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In real, nothing. It is a dye maker, and looks like water... It can be considered a troll tool

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Q: What is lapiz lazuli used for?
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What can you do with lapiz lazuli in minecraft?

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What is the stone called in Stefan and Damon's ring?

Their ring is made of the lapiz lazuli stone.

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IN Lazuli Grove Lapiz Forest and Old Dusty Trail

What reddish stone was used in Tutankhamen's death mask?

His death mask was solid gold, inlaid with Lapiz Lazuli (blue) and colored glass (red).

What do the sumerians use to make there homes?

They used thick mud to keep them cool at night. The palaces were either made out of lapiz lazuli or shell inlay.

What do you use to make color clay soilders in minecraft?

with the clay soldiers mod? craft a clay soldier with lapiz lazuli or cactus green or something else that can be used to dye wool.... :)

Is Lapis Lazuli real?

Lapis Lazuli is stone of protection that may be worn to guard against psychic attacks, Lapis Lazuli quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace. It brings harmony and deep inner self-knowledge. Lapis Lazuli boosts the immune system, purifies blood, lowers blood pressure, cooling and soothing areas of inflammation.To buy Lapis Lazuli visit:-

What do you do with lapiz lazuli in Minecraft?

You can craft things with Lapis like: A Lapis Lazuli block, light blue dye, cyan dye, purple dye, magenta dye and blue wool. You can check out Minecraft Wiki for some help and tips.

Harvest moon tree of tranquility where do you find the lapis lazul?

Well i found my Lapiz Lazuli at the beach near Yolanda's house. It was a present in the corner. Its really easy to find.

What is lapiz in spanish?

Lapiz is 'pencil'

What does the word lapiz mean in spanish?

Lapiz is a pencil.

What does el lapiz mean?

El lapiz means pencil in Spanish