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Alliteration is when words that follow each other start with the same letter. E.G: crazy car, bouncy bunny...

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Q: What is it called when all of the words in a sentence start with the same letter?
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When most of the words in a sentence start with the same letter what's it called?

When most of the words in a sentence start with the same letter, it is called alliteration.

Should instrument start with a capital letter?

The words that should start with a capital letter are places, names, important words in a title, and the letter at the start of a sentence.

What is it called when all the words in a sentence start with the same letter?

When almost every word in a sentence starts with the same letter,it is called alliteration EXAMPLE; never navigate nor net new born fish

Sentence with same letter in all words?

It's called an Alliteration.

What is the technique called when 2 or more words have the same initial sound in the words?

The technique is called alliteration, where two or more words in a phrase or sentence start with the same sound or letter. It is often used in poetry and literature to create rhythm and emphasis.

What is it called when two or more words start with the same sound in the sentence?

When two or more words start with the same sound in a sentence, it is called alliteration. Alliteration is a literary device used to create a pleasing or memorable effect.

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