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Q: What is it called when a woman has many husbands?
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What is a woman who has many husbands called?


What is the term for a woman having many husbands?


How many cheat women?

A thousand woman each year cheat on their husbands.

What is it called when a woman has 2 husbands?

Definition of Polygamy Polygamy means a system of marriage whereby one person has more than one spouse. Polygamy can be of two types. One is polygyny where a man marries more than one woman, and the other is polyandry, where a woman marries more than one man.

A form of marriage between one woman and several men simultaneously?

A marriage in which one woman has multiple husbands simultaneously is a form of polygamy called polyandry.

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A woman who has many husbands?

A woman that has more than one husband is a bigamist and it's against the law.This is true in America. However, some societies have a less Puritanical and prudish culture. There it is allowed to have more than one husband or wife.A man with multiple wives = polygamyA woman with multiple husbands = polyandry

How many husbands can a Muslim women have?

As in all religions and world cultures, a Muslim woman can have only one husband at a time.

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World war 1 what did the woman do as a job?

many woman had taken over their husbands jobs so they may continue with their life style. woman made guns , watched their children took over their farms.

Why does a woman's title change with marriage but the the man's does not?

Because back in the day woman moved in with there husbands. Tradition