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Fighting-type moves.

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Q: What is good against Snorlax?
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What Pokemon defeats snorlax in Pokemon GO?

Snorlax is a beefy tank with some good stats - HP/DEF. They are weak to fighting type moves and some of the best attackers against snorlax are: Machamp, heracross, rhyhorn, tyranitar

Where do you get a Snorlax in Pokemon Platinum?

I think after you get the National Dex in Sunnyshore City you can Surf to the 'Pokemon Statue' and press 'A' against it and Snorlax will appear.

Is Snorlax a good Pokemon in soul silver?

Yes. Snorlax has amazing amounts of HP, which make him very bulky.

What kind of Pokemon is strong against a Snorlax?

hitmonlee hitmonchan ryperneior metagross

What is super effective against Snorlax?

Snorlax is a Normal type Pokemon, so Fighting attacks would do 2X damage to it (super effective). Snorlax is also immune to Ghost type attacks, and is damaged normally by everything else.

What is a Snorlax's catch rate?

not that good 1/102,300.

What is a good normal Pokemon in Pokemon emerald?


What is snorelax's weaknesses?

Since snorlax is a normal type Pokemon fighting types are excellent to use against it. Use moves like cross chop to easily defeat snorlax.

Is Snorlax better than Lugia?

Yeah he has really good health and he just pwns.

How do you use the Expn card to wake Snorlax?

Stand near the Snorlax (Snorlax is Lv.50) Open up the PokeGear, go to your radio, then click the very top of it. Snorlaxs good stats base around Phys.ATK and Spc.DEF.

How do you move the Snorlax on Pokemon Silver?

you need to get a pokeflute from somewhere i no, i am not that good of help am i

What Pokemon are good for zero isle west?

Pokemon like snorlax spirtomb