Pleuritic refers to chest pain. Pleurisy is inflammation of the lining of the lungs. Someone with pleurisy will likely have pleuritic chest pain.
to suffer, someone suffering high pain or uncomfortability
An alleviator is someone or something which alleviates - which makes less severe.
It seems as if auroflam p medication can be used to relieve pain. These pills are manufactured by a pharmaceutical company called Aurochem laboratories.
Someone who like emotional pain is called an emo.
When someone likes pain during sex, it is known as BDSM (Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism) or simply masochism. This can involve a variety of activities that involve the giving or receiving of pain for pleasure.
Inflicting pain to oneself would be Munchausen's Syndrome. One who inflicts pain upon others is a sadist (although the textbook DSM-IV version of this also requires that the pain is inflicted without the victim's consent). A person who enjoys someone else inflicting pain upon them is a masochist.- I don't know who answered this question before me but I'd like to clarify:a sadist is someone who likes to inflict pain/likes to see people in paina masochist is someone who likes to feel pain inflicted by themselves and/or othersand someone with Munchausen's syndrome is a person who makes themselves sick/pretends to be sick/worsens a pre-existing illness; to get attentionalso a person with Munchausen by proxy is someone who makes another person sick (usually a child) to get sympathy/attention
They are a saddist if they enjoy others in pain.
A sadist is someone who has a disorder called the sadism disorder. This person loves to inflict pain to himselves and others, but also to supress pain he gets himselves.
Either she enjoys the pain of others, or she likes you.
an alcholic personality its not about alchol its someone who constantly needs to push and make someone else feel bad about them selves in any way Answer Someone who likes to hurt people is someone who is just plain mean and has no consideration for anyone else. They don't care.
People who derive pleasure from causing others to suffer physical or mental pain are called sadists.
If someone is called sadistic, it generally means that they get pleasure from seeing someone in pain or causing them pain. These days it is freely used when someone is being unnecessarily mean.
A sadist is someone who derives pleasure or enjoyment from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others.
People who enjoy the infliction of pain on others are known as sadists.
A person who enjoys pain or humiliation, especially in a sexual context, is called a masochist. A person who likes to inflict pain or humiliation without consent of the victim is called a sadist.----"Munchausen syndrome is a condition in which a person intentionally fakes, simulates, worsens, or self-induces an injury or illness for the main purpose of being treated like a medical patient."Copied from eMedicineHealth -- see linksemo