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Its a sheildon fossil

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Q: What is in the shield fossil in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?
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What are the extinct Pokemon names in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

diamond- skull fossil- cranidos-rampardos pearl-armor fossil- sheldon-bastiodon

What types of fossel are in Pokemon Pearl?

There is armour fossil in Pokemon pearl, it is a fossil that has a shieldon in it, or you could trade with someone from diamond for a cranidos.

Where is the shield fosil located in Pokemon Pearl or diamond?

You have to dig it out under ground and you only get it in Pokemon pearl.

Where is chranidous on Pokemon pearl?

you have to transfer him in from diamond, he comes from a fossil

Where to get Crandos in Pokemon Pearl?

Trade with diamond, Pokemon diamond only can get it from a iron ball like fossil

How do you get cradinos on Pokemon Pearl?

You cannot get Cranidos in Pokemon Pearl unless you trade to get the Skull Fossil from a friend. You can only find a Skull Fossil in Diamond.

How do you catch deoxes without cheats in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

in a fossil

How do you get a cranidos in Pokemon pearl?

Trade a Skull fossil across from Pokemon Diamond. Them take it to the museum.

What fossils turn into what Pokemon on Pokemon Diamond?

okay the root fossil is lileep. The claw fossil is anorith. The helix fossil is omanyte. The dome fossil is kabuto. The old amber fossil is aerodactyl. The helmet fossil is shieldon. The shield fossil is cranidos. Good luck finding the fossils. no cranidos is skull fossil and you can only get shieldon in pearl and sheildon is the armor fossil

What are the Pokemon you catch in pearl but not diamond?

shieldon-fossil palkia-spear pillar

Where can catch shieldon Pokemon diamond?

Revived from Armor Fossil (Pearl only)

What Pokemon are the fossils in Pokemon Pearl and diamond?

At the beginning of the game before getting the national pokedex you can get: Skull Fossil - Cranidos *Exclusive to Pokemon diamond Armor Fossil - Sheildon *Exclusive to Pokemon pearl After receiving the national dex you can also find: Helix Fossil - Omanyte Dome Fossil - Kabuto Old Amber - Aerodactyl Claw Fossil - Anorith Root Fossil - Lileep