ammono, anatto, apollo, arioso, aristo, arroyo, arseno, arsino, ausubo, bagnio, bamboo, barrio, bayamo, bistro, blotto, bolero, bonito, bonobo, booboo, boocoo, boohoo, bookoo, brillo, bronco, burgoo, calico, cardio, cashoo, casino, catalo, charro, cheapo, cheero, chromo, churro, cicero, cogito, colugo, comedo, concho, coocoo, crambo, crypto, cuatro, cuckoo, daimio, daimyo, dextro, dinero, domino, doodoo, dorado, drongo, duello, dynamo, embryo, enduro, enhalo, enviro, eringo, eryngo, escudo, fiasco, finito, foredo, forego, fresco, fugato, gabbro, galago, gaucho, gazabo, gazebo, gelato, gherao, ghetto, gigolo, gingko, ginkgo, gitano, grotto, hairdo, halloo, hereto, hetero, holloo, honcho, hoodoo, hoopoo, hulloo, indigo, jazzbo, jingko, journo, kakapo, karroo, kimono, klepto, koodoo, kousso, ladino, lanugo, latigo, latino, lavabo, legato, libido, macaco, maduro, manito, medico, menudo, merino, mikado, modulo, morpho, niello, nonego, nuncio, nympho, obento, octavo, olingo, overdo, panino, paramo, pepino, pernio, phyllo, picaro, pomelo, poncho, potato, presto, pronto, pseudo, psycho, pueblo, pumelo, quango, quarto, rabato, rancho, rebato, rebozo, reecho, rezero, rialto, righto, roadeo, robalo, rococo, romano, rubato, rubigo, schizo, shacko, skidoo, sleazo, smalto, solano, sorgho, speedo, spinto, stereo, stingo, stinko, stucco, studio, subito, tapalo, tattoo, techno, tenuto, teredo, toledo, tomato, torero, tupelo, turaco, tuxedo, ultimo, velcro, vibrio, virago, vomito, voodoo, weirdo, whacko, whammo, whomso, zocalo, zydeco202 words found.
There are 239 Scrabble words that end with 'to' up until 12 letters. Most of them don't sound like English, but I assure you they are. The list follows. to, alto, auto, bito, cito, dato, into, jato, keto, koto, loto, onto, otto,rato, roto, unto, veto, awato, aweto, basto, bento, canto, cento, conto, cutto, datto, ditto,gusto, junto, lento, lotto, manto, mento, mesto, molto, motto, panto,pesto, petto, photo, pinto, potto, punto, putto, recto, resto, salto,santo, sexto, tanto, typto, visto, yarto, anatto, aristo, awhato, awheto, beento, blotto, bonito, cogito, crypto,duetto, finito, fugato, gelato, ghetto, giusto, gomuto, grotto, hereto,klepto, kwaito, legato, manito, obento, pomato, potato, presto, pronto,puncto, quarto, rabato, rebato, rialto, righto, rubato, scamto, scruto,smalto, solito, spinto, subito, tenuto, vomito, agitato, ailanto, animato, annatto, appalto, arnatto, arnotto, bandito,boniato, burrito, cavetto, coquito, coranto, cornuto, esparto, fagotto,forzato, fumetto, hornito, impasto, magneto, marcato, memento, momento,mulatto, nonetto, pentito, pimento, rabbito, ridotto, risotto, saltato,sciolto, sfumato, stretto, thereto, vibrato, whereto, amaretto, amoretto, assiento, biscotto, bozzetto, cabresto, castrato,concerto, concetto, confetto, conjunto, cornetto, couranto, dolcetto,duecento, falsetto, farolito, graffito, hereinto, hereunto, hitherto,horopito, libretto, literato, mercapto, minimoto, moderato, montanto,mosquito, nopalito, obligato, ostinato, palmetto, perfecto, pimiento,risoluto, rispetto, ritenuto, scordato, seicento, sestetto, sforzato,smorzato, spiccato, staccato, sticcato, stiletto, terzetto, trapunto, trecento, varletto, zuchetto, antipasto, borghetto, capotasto, contralto, destructo, gruppetto,inamorato, incognito, larghetto, lazaretto, macchiato, manifesto,neutretto, nonghetto, obbligato, paraquito, pizzicato, quartetto,quintetto, sanbenito, scarpetto, sgraffito, sostenuto, supermoto, telephoto, thereinto, thereunto, thitherto, vaporetto, whereinto,whereunto, wirephoto, zucchetto, allegretto, fianchetto, illuminato, martellato, mezzotinto, pentimento,portamento, prosciutto, radiophoto, rondoletto, stiacciato, beneplacito, cinquecento, rifacimento, antimosquito, appassionato, ayuntamiento, contrapposto, divertimento,quattrocento, risorgimento.