It is an Inn.
You need a special pass only obtained by Wi-Fi connection
to enter inside.
There is a man that let's you stay for the night.
When you fall asleep, inside your dream Darkrai takes over,
you get the chance to catch it, this is your ONLY oportunity
to catch it in the game!
Go to Celestic town and her house is near to the left of the Pokemon center.
in celestic town
You get Surf from the elder of Celestic Town.
you get it from cynthia's grandma in celestic town
The house in the middle of celectic town is a home of is a home a lengendary Pokemon named latias and latios. by Daniel carreras
In celestic town
That is for decoration.
there aren't any Pokemon inside the house
Go to Celestic town and her house is near to the left of the Pokemon center.
Cynthias grandmother lives in the largest house in celestic town right above the cave.
in celestic town
celestic town
You get Surf from the elder of Celestic Town.
you get it from cynthia's grandma in celestic town
to get awhiscash on Pokemon platinum fly to celestic town use the super rod on the lake that's southeast of Celestic town one of the Pokemon will be whiscash hope I helped
The house in the middle of celectic town is a home of is a home a lengendary Pokemon named latias and latios. by Daniel carreras
It's hidden in Celestic Town.