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Q: What is knuckles the echidna's favorite food?
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What is knuckles favorite food?

Fruit (Mostly Grapes)

Does Knuckles have fingers?

Knuckles the Echidna has only three fingers because echidnas have connected fingers

Are knuckles and tikal brother and sister?

No. Tikal is a member of a tribe of echidnas from thousands of years ago that Knuckles is the last survivor of.

When was knuckles the echidnas first appearance?

His first appearance was in "Sonic the Hedgehog 3" for the Sega Genesis in 1994.

Can echidnas live around limestone?

it is unlikely. Echidnas can live anywhere there are termites and ants, and termites (the echidnas' preferred food) are only found near vegetation.

What is Knuckles the echidna's favorite color?

Knuckles the Echidna's favorite color is traditionally portrayed as red. This color choice is likely due to his association with the Master Emerald, which is also red in color. In various Sonic the Hedgehog media, Knuckles is consistently depicted wearing red shoes and gloves, further reinforcing his affinity for the color red.

What animal is Knuckles?

Knuckles is a "Echidna". Echidnas are small mammals that are covered with coarse hair and spines. Superficially they resemble the anteaters of South America and other spiny mammals like hedgehogs and porcupines.Knuckles is an echidna, an animal similar to a hedgehog.

Where do echidnas hunt?

Echidnas do not hibernate.

Can you get sonic 3 and knuckles on sonic classic collection?

Years, you can. I own Sonic Classic Collection and my favorite game in it is Sonic 3 and Knuckles

What is christofer drews favorite tattoo of his?

i think its his live free one on his knuckles

How can you help echidnas going extinct?

Echidnas are not going extinct, so this is not an issue. They are highly adaptable to a variety of habitats, and as long as there is a ready food source of termites and ants, echidnas can survive in almost any climate found in Australia.

What sonic x episode does knuckles blush when sonic asks him who his favorite girl is?

in an episode! Lol