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Q: What is hyper aerated lung fields?
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What is a hyper aerated?

or hyperinflation it is where the lung volume is abnormally increased with increased filling of alveoli.

What does Lung fields hyper inflated means?

Hyper means over normal. Inflated means blown up. The lungs are over-inflated.

What is lungs are well aerated?

Lungs well aerated

What does an underexposed x-ray look like?

Lung fields will appear white

How did Sojourner Truth get lung cancer?

She was exposed to toxins from the fields she was forced to work in......... I think.

When was Aerated Bread Company created?

Aerated Bread Company was created in 1862.

Is oxygen used to make aerated drinks?

No aerated drinks contain carbon di oxide.

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Is aerated water saturated?

yes aerated water is saturated .when co2 is passed water becomes saturated

What is hypo-inflated lungs?

Hyperinflation of the lungs is a term used to describe excessive, large or heightened increase in lung tissues. Hyper in the medical field means excessive.

What causes hyperresonance in a trauma patient?

Hyper-resonance (generally described upon percussion of the chest) is typically seen in Pneumothorax, where an accumulation of air in the pleural space causes compression / collapse of the lung on the affected side. Note that hyper-resonance is a late sign, and is seen infrequently.

What do you add when soil is aerated?
