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There are lot of situations in which we can say "work offline". Suppose one of Our Pc/desktop is not "Turn On" it is in Offline stage. If you are going to print some web page and suddenly you got a message "The Printer Device not found" Most probably the printer is not turned on and in this case we can say Printer is Offline.

Another case, if your computer is connected to internet and your ISP has gone down, you can say you are working Offline. Some of the web features will work in those cases, but most of the applications are down when the internet disconnects.

Last one is "Working Offline" with Browser, If you accessed some web sites and you do not want to go with those web site online you can use the work offline feature of Browser. Most of the web browsers are enabled this feature. The main disadvantage of this feature is the excess use of Memory, Hard disk on your computer.

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being offline means not on at the very moment, as of on xbox live your friend may be offline for 2 hours or something. but the main meaning is if something is not on connected network or on that main modem or router to send the signals on the console that your online or offline is not working or something may unconnect for a few hours or minutes.

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The main purposes of offline files are those of security and back-up. Offline files can be edited without compromising any sensitive data they may contain. Also, if there is an interruption to the internet connection, the offline files can still be accessed.

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you wait until it says its online lol. EDIT: Ignore this stupid answer above. You click TOOLS and uncheck the box that says "Work offline".

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There are two kinds of toe shoes. The toe shoes meant for running can be easily purchased at Vibram Five Fingers. They have shops online as well as offline. The other toe shoes which are meant to be semi-dressy to dressy can be found at shops such as Nine West, which also can be found both online and offline.

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No. But hopefully they are working on it. Their site works in Safari but it takes too much zooming in and out, and you cannot work offline.

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if someone post something and it says there offline that means there chat is offline

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chat can not work on the iphone because of how small the screen is. so when you try to chat with people it automatically sends them offline.

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