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Q: What is heaps and heaps of tiny fish called?
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What fish can you find in the Great Barrier Reef?


What is the offspring of a molly called?

Fry! They are tiny little black fish the size of a pinhead. Many baby fish are called Fry.

Is there fish called crill?

No. Krill are tiny shrimp, that swarm in open oceans by the billions.

What is a ridge made of tiny animals that attracts many fish in the ocean called?

corals (?)

Where do mud fish live?

There are heaps of fish species that are commonly called "Mud Fish". Some evolved in fresh water creeks, rivers, lakes, ponds and streams, and others are from the mangroves and swamps. If you give the taxonomic name of the fish you will get more accurate information.

What is name of tiny freshwater fish?

the name of a tiny freshwater fish is a minnow

What fish has the shortest lifespan?

A tiny coral reef dwelling fish called a Pygmy Goby has the shortest lifespan of 59 days

Can guppies live with anyother fish?

Guppies can live very happily with heaps of other species of tropical fish

Is the king mackerel a saltwater fish?

Yes, it is also a pelagic fish, has heaps of the good oils, and very good to eat.

What do you feed tiny fish?

fish food

Do young fish eat different food than older fish?

Very tiny fish called fry when they are first born will absorb their yolk sac, and then will need small amounts of tiny food such as brine shrimp. As they get bigger, and their mouths (and stomachs!) grow, you will be able to feed them the same food as your older fish.

What is copepods?

They are tiny fish.