diamond pokedex number 80 is Barboach
# 135 on the pokedex in Luminion.
In Diamond & Pearl's version of the Sinnoh Dex, Pokémon #149 is Dialga.
diamond pokedex number 80 is Barboach
vfrt in the pokedex for sinnoh #111 in the pokedex is a garchomp
Number 33 is Golem on the Sinnoh Pokedex.
# 135 on the pokedex in Luminion.
== ==In the SINNOH Pokedex it is UXIE.In the NATIONAL Pokedex it is MOLTRES.== ==
In the Sinnoh Pokedex Number 114 is Mantine. In the National Pokedex its Kabutops.
In Diamond & Pearl's version of the Sinnoh Dex, Pokémon #149 is Dialga.
146 is Uxie on sinnoh pokedex On National pokedex it is Moltres
Number 65 is Drifloon.