a cleric or student who wandered throughout Europe from as early as the 800s
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 127 words with the pattern G----R-. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter G and 6th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are: gabbard gabbart gabbers gadders gaffers gaggers gaggery gainers gaiters gallery gambirs gammers ganders gangers gaolers gappers garbure garners garters gaspers gassers gasters gathers gaudery gaufers gaugers gauntry gaupers gawkers gawpers gaydars geezers gelders gemmery genders gerbera gesture getters geysers giantry giaours gibbers gilbert gilders gillers gimmers gimmors gingers gingery ginners ginnery gippers girders girners gittern gizzard glamors glazers gliders glomera glovers glowers gnawers goburra godward goffers goiters goldarn goldurn golfers goliard gollars gollers goobers goosery gophers gorgers gosport gosters gougere gougers gowfers graders gramary granary grapery graters gravers gravure grazers gricers gripers grocers grocery gropers grosers grosert growers gruyere guiders guildry guilers guipure guisard guisers guitars guizers gullers gullery gulpers gummers gunfire gunnera gunners gunnery gunport gunters gurnard gushers guslars gutsers gutters guttery gutzers guylers gyplure gyppers
ablated, ablates, ablator, ablauts, ableism, ableist, ablings, abluent, abluted, aclinic, aglycon, aileron, ailment, allayed, allayer, alleged, alleger, alleges, allegro, alleles, allelic, allergy, allheal, allicin, alliums, allobar, allodia, allonge, allonym, allover, allowed, alloxan, alloyed, allseed, alluded, alludes, allured, allurer, allures, alluvia, allying, allylic, anlaces, anlagen, anlages, anlases, aplasia, aplenty, aplites, aplitic, aplombs, atlases, atlatls, auldest, awlwort, balance, balases, balatas, balboas, balcony, baldest, baldies, balding, baldish, baldric, baleens, baleful, balkers, balkier, balkily, balking, ballade, ballads, ballast, ballers, ballets, ballies, balling, ballons, balloon, ballots, ballute, balmier, balmily, balneal, baloney, balsams, belabor, belaced, belated, belauds, belayed, belayer, belched, belcher, belches, beldame, beldams, beleaps, beleapt, beliefs, beliers, believe, bellboy, belleek, bellhop, bellied, bellies, belling, bellman, bellmen, bellows, belongs, beloved, belting, beltway, belugas, belying, bilayer, bilbies, bilboas, bilboes, bilevel, bilgier, bilging, biliary, bilious, bilkers, bilking, billbug, billers, billets, billies, billing, billion, billons, billows, billowy, bilobed, bilsted, biltong, bolases, boldest, boleros, boletes, boletus, bolides, bolivar, bolivia, bollard, bolling, bologna, boloney, bolshie, bolsons, bolster, bolters, bolting, boluses, bulbels, bulbils, bulblet, bulbous, bulbuls, bulgers, bulghur, bulgier, bulging, bulgurs, bulimia, bulimic, bulkage, bulkier, bulkily, bulking, bullace, bullate, bullbat, bulldog, bullets, bullied, bullier, bullies, bulling, bullion, bullish, bullock, bullous, bullpen, bulrush, bulwark, bylined, byliner, bylines, calamar, calamus, calando, calathi, calcars, calcify, calcine, calcite, calcium, calculi, caldera, caldron, caleche, calends, calesas, caliber, calibre, calices, caliche, calicle, calicos, calipee, caliper, caliphs, calkers, calking, calkins, callans, callant, callboy, callees, callers, callets, calling, callose, callous, calmest, calming, calomel, caloric, calorie, calotte, caloyer, calpack, calpacs, calpain, calqued, calques, caltrap, caltrop, calumet, calumny, calvary, calving, calyces, calycle, calypso, calyxes, calzone, celadon, celesta, celeste, celiacs, cellars, celling, cellist, cellule, celosia, celotex, chlamys, chloral, chloric, chlorid, chlorin, ciliary, ciliate, cilices, coldest, coldish, coleads, colicin, colicky, colitic, colitis, collage, collard, collars, collate, collect, colleen, college, collets, collide, collied, collier, collies, collins, colloid, collops, collude, colobus, cologne, colonel, colones, colonic, colonus, colored, colorer, colossi, colours, colters, coltish, colugos, columel, columns, colures, culches, culexes, culices, culicid, cullays, cullers, cullets, cullied, cullies, culling, cullion, culming, culotte, culprit, cultish, cultism, cultist, culture, culvers, culvert, cylices, dalapon, dalasis, daledhs, daleths, dallied, dallier, dallies, daltons, delaine, delated, delates, delator, delayed, delayer, deleads, deleave, deleing, deleted, deletes, delicts, delight, delimed, delimes, delimit, deliria, delists, deliver, dellies, delouse, deltaic, deltoid, deluded, deluder, deludes, deluged, deluges, delvers, delving, dilated, dilater, dilates, dilator, dildoes, dilemma, dillies, diluent, diluted, diluter, dilutes, dilutor, diluvia, doleful, dollars, dollied, dollies, dolling, dollish, dollops, dolmans, dolmens, dolours, dolphin, doltish, dulcets, dulcify, dullard, dullest, dulling, dullish, dulness, eclairs, eclipse, eclogue, eeliest, eellike, eelpout, eelworm, ellipse, enlaced, enlaces, enlarge, enlists, enliven, eoliths, erlking, eulogia, falafel, falbala, falcate, falcons, fallacy, fallals, fallers, falling, falloff, fallout, fallows, falsely, falsest, falsies, falsify, falsity, falters, felafel, felines, fellahs, fellate, fellers, fellest, fellies, felling, felloes, fellows, felonry, felsite, felspar, felting, felucca, felwort, filaree, filaria, filbert, filched, filcher, filches, filemot, fileted, filiate, filibeg, filings, fillers, fillets, fillies, filling, fillips, filmdom, filmers, filmier, filmily, filming, filmset, filters, folacin, folates, folders, folding, foldout, foldups, foliage, foliate, folioed, foliose, folious, foliums, folkier, folkies, folkish, folkmot, folkway, follies, follows, fulcrum, fulfill, fulfils, fulgent, fulhams, fullams, fullers, fullery, fullest, fulling, fulmars, fulmine, fulness, fulsome, fulvous, fylfots, galabia, galagos, galanga, galatea, galaxes, galeate, galenas, galenic, galeres, galette, galilee, galiots, galipot, gallant, gallate, gallein, galleon, gallery, galleta, gallets, galleys, gallfly, gallica, gallied, gallies, galling, galliot, gallium, gallnut, gallons, galloon, galloot, gallops, gallous, gallows, galoots, galoped, galores, galoshe, galumph, galyacs, galyaks, gelable, geladas, gelants, gelated, gelates, gelatin, gelatis, gelatos, gelcaps, gelders, gelding, gelidly, gellant, gelling, gilbert, gilders, gilding, gillers, gillied, gillies, gilling, gillnet, goldarn, goldbug, goldest, goldeye, goldurn, golfers, golfing, goliard, goliath, goloshe, gulches, guldens, gulfier, gulfing, gullets, gulleys, gullied, gullies, gulling, gulpers, gulpier, gulping, halacha, halakah, halakha, halakic, halalah, halalas, halavah, halberd, halbert, halcyon, halfway, halibut, halides, halidom, halites, halitus, hallahs, hallels, halloas, halloed, halloes, halloos, halloth, hallows, hallway, halogen, haloids, haloing, haltere, halters, halting, halvahs, halvers, halving, halyard, heliast, helical, helices, helicon, helipad, heliums, helixes, hellbox, hellcat, helleri, hellers, hellery, helling, hellion, hellish, helloed, helloes, helluva, helmets, helming, helotry, helpers, helpful, helping, helving, hilding, hillers, hillier, hilling, hilloas, hillock, hilloed, hilloes, hilltop, hilting, holards, holdall, holders, holding, holdout, holdups, holibut, holiday, holiest, holisms, holists, holking, hollaed, holland, hollers, hollies, holloas, holloed, holloes, holloos, hollows, holmium, holster, holyday, hulkier, hulking, hullers, hulling, hulloas, hulloed, hulloes, hulloos, idlesse, illegal, illicit, illites, illitic, illness, illogic, illuded, illudes, illumed, illumes, illuvia, inlaced, inlaces, inlands, inlayer, inliers, inlying, iolites, islands, isleted, jalapic, jalapin, jaloppy, jellaba, jellied, jellies, jellify, jelling, jillion, jilters, jilting, jollied, jollier, jollies, jollify, jollily, jollity, jolters, joltier, joltily, jolting, kalends, kalians, kalimba, kaliphs, kaliums, kalmias, kalongs, kalpacs, kalpaks, kellies, keloids, kelpies, kelping, kelsons, kelters, kelvins, killdee, killers, killick, killies, killing, killjoy, killock, kilning, kilobar, kilobit, kilorad, kiloton, kilters, kilties, kilting, kolacky, kolbasi, kolhozy, kolkhos, kolkhoz, kolkozy, kulturs, kylikes, lalique, lalland, lallans, lalling, lilting, lollers, lollies, lolling, lollops, lollopy, lullaby, lullers, lulling, malacca, malaise, malanga, malaria, malarky, malates, maleate, malefic, malices, maligns, malines, malison, malkins, mallard, mallees, mallets, malleus, malling, mallows, malmier, malmsey, malodor, maltase, malteds, malthas, maltier, malting, maltols, maltose, melamed, melange, melanic, melanin, melders, melding, melenas, melilot, melisma, melling, mellows, melodia, melodic, meloids, meltage, melters, melting, meltons, miladis, milages, milchig, mildens, mildest, mildews, mildewy, milding, mileage, milfoil, miliary, milieus, milieux, militia, milkers, milkier, milkily, milking, milkman, milkmen, milksop, millage, milldam, millers, millets, millier, millime, milline, milling, million, millrun, milnebs, milords, milreis, milters, miltier, milting, molders, moldier, molding, molests, mollahs, mollies, mollify, mollusc, mollusk, molochs, molters, molting, mulatto, mulched, mulches, mulcted, muletas, mullahs, mullein, mullens, mullers, mullets, mulleys, mulling, mullion, mullite, mullock, multure, nellies, nelsons, nelumbo, nilgais, nilgaus, nilghai, nilghau, nilling, nullahs, nullify, nulling, nullity, nylghai, nylghau, oblasti, oblasts, oblates, obliged, obligee, obliger, obliges, obligor, oblique, oblongs, obloquy, oilbird, oilcamp, oilcans, oilcups, oilhole, oiliest, oilseed, oilskin, oilways, onloads, oolites, ooliths, oolitic, oologic, oolongs, owllike, palabra, palaced, palaces, paladin, palapas, palatal, palates, palaver, palazzi, palazzo, paleate, paletot, palette, palfrey, paliest, palikar, palings, pallets, pallial, pallier, palling, pallium, pallors, palmary, palmate, palmers, palmful, palmier, palming, palmist, palmtop, palmyra, palooka, palpate, palping, palship, palsied, palsies, palters, paludal, pelages, pelagic, pelican, pelisse, pelites, pelitic, pellets, pelmets, peloria, peloric, pelorus, pelotas, peloton, peltast, peltate, pelters, pelting, pelvics, phlegms, phlegmy, phloems, phloxes, pilaffs, pileate, pileous, pileups, pilfers, pilgrim, pilings, pillage, pillars, pillbox, pilling, pillion, pillory, pillows, pillowy, piloted, pilsner, pilular, pilules, polaron, polders, poleaxe, polecat, polemic, polenta, poleyns, policed, policer, polices, politer, politic, polkaed, pollack, pollard, pollees, pollens, pollers, polling, pollist, pollock, pollute, poloist, polycot, polyene, polygon, polymer, polynya, polyols, polyoma, polyped, polypod, polypus, pulings, pullers, pullets, pulleys, pulling, pullman, pullout, pullups, pulpers, pulpier, pulpily, pulping, pulpits, pulpous, pulques, pulsant, pulsars, pulsate, pulsers, pulsing, pulsion, pulvini, pyloric, pylorus, rallied, rallier, rallies, ralline, rallyes, ralphed, relabel, relaced, relaces, relands, relapse, related, relater, relates, relator, relaxed, relaxer, relaxes, relaxin, relayed, relearn, release, relends, relents, releves, reliant, relicts, reliefs, reliers, relieve, relievo, relight, relined, relines, relinks, relique, relists, relived, relives, relleno, reloads, reloans, relocks, relucts, relumed, relumes, relying, rilievi, rilievo, rillets, rilling, rollers, rollick, rolling, rollmop, rollout, rolltop, rollway, rulable, rulings, salaams, salable, salably, salamis, salicin, salient, salinas, salines, salivas, sallets, sallied, sallier, sallies, sallows, sallowy, salmons, saloons, saloops, salpian, salpids, salpinx, salsify, saltant, saltbox, saltern, salters, saltest, saltier, salties, saltily, saltine, salting, saltire, saltish, saltpan, salukis, saluted, saluter, salutes, salvage, salvers, salvias, salving, salvoed, salvoes, salvors, sclaffs, sclerae, scleral, scleras, selects, selenic, selfdom, selfing, selfish, selkies, sellers, selling, selloff, sellout, selsyns, seltzer, selvage, shlepps, shlocks, shlocky, shlumps, shlumpy, silages, silanes, silence, silents, silenus, silesia, silexes, silicas, silicic, silicle, silicon, siliqua, silique, silkier, silkily, silking, sillers, sillier, sillies, sillily, siloing, siltier, silting, silurid, silvans, silvern, silvers, silvery, silvics, sklents, solaced, solacer, solaces, solands, solanin, solanos, solanum, solaria, solated, solates, solatia, soldans, solders, soldier, soleret, solfege, solicit, solider, solidly, solidus, solions, soliton, soloing, soloist, soluble, solubly, solunar, solutes, solvate, solvent, solvers, solving, splakes, splashy, splayed, spleens, spleeny, splenia, splenic, splenii, splents, spliced, splicer, splices, spliffs, splined, splines, splints, splodge, splores, splotch, splurge, splurgy, sulcate, suldans, sulfate, sulfide, sulfids, sulfite, sulfone, sulfurs, sulfury, sulkers, sulkier, sulkies, sulkily, sulking, sullage, sullied, sullies, sulphas, sulphid, sulphur, sultana, sultans, syllabi, sylphic, sylphid, sylvans, sylvine, sylvins, sylvite, talaria, talcing, talcked, talcose, talcous, talcums, talents, talions, taliped, talipes, talipot, talkers, talkier, talkies, talking, tallage, tallboy, tallest, tallied, tallier, tallies, tallish, tallith, tallits, tallols, tallows, tallowy, tallyho, taloned, talooka, talukas, taluses, telamon, telecom, teledus, telefax, telegas, teleman, telemen, teleost, teleran, teleses, telesis, telexed, telexes, telfers, telford, tellers, tellies, telling, telnets, telomes, telomic, telpher, telsons, tilapia, tilbury, tilings, tillage, tillers, tilling, tillite, tilters, tilting, tolanes, toledos, tolidin, tollage, tollbar, tollers, tolling, tollman, tollmen, tollway, toluate, toluene, toluide, toluids, toluole, toluols, toluyls, tuladis, tylosin, ugliest, ullaged, ullages, umlauts, unlaced, unlaces, unladed, unladen, unlades, unlatch, unleads, unlearn, unleash, unlevel, unliked, unlined, unlinks, unlived, unlives, unloads, unlobed, unlocks, unloose, unloved, unlucky, uplands, upleaps, upleapt, uplifts, uplight, valance, valence, valency, valeric, valeted, valgoid, valiant, validly, valines, valises, valkyrs, vallate, valleys, valonia, valours, valuate, valuers, valuing, valutas, valvate, valving, valvula, valvule, velamen, velaria, velcros, veliger, velites, vellums, velours, veloute, velured, velures, velvets, velvety, vilayet, village, villain, villein, villose, villous, volante, volcano, volleys, volosts, voltage, voltaic, voluble, volubly, volumed, volumes, voluted, volutes, volutin, volvate, volvuli, vulgars, vulgate, vulpine, vulture, vulvate, walkers, walking, walkout, walkups, walkway, wallaby, wallahs, wallets, walleye, wallies, walling, wallops, wallows, walnuts, waltzed, waltzer, waltzes, welched, welcher, welches, welcome, welders, welding, weldors, welfare, welkins, wellies, welling, welshed, welsher, welshes, welters, welting, wildcat, wilders, wildest, wilding, wildish, wiliest, willers, willets, willful, willied, willies, willing, willows, willowy, wilting, wolfers, wolfing, wolfish, wolfram, wolvers, xylenes, xylidin, xylitol, xyloses, ycleped, yellers, yelling, yellows, yellowy, yelpers, yelping, yolkier, zelkova, zilches, zillahs, zillion1564 words found.
A goliard was a wandering scholar and poet in medieval Europe, usually associated with satire, revelry, and a disdain for authority. They were known for their rebellious and irreverent attitude towards the Church and society, often expressing their views through music and poetry.
The cast of A contre soleil - 1970 includes: Bernard Fresson as Vincent Reni Goliard as Le jeune mari Victor Lanoux as Michel Robert Rondo as Levine Serge Spira as Paul
The cast of Tu seras terriblement gentille - 1968 includes: Leslie Bedos as Julie Verly Karen Blanguernon as Clara Verly Reni Goliard as Charles Tony Kina Madeleine Lambert Jean Moussy as Roger Tessa Sanders
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern ---I-RD. That is, seven letter words with 4th letter I and 6th letter R and 7th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are: goliard laniard poniard
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern G--IAR-. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter G and 4th letter I and 5th letter A and 6th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are: goliard
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern -OLIA--. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter O and 3rd letter L and 4th letter I and 5th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: foliage foliate goliard goliath
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern G-LI--D. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter G and 3rd letter L and 4th letter I and 7th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are: goliard
There are many names for this one, depending on the time and place. They include bard; troubadour; the feminine form of troubadour, which is trobairitz; the Norman form, Trouvère; minstrel; jongleur; goliard; scop; and minnesinger, though this was specifically the singer of love songs. There are doubtless a number of other terms, some of which I should remember but don't just now. There was also a glee, who sang but was not necessarily either a traveller or a poet.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern GO--A-D. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter G and 2nd letter O and 5th letter A and 7th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are: godward goliard golland gormand gowland
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 14 words with the pattern ---IAR-. That is, seven letter words with 4th letter I and 5th letter A and 6th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are: antiars biliary caviare caviars ciliary deciare goliard laniard laniary miliary ostiary poniard retiary topiary
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern GO---RD. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter G and 2nd letter O and 6th letter R and 7th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are: godward goliard
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern GOL---D. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter G and 2nd letter O and 3rd letter L and 7th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are: goliard golland gollied